Jiang Daming Respectively Meets with Five Countries (Regions) Mining Ministers

Source: www.mlr.gov.cn  Citation:www.mlr.gov.cn  Date:Nov.03, 2013

Jiang Daming, minister of Ministry of land and Resources, respectively met with Ian Macfarlane, MP, Minister Ministry of Industry, Australia; Milan Bacevic, Minister of Natural Resources, Mining and Spatial Planning, Serbia; The Hon. Jorge Merino Tafur, Minister, Ministry of Energy & Mines, Peru; Jens-Erik Kierkegaard, Minister, Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources, Danish Overseas Territory of Greenland Autonomous Government; Kamal Abdel Latif, Minister of Minerals of the Sudan from Nov. 2nd ~ 3rd, 2013 in Tianjin. The host and the guest had an in-depth communication on establishing a stable and long-term cooperation, promoting the realization of mutual benefit from complementary advantages exchanges. Xu Deming, Vice Minister of Land and Resources, director of the State Bureau of Surveying and mapping geographic information, attended the meeting.

Jiang Daming expressed the welcome to the mining minister from the five countries(regions) for attending CHINA MINING 2013. Jiang Daming said, the Ministry of land and resources of China had a good communication and cooperation with the five countries (regions). China would deepen the opening up policy, and was willing to further deepen exchanges and cooperation on the existing basis. The first thing was to maintain the high- level exchanges , make the signed agreements be in enforcement in the relevant framework, and the unsigned to be duly signed properly; The second thing was to strengthen information sharing, simplify examination and approval procedures, promote the cooperation of mining enterprises for establishing more fair mining investment environment for the market; The third thing was to strengthen the mining technological exchanges and cooperation, strengthen coordination and cooperation in the field of geological survey; The fourth thing was to strengthen personnel exchanges, training etc.

Every mining minister of the five countries (regions) expressed his pleasure to attend the CHINA MINING 2013, and said it had become an important platform for the international mining industry to strengthen cooperation and exchanges, and meanwhile hoping to spread the welcome information of mining industry investment through the conference. They also said that the local government (area) was very concerned about the investment cooperation between the enterprises of the two sides, and would support more foreign investment enterprises including China. They hoped that the two mining departments would continue to deepen pragmatic cooperation, expand exchanges and cooperation in the field of the geological survey, exploration and development of mineral resources, and infrastructure construction.

During the meeting, Jiang Daming and Milan Bacevic, representing their mining departments, signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation, and witnessed the China geological survey and Sudan signed the project agreement.

Some directors of the relevant departments of the Ministry of Land and Resources and its subordinate units, some heads of mining enterprises, and responsible persons from provincial bureau of geology and mineral resources attended the meeting. (Liu Zhenguo, Wu Gang)  (translated by TLRHVC)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2013 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on November 2-5, 2013. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 15th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us. For more information about CHINA MINING 2013, please visit: www.chinaminingtj.org.

Jiang Daming Meets with the Minister of Ministry of Mines and Mining Development of Zimbabwe

Source:www.mlr.gov.cn  Citation:www.mlr.gov.cn  Date:Nov.03, 2013

Minister Jiang Daming met with Walter K.Chidhakwa, Minister, Ministry of Mines and Mining Development, Zimbabwe on Nov.04, 2013, and the two sides had a friendly conversation. (translated by TLRHVC)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2013 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on November 2-5, 2013. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 15th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us. For more information about CHINA MINING 2013, please visit: www.chinaminingtj.org.

Jiang Daming Meets with the Minister Ministry of Industry of Australia

Source: www.mlr.gov.cn  Citation:www.mlr.gov.cn  Date:Nov.03, 2013

(Photo by Tao Wei Xu Xiaojing)

Minister Jiang Daming met with Ian Macfarlane, MP, Minister Ministry of Industry, Australia in Nov, and the two sides had a friendly conversation. (translated by TLRHVC)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2013 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on November 2-5, 2013. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 15th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us. For more information about CHINA MINING 2013, please visit: www.chinaminingtj.org.

Chinese investments with Canadian mining examined

Source: chinadailyusa.com Citation: chinadailyusa.com Date: Mar.08, 2014

                                          The exhibition booth of the Ministry of Land and Resources of China at the PDAC 2014 in Toronto.
                                          LI NA / CHINA DAILY

The growth of investment from China in Canadian industry may not be as strong as in the past few years, but Chinese investment in Canada’s mining sector should pick up momentum in the long run, according to Yu Benlin, minister-counselor for economic and commercial affairs at the Chinese Embassy in Canada.

Yu made the comments at the China Mining Investment Symposium 2014 hosted by the Canada China Chamber of Commerce on March 3 in Toronto. The forum was held during the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) convention in Toronto, where advisors from government, investors from the mining sector and experts and senior lawyers gathered to exchange views on the challenges and opportunities in the global mining industry, particularly in Canada.

                                                                                                                                          LI NA / CHINA DAILY
                                                                       Yu Benlin, minister-counselor for Economic Commercial Affairs
                                                                       of Chinese Embassy in Canada, speaks at the China Mining
                                                                       Investment Symposium 2014 in Toronto.

“Although there are many favorable conditions for foreign investors in the mining sector in Canada, Chinese mining companies are facing various challenges and distinctive issues in the Canadian investment environment,” Yu noted.

Along with the global mining market’s drop last year, Chinese mining industries showed lackluster performance as well. Investment in China’s mining sector maintained growth but was 7.8 percentage points slower than that of the overall fixed asset investment in the first ten months of 2013. In the first half of 2013, investment in mineral exploration was o4 24 percent year-on-year. Stock prices of Chinese mineral companies overall declined.

“The relatively weak performance of mining industries and markets both globally and domestically in turn impacted the enthusiasm of Chinese enterprises to invest overseas,” Yu said.

According to the China Mining Association (CMA), Chinese mining companies invested in 103 projects overseas in the first three quarters of 2013, 8 percent fewer than the same period of 2012.

In terms of a business environment, Canada has highly developed science and technology, a robust financial system and easily accessible legal, financial and intermediary services, all of which makes potential investors feel welcome and confident.

However, Yu added, “I heard some Chinese mining companies in Canada complaining that they had invested heavily in infrastructure development,labor and meeting all sorts of standards, while their financial returns have been marginal.”

The top consideration for Chinese investors in Canada is certainly the environment for investment. But there may not always be ready infrastructure on the ground, and could possibly be labor shortages, high environmental standards and the challenge of properly managing relations with different social groups, especially the First Nations, Canada’s Aboriginal peoples.

“I advise investors to plan carefully after comprehensively studying these potential concerns and adapt your business well to local conditions,” Yu told the gathering.

“We are looking for a resolution in the critical moment of a market downturn and underestimations and will try to seize potential opportunities,” said Jin Wenhong, president of Huakan International Mining Inc, a TSX-V exchange-listed company focused on gold and silver.

According to Jin, Huakan has been focusing on high-technology cooperation with the Canadian mining industry to maintain long-term development. “The competition is fierce,” he said, “and it’s not only about the money. Actually, the really good enterprises in Canada are never at a lack for investment funding.”

“Don’t be anxious to achieve quick success and get instant benefits,” Jin said. “As a responsible investor, you need to grow together with the enterprise.”

Following Yu, John Gravelle, partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, said that Chinese investors will continue to dominate the industry’s prospects.

“Although the market has lost confidence in mining industries, I think we see some good signs to start the year off,” Gravelle said.

Balance sheets remain healthy and there are lots of opportunities in a mining industry downturn, Gravelle pointed out. “Especially the potential market in China is great,” he said. “China will continue to consume nearly 40 percent of the world’s mineral products.”

“There’s no doubt that urbanization will be an important driving force in the sustained demand for resources,” Gravelle added.

Currently, the urbanization rate in China is at 52.57 percent; the number is expected to reach 60 percent by 2020. 1 at means more than 90 million current rural Chinese residents will become urban residents, which represents a great demographic shift and opportunities.

“China’s economic structure is undergoing a positive change,” said Zhong Ziran, chief engineer of the Ministry of Land and Resources of China. “The momentum of growth in energy and mineral demands provides a good opportunity for Chinese and global mining investors.”

According to Zhong, further cooperation between the two countries in the mining sector will help China gain a long-term and stable source of supply.

(By LI NA in Toronto This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2014 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on October 20-23, 2014. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 16th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us. For more information about CHINA MINING 2014, please visit: www.chinaminingtj.org.

`China factor` continues to determine future of commodities outlook

Source: www.chinamining.org Citation: miningweekly.com Date: Mar.06, 201

Chinese demand for metals and minerals remains robust, although the pace of uptake is moving towards a plateau as the country enters a more mature economic phase, delegates at the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada were told on Sunday. "There is a very clear correlation between Chinese gross domestic product [GDP] growth and commodity prices," BCA Research chief strategist of the China Investment Strategy Yan Wang said. "When Chinese growth accelerates that`s good news for commodity prices, and when Chinese growth slows that`s bad news for commodity prices." Reviewing the past ten years, Yang highlighted the double-digit growth levels and a growing drive by Chinese companies to invest in production around the world, with the greatest investment flowing into Africa, Australia and Canada. CRU Strategies CEO Phil Newman also considered China`s GDP, noting that the country recorded 7.7% growth for 2013. He added that the slowdown from the fast pace of previous years was not a bad thing. "At CRU, we believe the slowdown is good news. It is good news for longevity and good news for sustainability," he said. In terms of uptake, Yang noted that commodities tied to energy can expect a bullish outlook when considering the `China factor`. "Energy consumption is still extremely low compared with higher-income countries. As China continues to grow, the energy demand will almost inevitably continue to rise," he said. "[And] the net increase of Chinese energy demand going forward will be entirely dependent on the external supply of energy." Meanwhile, Newman evaluated Chinese iron-ore uptake and forecast a 10% rise in foreign-sourced material, climbing from 80% to 90% by 2018. However, Chinese steelmaking output is expected to slow, he added. "When you look at the Chinese business costs curve you will see that there is a significant amount of production at and around the $100/t level. As [we slide] towards that level, we are going to see some of Chinese production disappearing [and] that will remove a pretty significant price support at $100/t," he said. "[We] hold the belief that the price of iron-ore 62% FOB benchmark price will fall below $100/t by the end of this decade," he added. Yang considered a broad basket of metals and then compared China to other nations in East Asia, noting the country still had catching up to do. "If we follow the roadmap set down by South Korea, we can see that Chinese demand for some base metals will continue to increase," he said. However, the margin for catch up was steadily shrinking as China`s economy matured. "[Examine] the per capita consumption for a lot of base metals and we can see that China is already very advanced and comparable to countries like Japan," he said. "The room for catching up is now limited. At least, I think the pace of growth will downshift going forward."


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2014 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on October 20-23, 2014. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 16th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us. For more information about CHINA MINING 2014, please visit: www.chinaminingtj.org.

Deloitte: Mining innovation is imminent

Source: www.mlr.gov.cn  Citation: www.chinamining.com.cn  Date: Feb. 27, 2014

Deloitte issued a report named 2014 Trend Tracking recently, which introduced in detail the top ten challenges and development trend mining companies the world would face. It’s reported that mining innovation is imminent and mining firms must change their core business strategies to achieve long-term growth.

The report points out innovative strategies must be taken in order to reduce risks of variation in the industry, enterprises should take more innovative strategies in the financial, security and talents management as well as the relationship among community, government, shareholders ,regulators and other stakeholders.

“High operating costs has taken the top spot of mining industry trend in the past three years. Although enterprises are improving productivity and reducing costs vigorously now, the high cost problem still is controlling the industries.” Phil Hopwood, the co-founder and director in global mining of Deloitte, said, “ Though mining companies can’t change the global trend, they can change the way they manage. Instead of waiting for volatility to cease, enterprises should make use of this opportunity, adopt necessary procedures, technology and thoughts to implement the business evolution and improve enterprise management state in long run consequently.”

“Mining firms should implant innovation gene to their business in order to promote the improvement of the performance, mining companies had better use the remote operation and the core drilling process automation technology and use remote sensing techniques to locate the deposits.” Phil Hopwood added. How to use data for business and company reports for analysis should be the core of ways enterprises think.”

In the light of China’s mining market, Jeremy South, the co-founder and director of merger-advisory unit in Deloitte global mining, said, “The instability of China’s overall demand leads to the fluctuations global in mining market in some ways. But with the constantly advancing of urbanization process in China, promotion in infrastructure spending, progress in scientific & technology and the sustainable growth of GDP will be continued, as a result, China’s demands for key strategic minerals such as copper, metallurgical coal, bauxite, potash and so on, will continue to increase. China still adheres to grasp more supplies, but at the same time, it is sparing no efforts to deal flow channels and internal problems.”

Deloitte predicted that China’s overseas mergers and acquisitions as well as mining investment would be in full swing. Jeremy South said: “ Though there is concern on China’s economic slowdown, the pace of China to promote mining investment will not stop.”

 “The buyer and the seller group is changing, China’s overseas investment is no longer confined to the state-owned enterprises. Many mining companies, trading companies and financial investors have intention to invest in overseas projects.” Liu Junlong, the co-head of Deloitte Chinese mining, said. To the Chinese investors, there are many kinds of asset classes and qualities to choose in the market: some enterprises are seeking opportunities actively while others shows a cautious attitude with the hope of a lower price. “ some private companies are in a small scale and they don’t pursue large assets for sale, the trade sponsored by them will appear constantly.” ( Zhou Zhu) (Translated by TLRHVC)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2014 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on October 20-23, 2014. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 16th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us. For more information about CHINA MINING 2014, please visit: www.chinaminingtj.org.

Measures about perfection of iron ore assurance to be unveiled

Source: www.mlr.gov.cn   Citation: www.chinamining.com.cn  Date: Feb.25, 2014

A group meeting on coordination and protection mechanism of iron ore resources was held by Raw and Semi-finished Materials Industry Department of Industry and Information Technology in Beijing a few days ago. The meeting proposed that many measures would be unveiled to ensure the iron ore protection in china. Mao Zhimin, the deputy director of Raw and Semi-finished Material Industry Department, analyzed the present market situation of iron ore. He pointed out that we had better rely on market mechanism adequately and reinforce the security work of iron ore assurance.

The meeting indicated that the year of 2013 played a pivotal role in iron and steel industry structure adjustment. Crude steel production of the whole year increase by 7.5% to 77.9 million tons. The higher demand levels posed certain difficulty for iron ore assurance. However, the member units which works for iron ore resources coordination and protection mechanism made full use of their advantages and they boosted all work actively. Various trading modes such as long-term supplies, spot goods transaction, futures exchange and so on were formed. The supply pipeline of domestic ore, equity ore, imported ore, etc. is being broadened continually. Price Indices of iron ore is being accepted by the industry gradually.

Participating members thought that production capacity of steel industry was excess seriously, the manufacture requirement would still keep increasing, iron foreign-trade dependence would continue keeping high, supply &demand was strained as before. In order to do a good job in iron ore assurance, the working group decides to put emphasis on the following seven aspects: First, keep on reinforcing resolving contradictions of steel overcapacity. Second, keep on supporting iron ore spot transaction platform to make it larger and stronger. Third, focus on expanding the influence on iron ore futures market. Fourth, study and research the feasibility of comprehensive index. Fifth, propel iron mine development plan-making work in medium and long term. Sixth, consummate iron ore import information and pre-warning mechanism. Seventh, straighten the resolve and research of related policies and measures. (Translated by TLRHVC)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2014 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on October 20-23, 2014. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 16th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us. For more information about CHINA MINING 2014, please visit: www.chinaminingtj.org.

The 3rd anniversary of ‘Mining Workers’ Day’ held in Anhui province

Source: www.mlr.gov.cn  Citation: www.chinamining.com.cn  Date: Feb.18, 2014

The day 17th February witnessed the celebration of the 64 anniversary of Chairman Mao writing inscription of ‘developing mining’ as well as the third anniversary of ‘Mining Workers’ Day’. The theme of this activity was “promoting the green and harmonious of mining and constructing ecological civilization of China----focusing on studying and innovation, trying to be a mining worker of new era”.

This activity was hosted by China Mining Association and China Minmetals Corporation, co-organized by the Department of Land and Resources of Anhui Province and Anhui Mining Association and undertaken by China Minmetals Corporation. The leaders of the Ministry of Land and Resources, China Geological Survey and China Mining Association as well as the leaders of the Department of Land and Resources of Anhui Province and other relevant industries (provincial) association (Federation) attended this activity.

The former minister of Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources, the secretary-general of the Eighth CPPCC National Committee and the honorary Chairman of China Mining Association ZHU Xun sent his congratulation letter to this activity, and also expressed his season’s greeting to nationwide mining workers who have made great contributions to the mining industry of China.

During the period of visiting Soviet Union, Chairman Mao received the embassy staff members and student delegates in the China embassy to Soviet Union in 17th February 1950, and he wrote an inscription of ‘developing mining’ for REN Xiang, a student from China. At the beginning of 2012, thirteen mining associations including China Mining Association launched a proposal that set the day which Chairman Mao wrote the inscription as the ‘Mining Workers’ Day’.

In the forum of this activity, the standing vice-president of China Mining Association, Mr. Wang Jiahua sent the season’s greeting to all the mining workers on behalf of China Mining Association. He said, 64 years ago, Chairman Mao gave his inscription to a Chinese student who studied in Soviet Union that means all the burdens and responsibilities were handed over to the young generation. The time Chairman Mao wrote the inscription was also the beginning of the first five-year plan. Therefore, it has laid the historical status of mining in national economic construction.

Mr. Wang Jiahua mentioned that February 17th was the special date which was  worth of anniversary for China Mining. The older generation of mining workers work hard and perseveringly to make outstanding contributions in national construction and economic development. In the new historical period, we should sort out what is the miners’ day, and what should we inheritance and undertake, and what should we carry forward. We need to use wisdom and power in the new era, making contributions to the national economic construction and social development continual.

Mr. Li Lianhua, the Party member of China Minmetals Corporation, mentioned that as the main participant of mining industry, China Minmetals Corporation always insist to play a positive role in sustainable mine construction. For a long time, China Minmetals Corporation upheld the idea of “treasure the finite and create the infinite”, and made it through the whole step of production to build the China Minmetals Corporation with sustainable and beautiful.  

Mr. Pan Haibin, deputy director general of the Department of Land and Resources of Anhui Province said, during more than half a century, mining workers of Anhui Province who according to the direction of mining development, carrying forward the spirit of three points of glory and four points of special. They created refulgence of Anhui mining one after another, developing markets of domestic and international. There were numbers of vital mineral deposits by copper, iron and zinc in Yao Jialing, Ling county, which came to the fore and supported the economic development of Anhui Province. With the implementation on prospecting breakthrough strategy 358, support of mining on economic development will become stronger.

In the forum, the representative of older mining workers, mining director Mr. Yang Zongli, who stands for Han Xing mining, Anhui mining development Co., Ltd, China Minmetals Corporation, and Mr. Li Hongqiao, the representative of younger mining workers gave speeches separately. (Li Ping) ( Translated by TLRHVC)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2014 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Centre in Tianjin on October 20-23, 2014. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 16th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us. For more information about CHINA MINING 2014, please visit: www.chinaminingtj.org.


The 3rd national membership representative conference of
China Gold Association held in Beijing

Source: www.mlr.gov.cn  Citation: www.chinamining.com.cn  Date: Feb 18, 2014

The 3rd National Membership Representative Conference of China Gold Association Held in Beijing on February 16th. The conference elected the third council of China Gold Association. The general manager of China Gold Group, Secretary of the Party Committee, Mr. Song Xin,was elected as the president of the third council of China Gold Association. Mr. Song mentioned that gold industry should figure out the situation clearly, enhancing the confidence, meeting the challenge, finding and grasping  the opportunity in the difficult. Meanwhile, it is also need to unite together, improving the international competitiveness. We advocate the open mind in  the healthy competition between enterprises to contact it development and to promote the development of industry.

The meeting representatives discussed the work report of Mr. Sun Zhaoxue, the president of the second council of China Gold Association. Mr. Sun mentioned that in the past seven years which is rapidly developed of gold industry and substantially increased of comprehensive strength. The gold production of China has being the first in the world for seven years. The identified gold reserves had being second place in the world.   Simultaneously, gold consumption had continues grown. In 2013, the gold consumption of China was beyond India, which was being the first in the global. China had transformed into the leader from the follower in the gold industry in the world.

Mr. Song Xin put forward that it is necessary to know the enterprise needs and to master the current trends of industry for China Gold Association. They need to become the subcontractors of government function transformed, and the executive of social policy, and the provider of services, and the spokesman of members. They should stand in the height of national strategy to understand and to push the development of gold industry and market, and becoming the vital power of pushing the whole industry develop.

Mr. Wang Wenbin, deputy director, the State Asset Management Commission in State Council, and Mr. Wang Dexue, Deputy Director, the State Administration of Production Safety Supervision and Management, and Mr. Yang Shiqiu, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and Mr. Wang Min, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Land and Resources and other officials attended the conference to give speeches. During the conference, there were over 300 representatives who came from companies of gold exploration, mining, smelting, refining, design, processing, selling, investment and trading got together to summarize the achievements of China gold industry in the past seven years. They analyzed the development situation and looked forward the development future. Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and China Gold Association were in recognition of advanced groups, advanced workers and model workers of the second China gold industry. There were forty-eight advanced groups, ninety-one model workers and advanced workers were commended in total. (Shen Wenjing) (Translated by TLRHVC)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2014 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on October 20-23, 2014. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 16th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us. For more information about CHINA MINING 2014, please visit: www.chinaminingtj.org.

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