

  • The Hon.Jiang Daming, Minister of Land and Resources, China国土资源部部长姜大明

  • The Hon.Wang Dongfeng, Mayor of Tianjin天津市市长王东峰

  • The Hon.Cao Weixing, Vice Minister of Land and Resources, China国土资源部副部长曹卫星

  • H.E. Ms. Jan Adams AO PSM, Ambassador of Australia Embassy to China澳大利亚驻华大使安思捷女士(Ms. Jan Adams)

  • The Hon.Mario Alfonso Cantú Suárez,Undersecretary of Mining of Mexico, Secretariat of Economy, Mexico墨西哥经济部墨西哥矿业副部长马里奥•阿方索•坎图•苏亚雷斯

  • H.E. Jose Luis Bernal,Ambassador of Mexico toChina墨西哥驻华大使何塞•路易斯•伯纳尔

  • Peng Qiming,President, China Mining Association中国矿业联合会会长彭齐鸣

  • Alphet Phaskani Dokowe,Chief Geologist,Geological Survey Department,Zambia赞比亚地质调查局总工程师阿尔法特·杜可为

  • Bakia Mbianyor,Senior Compliance Officer, African Development Bank Group非洲开发银行高级合规长巴克亚•姆比安约

  • Shi Jiyang,CEO, China-Africa Development Fund中非发展基金总裁石纪杨

  • Shi Yulong,Director,Institute of Spatial Planning & Regional Economy,The Academy of Macroeconomic Research of China中国宏观经济研究院国土开发与地区经济研究所所长史育龙

  • Michael Stanley,Global Lead,Extractives Sector, Energy and Extractives Global Practice,the World Bank世界银行全球能源与采掘业发展实践局采掘部全球牵头人迈克尔·斯坦利

  • Ge Honglin,Chairman,Aluminum Corporation of China中国铝业公司党组书记、董事长葛红林

  • David Carbonaro,CEO to Gravitas Ilium Corporation and Gravitas Mining Corp & Councel to Dentons Canada加拿大庄严金融集团兼GIC集团首席执行官大卫·卡波纳罗

  • Wang Jionghui,Assistant President, China Minmetals Corporation中国五矿集团公司总经理助理王炯辉

  • Song Xin, Chairmanof the Board, China National Gold Group Corporation中国黄金集团公司董事长、党委书记宋鑫

  • Chen Jinghe, Chairman, Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd.紫金矿业集团股份有限公司董事长陈景河

  • Li Tong,CEO,BOC International Holdings Limited中银国际控股有限公司首席执行官兼执行总裁李彤

  • Li Guohong, General Manager of Shandong Gold Group Co., Ltd. & Chairman of Shandong Gold Mining Co., Ltd.山东黄金集团有限公司总经理、山东黄金矿业股份有限公司董事长李国红

  • Zhang Youxi, Chairman, Datong Coal Mine Group Co., Ltd.大同煤矿集团公司董事长、党委书记张有喜

  • Wang Dongsheng,General Manager,Chinalco Mineral Resources Corporation中国铝业矿产资源有限公司总经理王东生

  • Li Shousheng,Board Director & General Manager,Shandong Zhaojin Group Co., Ltd.山东招金集团有限公司董事、党委副书记、总经理李守生

  • Mingfai Wong,Board Director of Standard Advisory Asia Limited/Head of Mining and Metals, Asia标银投资咨询亚洲有限公司董事会董事、亚洲区矿业与金属负责人王明辉

  • Yao HuajunDirector -General,Dept of Mineral Development & Management, MLR, PRC国土资源部矿产开发管理司司长姚华军

  • Bo Zhiping,Deputy Director -General,Dept of Mineral Development & Management,MLR,PRC国土资源部矿产开发管理司副司长薄志平

  • Ms. Gao Ping, Deputy Director -General, Dept of Int'l Cooperation & Science and Technology, MLR国土资源部科技与国际合作司副司长高平女士

  • Yang Shangbing, Deputy Director -General,Dept of Geological Exploration, MLR, PRC国土资源部地质勘查司副司长杨尚冰

  • Li Jinfa,Deputy Director –General, China Geological Survey中国地质调查局副局长李金发

  • Wei Tiejun,Deputy Director -General, Information Center,MLR国土资源部信息中心副主任魏铁军

  • Magnus Ericsson,Professor,Luleå University of TechnologySweden瑞典吕勒奥理工大学教授孟瑞松

  • Liu Yikang,Senior Advisor,China Mining Association中国矿业联合会高级资政刘益康

  • Yan Weidong,Division Chief,Information Center,MLR国土资源部信息中心处长闫卫东

  • Chris Hinde,Director,Metals & Mining Reports Team, S&P Global Market Intelligence(SNL Metals& Mining)标普全球市场财智(SNL金属与矿产)金属与矿产研报团队主管克里斯•海因德

  • Richard Schodde, Managing Director, MinEx Consulting Pty LtdMinEX咨询有限公司总经理理查德•斯科德

  • Mark Walter Jessell,Professor, School ofEarth and Environment, University of Western Australia,Australia澳大利亚西澳大学地球与环境学院教授马克•沃尔特•杰西尔

  • Lian Changyun,Director of Mining Development, CGCOS Group,中地海外集团有限公司矿业开发总监连长云

  • Jin Ruoshi,Director,Tianjin Center of China Geological Survey中国地质调查局天津地质调查中心主任金若时

  • Jacques Erasmus, Partner & Global Head of Mining,KPMG Inc.毕马威会计事务所合伙人、全球矿业主管雅克•伊拉斯谟

  • Ms. Maya Chen,Vice General Manager for Investment And Business Development, Pengxin International Mining Co., Ltd.鹏欣环球资源股份有限公司投资发展部副总经理陈玉梅女士

  • Qian Xuekai, Senior Partner of Beijing Dentons Law Offices, LLP, China大成律师事务所北京办公室高级合伙人钱学凯

  • Vincent Lacombe,Partner Attorney,Dentons Paris大成律师事务所巴黎办公室合伙人文森特•拉康贝

  • Ju Jianhua,Director-General,Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves, MLR, PRC国土资源部矿产资源储量司司长鞠建华

  • Zhang Xinan,President, Chinese Academy of Land and Resource Economics中国国土资源经济研究院院长张新安

  • Chen Xianda,Vice President,Chinese Academy of Land and Resource Economics中国国土资源经济研究院副院长陈先达

  • Gu Desheng,Academician,Central South University中南大学院士古德生

  • Pan Zhe,Vice Manager,Metrology and Testing Branch ofShandong EnergyXinwen GroupCo., Ltd.山东能源新汶矿业集团有限责任公司计量检测分公司副经理潘哲

  • Ms. Su Yanru,Division Chief,Dept of Technology and Informationiza-tion of China Uranium Co., Ltd.中国铀业有限公司科技与信息化部处长苏艳茹女士

  • Su Xuebin,Chief Engineer ,China National Uranium Co., Ltd.中国铀业有限公司总工程师苏学斌

  • Qin Mingkuan,Chief Engineer,Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology核工业北京地质研究院总工程师秦明宽

  • Que Weimin, Chief Engineer, Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Engineering and Metallurgy,CNNC核工业北京化工冶金研究院总工程师阙为民

  • Xing Yongguo,General Manager,Inner Mongolia Mining Co., Ltd.CNNC中核内蒙古矿业有限公司总经理邢拥国

  • Peng Yunbiao,Chief Engineer,No.208 Geological Party, CNNC核工业二〇八大队总工程师彭云彪

  • Gary Delaney,Ph.D., Chief Geologist,Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Saskatchewan Ministry of the EconomyCanada加拿大萨斯喀彻温省政府经济部地质调查局首席地质师加里•丹尼

  • Yang Shengxiong, Chief Engineer, Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey, CGS中国地调局广州海洋地质调查局总工程师杨胜雄

  • Wu Nengyou, Director-General& Professor,Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology,CGS中国地质调查局青岛海洋地质研究所所长、研究员吴能友

  • Lv Fuliang, Section Chief, PetroChina Hangzhou Research Institute of Geology中国石油杭州地质研究院处长吕福亮

  • Qi Yabin,Director,National Research Center for Geo-analysis of China国家地质实验测试中心主任齐亚彬

  • GUO Dongfa,Deputy Chief Engineer,Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology核工业北京地质研究院副总工程师郭冬发

  • Xiong Caihua,Director,Hubei Geological Research Laboratory湖北省地质实验测试中心主任熊采华

  • Qu Wenjun,Dept Chief of Science and Technology, National Research Center for Geo-Analysis国家地质实验测试中心科学技术处处长屈文俊

  • Du Gu, Laboratory Director, Chengdu Center of Geological Survey,CGS中国地质调查局成都地质调查中心实验测试室主任杜谷

  • Ms. Rao Zhu,Director of Organic Analytical Laboratory, National Research Center for Geo-analysis国家地质实验测试中心有机分析研究室主任饶竹女士

  • Carlos Parada Meyer,Executive Director of EXPOMIN & Commercial Manager of FISA S.A., Chile智利EXPOMIN展会执行董事、智利菲萨国际会展公司商业经理卡洛斯•帕拉达•梅耶

  • Zhou Weidong,Vice President,China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Machinery Sub-Council (CCPIT MSC)中国国际贸易促进委员会机械行业分会副会长周卫东

  • Zhang Da, Deputy Director,Mine Engineering Research Institute,Beijing General Research Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (BGRIMM)北京矿冶研究总院矿山工程研究所副所长张达

  • Han Long,Vice President,BeijingGeneral Research Institute of Mining & Metallurgy (BGRIMM)北京矿冶研究总院副院长韩龙

  • Wu Weiguo,Vice Director,Mineral Engineering Research & Design Institute,BeijingGeneral Research Institute of Mining & Metallurgy (BGRIMM)北京矿冶研究总院矿物工程研究设计所副所长吴卫国

  • Wang Bo,Deputy Director of Engineer Department, China Railway 19th Bureau Group Mining Investment Co., Ltd.中铁十九局集团矿业投资有限公司工程管理部副部长王博

  • Shang Hongliang,Vice Director of Magnetic Separation Depart, BGRIMM Machinery and Electrics Technology Co., Ltd.北矿机电科技有限责任公司磁选事业部副主任尚红亮

  • Ms. Shen Louyan,Assistant General -Manager of China Nerin Engineering Co., Ltd. & Manager of Mining Industry Depart ofChina Nerin Engineering Co., Ltd.中国瑞林工程技术有限公司总经理助理兼矿山事业部经理沈楼燕女士

  • Hu Genhua,Senior Engineer & Vice Manager of Mining Division,ChinaNerin Engineering Co., Ltd.中国瑞林工程技术有限公司矿山事业部副经理、教授级高工胡根华

  • Luo Zhenjiang,Deputy Chief Engineer,Mining Division of ChinaNerin Engineering Co., Ltd.中国瑞林工程技术有限公司矿山事业部副总工程师骆贞江

  • Men Jianbing,Director of Mining Office of ChinaNerin Engineering Co., Ltd.中国瑞林工程技术有限公司采矿室主任门建兵

  • Yang Biao,Director of Mining Division & International Business Dept., CINF Engineering Co., Ltd.长沙有色冶金设计研究院有限公司矿山事业部部长、国际业务部部长杨彪

  • Ms. Li Qingping,Vice President & Chief Engineer of Deep Water Engineering, CNOOC Research Institute中海油研究总院技术研究部深水工程重点实验室副主任、首席工程师李清平女士

  • The Hon.Mario Osvaldo Capello,Undersecretary of Mining Development, Ministry of Energy and Mining, Argentina阿根廷能源与矿业部矿业发展副国务秘书 马里奥•奥斯瓦尔多•卡佩罗

  • The Hon.Ling YuemingVice Minister of Land and Resources, China国土资源部副部长凌月明

  • Ms. Marian Campbell Jarvis,Assistant Deputy Minister for the Minerals and Metals Sector, Dept of Natural Resources, Canada加拿大自然资源部助理副部长(矿物与金属分部)玛丽安•坎贝尔•贾维斯女士

  • The Hon.Mario Alfonso Cantú Suárez,Undersecretary of Mining of Mexico, Secretariat of Economy, Mexico墨西哥经济部墨西哥矿业副部长马里奥•阿方索•坎图•苏亚雷斯

  • The Hon. Hashim Ali Mohamed Salim,Minister, Ministry of Minerals, Sudan苏丹矿业部长哈西姆•阿里•穆罕默德•萨利姆

  • H.E.Juan Carlos Capunay,Ambassadorof Peru to China秘鲁驻华大使胡安•卡洛斯•卡普纳伊

  • Wang Yan, Deputy Director –General, China Geological Survey中国地质调查局副局长王研

  • Raúl Cruz Ríos,Director –General,Mexican Geological Survey墨西哥地质调查局局长劳尔•克鲁斯•里奥斯

  • Julio Argentino Rios Gomez,President, ServicioGeológico MineroArgentin(Segemar), Argenmtina阿根廷地质矿产调查局局长胡里奥•里奥斯•戈麦斯

  • Oscar Hubert Bernuy Verand,President, Geological Minerals and Metallurgical Research Institute,Peru秘鲁地质矿产与冶金研究院院长奥斯卡•博穆伊•维拉德 秘鲁地质矿产与冶金研究院院长奥斯卡•博穆伊•维拉德

  • The Hon. Abubakar Bawa Bwari, Minister of State for Mines and Steel Development, Nigeria尼日利亚矿业与钢铁发展部国务部长阿布巴卡•巴瓦•布瓦里

  • The Hon. Ricardo Labó Fossa,Vice Minister of Mines,Ministry of Energy and Mines,Peru秘鲁能源与矿业部矿业副部长里卡多•拉博•福萨

  • The Hon.Peter Teko Lokeris,Minister of State for Energy and Mineral Dept(Minerals),Uganda乌干达能源与矿业发展部国务部长彼得•泰科•洛克里斯

  • The Hon. Lamine Alexis Dembele,Secretary -General, Mining Ministry,Mali马里矿业部秘书长拉明•亚历克西•登贝勒

  • The Hon. Sekou Aboubacar Hassoumi,Vice Minister of Mineral and Industrial Development, Niger尼日尔矿产和工业发展部副部长赛克•阿布巴卡•哈萨米

  • Scott Bailie Foster,Director of Sustainable Energy Division,United Nations Economic Commission for Europe(UNECE)联合国欧洲经济委员会可持续能源部主任斯科特•贝利•福斯特

  • Michael Stanley,Global Lead,Extractives Sector, Energy and Extractives Global Practice,the World Bank世界银行全球能源与采掘业发展实践局采掘部全球牵头人迈克尔·斯坦利

  • Mohamed Abufatima Abdalla Mohamed,Director-General of the Geological Research Authority of the Sudan (GRAS)苏丹地质调查局局长穆罕默德•阿布法蒂玛

  • Christopher Sheldon, Practice Manager, Energy and Extractives Global Practice, the World Bank世界银行全球能源和采掘业发展实践局实践操作主管克里斯托弗•谢尔登

  • H.E. BABA AHMAD JIDDA, Ambassador of Federal Republic of Nigeria in China尼日利亚联邦共和国驻华特命全权大使巴巴•艾哈迈德•吉达

  • Jiang Jianjun, Director -General, Dept of Int'l Cooperation & Science and Technology, MLR国土资源部科技与国际合作司司长姜建军

  • Xu Dachun,Director -General, Dept of Land & Resources of Shanxi Province山西省国土资源厅厅长许大纯

  • Wang Shaobo,Deputy Director-General, Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves, MLR国土资源部矿产资源储量司副司长王少波

  • Ms. Lu Hong, Inspector & Vice Director-General,Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Land & Resources and Housing Administration天津市国土资源和房屋管理局巡视员、副局长路红女士

  • Robert Williamson,Executive Advisor-China, Association of Mining & Exploration Companies(AMEC), Australia澳大利亚矿业勘探协会中国执行顾问魏路博

  • Wang Kun,Deputy Director –General, China Geology Survey (CGS)中国地质调查局副局长王昆

  • Xu Xueyi,Assistant Chief Geologist,China Geology Survey (CGS)中国地质调查局副总工程师徐学义

  • Xiao Guiyi, Director,Dept of Geological Investigation,China Geology Survey (CGS)中国地质调查局基础调查部主任肖桂义

  • Zhang Zuoheng,Director,Dept ofMineral Resources Assessment,China Geology Survey (CGS)中国地质调查局资源评价部主任张作衡

  • Hao Aibing,Director,Dept of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology,China Geology Survey (CGS)中国地质调查局水文地质环境地质部主任郝爱兵

  • Xiong Zili, Deputy Director –General, Environment Dept of Ministry of Land and Resources, PRC国土资源部地质环境司副司长熊自力

  • Ms. Luo Ming, Vice Director-General,Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Center,MLR国家土地整治中心副主任、土地整治国家重点实验室主任罗明女士

  • Liu Yuchuan,Director of Union of Mining Environment Rehabilitation & Financing;CEO of Beijing Mining City Investment (Group) Co., Ltd.中国矿山环境治理投融资联盟理事长、北矿城集团董事长刘玉川

  • Huang Yuejian,Vice Director,Guoxin Tendering Group Research Center,&Consulting Expert on PPP国信招标集团研究院副院长、PPP资深咨询专家黄跃建

  • Zhang Yan,President, Qinglan Mining Circle清蓝矿业圈董事长张焱

  • Zhang Dawei, Director, Mineral Resources and Reserves Evaluation Center,MLR国土资源部矿产资源储量评审中心主任张大伟

  • Li Jian,Deputy Division Chief,Mineral Resources Reserves Assessment Center,MLR国土资源部矿产资源储量评审中心副处长李剑

  • Wang Yongxiang, Deputy Chief Geologist, Exploration & Production Company of Petrochina Company Limited中国石油天然气股份有限公司勘探与生产公司副总地质师王永祥

  • Mark Mistry, Public Policy Manager, NICKEL INSTITUTE国际镍业协会公共政策部经理马克•米斯特里

  • Ken Hoffman, CFA, Senior Metals & Mining Expert, McKinsey & Co.麦肯锡咨询公司高级金属和矿业专家、注册金融分析师肯•霍夫曼

  • Li Xinchuang,President,China Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research Institute冶金工业规划研究院院长李新创

  • Cui Rongguo,Deputy Division Chief,Information Center of Ministry of Land and Resources国土部信息中心矿产室副主任、副研究员崔荣国

  • Simon Wu, Editor & Consultant,Beijing Representative Office,CRU International英国商品研究所北京代表处分析师武志平

  • Ms. Xu AidongSecretary General,Cobalt Branch of China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association(CNIA)中国有色金属工业协会钴业分会秘书长徐爱东

  • Ms. Cheng Manjiang,Chief Economist of Bank of China International (BOCI) &CEO of the Research Company of BOCI中银国际首席经济学家,中银国际研究公司首席执行官程漫江女士

  • Fu Xiao,Head of Commodity Markets Strategy, BOCI Global Commodities (UK) Limited中银国际环球商品市场策略主管傅晓女士

  • Steve Wang, Head of Fixed Income Research, BOC International Holdings Limited中银国际固定收益研究部主管王卫

  • Arthur Fan, Chief Executive Officer, BOCI Global Commodities (UK) Limited中银国际环球商品(英国)有限公司首席执行官范兆康

  • George Fang,Executive Director,Senior VP & Chief Engineer,Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd.紫金矿业集团公司执行董事、副总裁兼总工程师方启学

  • Ms. Han Heping,Chief Supervisor, China Mining Association中国矿业联合会监事长韩和平女士

  • Huang Jianhui,President,China Minsheng Bank Research Institute中国民生银行研究院院长黄剑辉

  • Zhang Weiwei,Renowned Political Scholar,Dean of Chinese Academy of Fudan University& Councilorof National High-End Think Tank Council中国政治学者、复旦大学中国研究院院长、国家高端智库理事会理事张维为

  • Li Tong,CEO,BOC International Holdings Limited(BOCI)中银国际控股有限公司首席执行官兼执行总裁李彤女士

  • Houston Huang, Managing Director,China Head of Global Investment Bank,J.P. Morgan摩根大通投资银行业务中国业务主管、董事总经理黄国滨

  • Ms. Maggie Huang,Deputy General Manager of Overseas Operations& Head of Corporate Development,Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd.紫金矿业集团股份有限公司国际事业部副总经理兼战略投资发展分部总经理黄晓虹女士

  • Pierre Arcand, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Government of Québec,Canada魁北克政府能源和自然资源部长皮埃尔•阿卡德

  • Jean-Yves Labbé,Director of Geology Information, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Quebec, Canada加拿大魁北克省能源与自然资源部地质信息局局长让—伊夫•拉韦

  • John Hinchey,Senior Geologist,Newfoundland and Labrador Dept of Natural Resources,Canada加拿大纽芬兰与拉布拉多省自然资源部高级地质学家约翰•海恩齐

  • Menzie McEachern, Director, Minerals and Resources, Northwest TerritoriesDept of Industry, Tourism and InvestmentCanada加拿大西北地区政府工业、旅游和投资部矿物和资源主管孟席斯•麦凯克伦

  • Donald James,Executive Director, Geoscience and Mines Branch,Nova Scotia Dept of Natural Resources,Canada新斯科舍省自然资源部地球科学与矿业分部执行主任唐纳德•詹姆斯

  • Gary Delaney, Ph.D., Chief Geologist, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Saskatchewan Ministry of the EconomyCanada加拿大萨斯喀彻温省政府经济部地质调查局首席地质师加里•丹尼

  • Keith Spence,Chairman, PDAC Int’l Affairs & PDAC Board Member; President of Global Mining Capital加拿大勘探开发者协会董事兼国际委员会主席、全球矿业资本公司总裁石凯

  • Robert Kwauk,ChiefRepresentativeof BeijingOffice,Blake, Cassels& Graydon LLPCanada加拿大布雷克律师事务所北京办事处首席代表郭阳明

  • Ju Yitai,Vice Director, China Metallurgical GeologyBureau中国冶金地质总局副局长琚宜太

  • Fu Shuixing,Vice President,Beijing Institute of Geology for Mineral Resources北京矿产地质研究院副院长付水兴

  • Cheng Hengbin,Deputy Inspector,Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Land & Resources and Housing Administration天津市国土资源和房屋管理局副巡视员陈恒斌

  • Ian Macintosh,Counsellor Commercial,Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) & Australian Embassy Commercial Section澳大利亚贸易投资委员会(澳贸委)、澳大利亚驻华大使馆商务参赞马炎

  • William Lin, Investment Director, Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade), Australian Embassy Commercial Section澳大利亚贸易投资委员会(澳贸委)、澳大利亚驻华大使馆高级投资总监林怀李

  • Anthony Budd,Section Leader,Resources Advice & Assessment and Minerals Promotion, Resources Division, Geoscience Australia澳大利亚地球科学局资源部评估和矿产促进、资源咨询部门负责人安东尼•巴德

  • Scott Wilson,Counsellor,Dept of Industry, Innovation and Science (DIIS) at the Australian Embassy in Beijing, China澳大利亚驻华使馆产业、革新和科技部顾问斯科特•威尔森

  • Anthony Yarrow,Manager,Resources & Energy Investment at NSW Department of Industry, New South Wales澳大利亚新南威尔士工业部资源与能源投资部经理安东尼•耶柔

  • Ian Scrimgeour, Director, Northern Territory Geological Survey, Dept of Mines and Energy, Northern Territory Government,Australia澳大利亚北部地区矿产能源部地质调查处处长伊恩•斯克林杰

  • Tony Knight,Chief Government Geologist,Queensland Government, Australia澳大利亚昆士兰州政府首席地质学家托尼•奈特

  • Steve Hill,Director / Chief Government Geologist, Geological Survey of South Australia, Australia澳大利亚南澳州地质调查局局长、政府首席地质师史蒂夫•希尔

  • Andrew McNeill, Manager Geosceinces, Mineral Resources Tasmania, Australia澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚州矿产资源局地质科学部经理安德鲁•麦克尼尔

  • Rick Rogerson, Executive Director, Geological Survey of Western Australia,Australia澳大利亚西澳大利亚州地质调查局局长瑞克•罗杰森

  • Zhang Yongtao,Vice President & Secretary -General, China Gold Association中国黄金协会副会长兼秘书长张永涛

  • Zhang Nailin,Director of Investment Committee, China NationalGold Group Corp.中国黄金集团公司投资委员会主任张耐林

  • Wang Lijun, Member ofthe CP Committee& Director, ShandongGold Group Co., Ltd.山东黄金集团有限公司党委常委、董事王立君

  • Li Shunchen,President,Zhaojin Mining Industry Co,. Ltd.招金矿业股份有限公司总裁李秀臣

  • Li Liang,Director,Dept of Science & Technology, China Gold Association中国黄金协会科技部主任李亮

  • Zheng Ye,Vice President,Changchun Gold Research Institute长春黄金研究院副院长郑晔

  • Zhang Yonggui,Director,Institute of Beneficiation & Metallurgical, Changchun Gold Design Institute长春黄金设计院选冶所所长张永贵

  • Samson Li,Senior Metals Analyst,Thomson Reuters (GFMS)汤森路透GFMS贵金属高級分析師李岡峰

  • John Johnson,CEO,CRU China& Chief Representative,CRU Beijing英国商品研究所(CRU)中国首席执行官兼CRU北京代表处首席代表约翰•约翰逊

  • Jon Stephen Edwards,Head ofLSEG China RepresentativeOffice,London Stock Exchange Group(LSEG)伦敦证券交易所集团中国代表处负责人乔恩•斯蒂芬•艾德华

  • Michael Melanson,Partner,Bennett Jones LLP,Canada加拿大贝内特琼斯律师事务所(Bennett Jones LLP)合伙人迈克•梅兰森

  • Ms. Liu Yuping(Tina),Senior Associate,Bennett Jones LLP,Canada加拿大贝内特琼斯律师事务所高级律师刘豫平女士

  • Wang Caigen,Managing Director,TiettoMinerals Pty Ltd.铁拓矿业股份有限公司董事总经理王彩根

  • Matthew Pedley,Director,Mining M&A, KPMG Corporate Finance Australia毕马威企业融资(澳大利亚)矿业并购董事马修•佩德利

  • Ms.Huang Dongmei,Deputy Manager -General,Minmetals Exploration and Development Co., Ltd.五矿勘查开发有限公司副总经理黄冬梅女士

  • Cao Yuanzheng,Formerly Chief Economist of Bank of China& Chairmanof BOCI Research Company中国银行前首席经济学家, 中银国际研究公司董事长曹远征

  • Xu Chunhong, Director of Operations,Sinotech Blue-Sky Mineral(Beijing) Co., Ltd.中色地科蓝天矿产(北京)有限公司运营总监徐春宏

  • Michael S. Carl,Legal Advisor,SSEK Consulting Co., Ltd.Indonesia印度尼西亚SSEK咨询公司法律顾问迈克尔•卡尔



  • Tang Changzhong,President,Beijing SD Science &Technology Development Co., Ltd.北京恩地科技发展有限责任公司总裁唐长钟

  • Zhang Qiyuan,Chairman& General -Manager, Dulan Jinhui Mining Co., Ltd.都兰金辉矿业有限公司董事长张启元

  • Ms. Jin Wei,Assistant General Manager,Beijing Huaxia JianlongMining Technology Co., Ltd.北京华夏建龙矿业科技有限公司总经理助理金伟女士

  • Tony Guo,Chairman, ,C2 Mining International Corporation, Canada加拿大斯图矿业国际公司董事长郭英廷

  • Zhang Zhenfu,Chief Geologist,Northwest Bureau of China Metallurgical Geology Bureau中国冶金地质总局西北局总地质师张振福

  • Song Mingchun,Division Chiefof Geoloical Exploration,Shyandong Provincial Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources山东省地质矿产勘查开发局地质勘查处处长宋明春

  • Shang Fushan,Vice President,China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association中国有色金属工业协会副会长尚福山

  • ZhouGuozhog,Deputy Inspector,Tianjin Municipal Bureau ofLand & Resources and Housing Administration天津市国土资源和房屋管理局副巡视员周国忠

  • Wang Wenli,Vice Standing President, China Non-Metallic Industry Association (CNMIA)中国非金属矿工业协会常务副会长王文利

  • Jiang Shengcai,Secretary-General,Metallurgical Mines’ Associationof China中国冶金矿山企业协会秘书长姜圣才

  • Yan Guangsheng,Chief Engineer, China Geological Survey中国地质调查局总工程师严光生

  • Liang Jinqiang,Deputy Division Director, Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey, CGS中国地质调查局广州海洋地质调查局副所长梁金强

  • Lin Li,President,Tianjin Geothermal Exploration and Development-Designing Institute天津地热勘查开发设计院院长林黎

  • Zhang Junfeng,Deputy Director,Oil & Gas Survey,CGS中国地质调查局油气资源调查中心副主任张君峰

  • Wang Guiling,Vice Chief Engineer, Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology of Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences中国地质科学院水文地质环境地质研究所副总工程师王贵玲

  • Hu Da, President, Jiangxi Huadian Electric Power Co., Ltd.江西华电电力有限责任公司董事长胡达

  • Peng Qiming,President, China Mining Association中国矿业联合会会长彭齐鸣

  • Ms. Wei Lihua,Director-General,Regulations Dept,MLR国土资源部政策法规司司长魏莉华女士

  • Ms.Grace Fan-Delatour, Partner,K&L Gates LLP Beijing representative office美国高盖茨律师事务所北京代表处全球油气和自然资源运筹执行合伙人范多凌女士

  • Ms. Lian Yok Tan,Partner,K&L Gates LLP Singapore Office美国高盖茨律师事务所新加坡办公室合伙人陈莲玉女士



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