China's special steel enterprises have successfully developed an array of high-tech and high value-added products to break the monopoly of established rivals, including those in France, the United States and Japan.

China's steel industry shines again on capacity cuts in 2017 and better quality

China's steel industry notched up a creditable achievement last year.

China's first steel fund to be jointly launched by private and State-owned enterprises was set up in North China's Shanxi Province on Tuesday, domestic news site reported.

The government has released new policy to ensure zero growth of production capacity in steel, cement and plate glass industries and to continue capacity replacement measures this year, Economic Information Daily reports, citing the announcement of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) on Monday.

China has approved listing natural gas hydrate, or combustible ice, as the country's 173rd mineral variety, a move that will speed up the exploitation of the clean energy source, an official said Thursday.

"China has succeeded in mineral prospecting and trial mining, both underwater and in the ground," Ju Jianhua, head of the mineral reserves department of the Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR), said Thursday at a press conference.

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China's first shale gas well: the Wei 201 (2009).

The Changning-Weiyuan national shale gas demonstration zone developed by PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gas Field Company generated more than 2.4 billion cubic meters of shale gas in 2017, the company said Wednesday.

By 2017, the state-level demonstration zone had 163 shale gas wells in production, generating 8 million cubic meters of shale gas each day. Its output accounted for 98.9 percent of the company's total production of 3 billion cubic meters in Sichuan in 2017.

The shale gas-rich Sichuan Basin in southwest China produced about one-third of the country's total shale gas in 2017. The new industry also helped the region to improve its energy structure and shift away from traditional energy sources such as coal.

It is estimated that 3 billion cubic meters of shale gas is equivalent to burning 6 million tonnes of coal, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 4.2 million tonnes.

China has made breakthroughs in shale gas exploration both in capacity and drilling techniques, making it one of the top shale gas suppliers in the world.

By 2020, proven reserves of shale gas will surpass 1.5 trillion cubic meters, according to plans released by authorities in 2017.

Source:        Citation: Xinhua


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