
China Mining Conference and Exhibition 2020

Opening Ceremony

chinamining 2020Opening Ceremony of China Mining Conference and Exhibition 2020

chinamining 2019The Hon. Liao Guoxun, Mayor of Tianjin Municipal People’s Government

chinamining 2019The Hon. Ling Yueming, Vice Minister, Ministry of Natural Resources China

chinamining 2019H.E. Luis Quesada, Ambassador of Peru to China

chinamining 2019Governments officials jointly launched the opening of China Mining Conference and Exhibition 2020

chinamining 2019Chair: Peng Qiming, Chairman of China Mining Conference and Exhibition, President of China Mining Association

chinamining 2019On-site scene of the opening ceremony on CHINA MINING 2020

Keynote Session

chinamining 2020Keynote Session on the theme of Responsibility, innovation, Governance

chinamining 2020He Wenbo, Executive Chairman,China Iron and Steel Association (CISA)

chinamining 2020Feng Guiquan, Deputy General Manager, Aluminum Corporation of China (CHINALCO)

chinamining 2020Lin Jingzhen, Executive Director & Vice President of Bank of China, Chairman of BOC International Holding Co., Ltd (BOCI)

chinamining 2020Song Lei, Chairman, China-Africa Development Fund (CADFund)

chinamining 2020Xu Feng, Chief Representative, BMO Nesbitt Burns China

chinamining 2020Tom Attenborough, Head of Int’l Business Development, Primary Markets at London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) (Video Presentation)

chinamining 2020Chair: The Hon. Zhong Ziran, Director-General, China Geological Survey

chinamining 2020On-site scene of the keynote session on CHINA MINING 2020

chinamining 2020On-site scene of the keynote session on CHINA MINING 2020


Capital Market

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chinamining 2020Cao Yuanzheng,
Former Chief Economist of Bank of China, Member of Chinese Economists 50 Forum, Chairman of BOCI Research Limited

chinamining 2020Ba Shusong,
Managing Director & Chief China Economist of HKEX, Chief Economist of the China Banking Association (CBA

chinamining 2020Christopher Fix,
Managing Director and Head of Asia Pacific at CME Group (Video Presentation)

chinamining 2020Steele (Chaochun) Li,
Managing Director, China Molybdenum Co., Ltd(CMOC)

chinamining 2020Fu Zuoqiu,
Executive Director & Head of M&A Team, BOCI (Video Presentation)

chinamining 2020Weng Yuying,
Managing Director & Head of Energy and Mining, BOCI

chinamining 2020Wei Jiaming,
Deputy General Manager, China ENFI Engineering Co., Ltd.

chinamining 2020Paul Schroder,
Senior Partner, King & Wood Mallesons Australia (Video Presentation)

chinamining 2020Ms. Xiao Fu,
Head of Commodity Markets Strategy at BOCI (Video Presentation)

chinamining 2020Nick Harridge,
Transaction Services Partner, KPMG Australia (Video Presentation)

chinamining 2020Chair: Wang Zhe,
Head of Energy and Natural Resources, BOCI Global Customer Center

Mining Investment Environment

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chinamining 2020Vincent (Xuekai) Qian,
Senior Partner, Beijing Dentons Law Offices LLP

chinamining 2020Xie Weimin,
Assistant President & Business Director, Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration

chinamining 2020You Yong,
Vice Chairman of IIC China Competition Commission, Arbitrator of BAC/BIAC, CIETAC and SAC, Former GM of Law Dept of China Minmetals Corp.

chinamining 2020Ms. Lisa (Yao) Li,
Partner, KPMG Corporate Consulting (China) Co., Ltd.

chinamining 2020Liu Xianzhang,
Founding Partner, Peking Eastbright Law Firm

chinamining 2020Done Xin,
Executive Director & CEO, Zhaojin Mining Industry Co., Ltd.

chinamining 2020Chair: Peng Qiming,
Chairman of China Mining Conference and Exhibition, President of China Mining Association

Corporate Social Responsibility

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chinamining 2020Wang Wenhai,
Director of Corporate Culture Dept, China Minmetals Corporation

chinamining 2020Xiu Guolin,
Safety Director, Shandong Gold Group Co., Ltd.

chinamining 2020Xie Xionghui,
Executive Direcor & Vice Presient, Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd.

chinamining 2020William Fu,
Country President & Chief Representative, Anglo American China, President of Anglo American Resources Trading (China) Co., Ltd.

tpxw shzr 043Tom Butler,
CEO, International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) (Video Presentation)

tpxw shzr 043 1Chair: Peng Qiming,
Chairman of China Mining Conference and Exhibition, President of China Mining Association

Market and Situation

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chinamining 2020Justin Pettit,
Vice President, Upstream Consulting Leads the IHS Markit Upstream Consulting Practice in Asia (Video Presentation)

chinamining 2020Matthew Piggott,
Head of Metals & Mining Research, S&P Global Market Intelligence (Video Presentation)

chinamining 2020Magnus Ericsson,
Professor, Luleå University of Technology Sweden,Former CEO & Co-Founder, Raw Materials Group (RMG) (Video Presentation)

chinamining 2020Yan Weidong,
Director of Mineral Office, Information Center, Ministry of Natural Resources China

chinamining 2020Du Gaoxiang,
Associate Professor of School of Materials Science and Engineering, China University of Geosciences (Beijing)

chinamining 2020Anton Löf,
Founder & Director, RMG Consulting, Sweden (Video Presentation)

chinamining 2020Xu Shuguang,
Researcher, Information Center, Ministry of Natural Resources China

chinamining 2020Chair: Cao Xinyuan,
Deputy Director, Information Center,Ministry of Natural Resources China

Intelligent Mines

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chinamining 2020Alastair Mathias,
Head of Automation Centre of Excellence at Rio Tinto Australia (Video Presentation)

chinamining 2020Wang Jionghui,
Deputy General Manager of China Minmetals Co., Ltd., & Chairman of Minmetals Exploration and Development Co., Ltd.

chinamining 2020Zhan Kai,
Deputy General Manager, BGRIMM Technology Group Co., Ltd.

chinamining 2020Feng Rui,
Chairman & CEO, Silvercorp Metals Inc.

chinamining 2020Li Jitao,
Assistant General Manager,China Molybdenum Co., Ltd (CMOC)

chinamining 2020Chair: Ma Shunqing,
Deputy General Manager, BGRIMM Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Innovation and Development

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chinamining 2020He ManChao,
Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Director of State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering

chinamining 2020Xu Langlang,
Lead Partner of KPMG Lighthouse China and Head of KPMG China D&A Team

chinamining 2020Liao Jiangnan,
Executive Director, CINF Engineering Corporation Limited

chinamining 2020Jan Cilliers,
Professor of Mineral Processing at the Royal School of Mines at Imperial College London, Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (Video Presentation)

chinamining 2020Nick Whitfeld,
Partner, Data and Analytics at KPMG UK (Video Presentation)

chinamining 2020Chair: Peng Qiming,
Chairman of China Mining Conference and Exhibition, President of China Mining Association

Online Promotion、Online Exhibition

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Online Country Promotion on Mining Projects

chinamining 2020The Hon. Alberto Valentin Hensel, Secretary of Mining within the Ministry of Productive Development Argentina, addressed for the mining in Argentina

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Online Mining Projects Promotion

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Guests Interviews

chinamining 2020H.E. Luis Schmidt Montes, Chilean Ambassador to China: CHINA MINING plays a role as a link.

chinamining 2020H.E. Luis Quesada, Ambassador of Peru to China: Hope to attract more investors to Peru.

chinamining 2020H.E. Saramady Toure, Ambassador of Guinea to China: I hope there will be more opportunities to come to Tianjin in the future.

chinamining 2020H.E. Jean-Louis Robinson, Ambassador of Madagascar to China:Tianjin is a rapidly developing city. I hope that Madagascar make more cooperation with Tianjin.

chinamining 2020H.E. Sabino Vaca Narvaja, First-Class Minister of the Argentine Embassy in China: Under the pandemic, thank Chinese companies for their cooperation with Argentina.

chinamining 2020H.E. Yusuf Timol, Minister (Economic Counselor) of South Africa Embassy in China: CHINA MINING is a model of cooperation and exchange.