Minister Xu Shaoshi gives a speech at the Opening Ceremony of CHINA MINING 2011
Source: Portal Website of Ministry of Land and Resources    Citation: Portal Website of Ministry of Land and Resources    Date: November 6, 2011

Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends, CHINA MINING 2011 grandly opens today. On behalf of the Organizing Committee and the Ministry of Land and Resources of the People’s Republic of China, I convey sincere welcome to all delegates, and high respect and best wishes to all delegation leaders! The Chinese government highly values this event as it is an important platform for international mining exchange and cooperation. A leader from the State Council of China has sent a congratulatory letter to express congratulations to the congress and good wishes from the Chinese government for promotion of mining cooperation and development. Ladies and gentlemen, one year ago, we grandly convened here to jointly explore development strategies of the international mining industry with cooperation, responsibility and development as the theme. Over the past year, through joint efforts of all the colleagues under the guidance of the theme, we are glad to see that many of the cooperation projects have resulted in fruitful achievements. Besides, we have displayed higher value while assuming more responsibilities, coping with the international financial crisis and promoting the world economic recovery, which definitely will go down in history as common spiritual wealth of the international mining industry. The impact of the international financial crisis currently still continues, and the world economic recovery is slowing down. Unstable and uncertain factors have obviously increased. At this critical moment, the colleagues from the international mining circles are even more required to keep intensifying the exchange and cooperation to live through the hardships together, and actively speed up the prospecting breakthrough to light up our confidence. This congress is themed with Strengthen International Cooperation, Accelerate Geological Exploration & Mine Development, which is very target-oriented and realistic. I believe that all the delegates will surely carry out profound exchange and active cooperation during activities like forum discussion and project negotiation by firmly sticking to the congress theme, and make constant efforts to promote the international mining development and uphold the world economic recovery. Ladies and gentlemen, this year is the first year that China launches the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” on economic and social development. The “Twelfth Five-Year” is a crucial period for China’s across-the-board construction of well-off society, and also a hard-battle period for intensification of reform and opening-up and acceleration of economic development mode transformation. China’s mining industry is confronted with not only new development opportunities, but also more severe challenges. We are clearly aware that the synchronous fast development of industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization definitely is bound to facilitate the rise in rigid demand for mineral resources with the restriction from resources and environment further standing out. We must actively cope with the issue by taking multiple measures and strive to enhance the guarantee capacity of mineral resources for economic and social development. 1. Sticking to the strategy of giving priority to conservation and facilitating sustainable economic and social development through sustainable utilization of resources. We should actively implement the strategy of giving priority to conservation proposed by the “12th Five-Year Plan”, carry out control over overall resource utilization, supply-demand two-way regulation and differentiated administration, and vigorously improve the efficiency of energy resource utilization. Besides, we should actively push forward conservation and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources, implement demonstration projects on conservation and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources with focus on enterprises, actively promote high technologies on conservation and comprehensive utilization and cultivate a batch of demonstration bases for comprehensive resource utilization to continuously improve comprehensive exploration, appraisal and utilization of mineral resources, and facilitate the economic development mode transformation by improving resource utilization efficiency. 2. Implementing the prospecting breakthrough strategy and enhancing resource guarantee capacity based on domestic reality. We will strive to implement the prospecting breakthrough strategy, increase efforts in basic geological survey and exploration of major minerals, achieve breakthroughs in promising prospecting areas of major oil-gas bearing basins and key mineralization zones and set up a number of important resource succession areas to provide favorable resource guarantee and industrial support for steady and relatively fast economic development. Moreover, we expect foreign mining enterprises to invest in China’s mining industry, and at the same time we encourage competent Chinese mining enterprises to actively engage in international cooperation on mineral resources. 3. Increasing efforts in system innovation and taking full advantage of fundamental role of market in allocating resources. We will accelerate the improvement of system and mechanism, properly handle beneficial relations between the central government and the local government, and the government and the market, stick to integration of market regulation and government guidance, and take full advantage of fundamental role of market in allocating resources. We will also push forward the new geological prospecting mechanism across the board, which is prioritized public interest, business follow-up, fund link-up, assembled exploration and rapid breakthrough, strive to establish a market-oriented system platform and fully mobilize the initiative of all parties to further attract social funds into commercial mineral exploration and exploitation. Furthermore, we will vigorously advance technological innovation and strengthen technological support and progress to promote geological prospecting development. 4. Keeping balance between resource development and environmental protection and promoting the green, low-carbon and sustainable development of China’s mining industry. Under the principle of integrating quantity, quality and ecology in an organic manner, we will enhance the administration and preserve the order of mineral resource exploration and exploitation. By sticking to balance between development and protection, we will upgrade the mining access level for eco-environmental fragile areas in terms of policy, funds and technology, vigorously develop green mines and strengthen mine geological environment protection and restoration management to enable mutual promotion and cooperation between mineral exploration and exploitation and environmental protection and make the mining development benefit the local people in a tangible manner. Ladies and gentlemen, the world’s population has gone beyond 7 billion. How to make the limited mineral resources on the earth support and guarantee sustainable development of human society, not only satisfying needs of the contemporary people, but also leaving behind living and development space for our offspring, it is not only a question requiring each one of us on this planet to seriously think about, but also a task requiring mining colleagues to be duty-bound to assume and work on. The imbalanced distribution of the world’s mineral resources determines that no country can possibly achieve self development by relying completely on its own resources; instead, all the countries are required to fulfill reasonable allocation of resource elements around the world. It also determines that our mining colleagues must comply with welfare of all mankind while ensuring self interest, and pursue further development in the process of promoting development and prosperity of the world’s mining industry. There is an important symbol in Chinese culture which is “HE” (meaning harmony in Chinese). “HE” leads to symbiosis, and difference, which should also be the value for mining colleagues to carry forward. Promoting the realization of win-win cooperation and harmonious development of the international mining industry, and even the global economy, is not only an eternal theme of the international mining development, but also the value of establishing and holding the China Mining. Therefore, I propose that we join hands together to expand exchange, form consensus, enhance cooperation and strive for establishing an environment-friendly, innovation-driven, inclusive and harmonious new international mining order. I deeply believe that the world’s mining development will surely usher in a better future through joint efforts of all of us. Finally, congratulations in advance to a complete success of CHINA MINING2011. Wish all the delegates smooth work and good health. Thank you all.

About CHINA MINING Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2010 attracted 4,176 registered delegates (including 1,229 abroad, and 2,947 domestic) from 57 countries and region as compared to 3,000 delegates last session. The number of delegates, exhibitors and visitors amounted to 4,500 as compared to 3,500 last session. There were an 53% increase in total exhibitors to 276 as compared to 180 last session , and an 51% increase in total standard booths to 635 as compared to 420 standard booths last session,. The exhibition area exceeded 10,000 square meters, increasing by 25% compared to the previous session. Mr. Li Keqiang, Vice Premier of the State Council, attended the opening ceremony and delivered an opening speech. First Vice President of Republic of Peru Luis Giampietri Rojas and Managing Director of World Bank Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala as well as mining ministers and vice ministers and ambassadors of eight countries were present at the congress. At the projects signing ceremony, 62 international cooperation projects were signed, amounting to RMB11.7 billion. Meanwhile, the congress attracted nearly 200 major media organizations as well as mining journalists from more than 30 countries in the world to be present for spot coverage. In terms of number of delegates and scale of exhibitors and booths, the CM2010 all topped the previous sessions, ranking the world’s premier mining congress and expo..

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2011 will be held at Tianjin Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center on November 6th-8th, 2011. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 13th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us. For more information about CHINA MINING 2011, please visit:

Ministry of Land and Resources holds a news briefing on CHINA MINING 2011
Source: Portal Website of Ministry of Land and Resources Citation: Portal Website of Ministry of Land and Resources Date: October 21, 2011

On the morning of October 21, 2011, the Ministry of Land and Resources holds a news
briefing on CHINA MINING 2011. (Photo by Cao Jidong)
Director of Department of International Cooperation & Science and Technology under
Ministry of Land and Resources and Executive Deputy Director of the Office of the
Organizing Committee of the congress, Jiang Jianjun is giving a briefing on CHINA
MINING 2011. (Photo by Cao Jidong)

Dear Guests and Media Friends, Good morning! To extensively publicize and introduce the work carried out by the Chinese government in improving mining investment environment among international mining circles in order to facilitate external cooperation of Chinese mining enterprises, the Ministry of Land and Resources started to hold CHINA MINING International Workshop in 1999, renamed the event CHINA MINING in 2005 and has successfully held it for 11 sessions so far. As an external cooperation brand of China’s mining industry, CHINA MINING has become an important platform for Chinese and foreign mining enterprises and related institutions to acquire related information and seek cooperation opportunities. As the largest mining event in Asia and one of the world’s top four mining events, it has increasingly received high attention from the international mining circles. 1. Event preparations 1.1 Event general information Approved by the State Council, jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Land and Resources and Tianjin Municipal People’s Government and co-organized by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Commerce, China Development Bank, Import-Export Bank of China and Bank of China, CHINA MINING2011 is scheduled to be held in Tianjin during November 6-8, 2011. Themed with “Strengthen International Cooperation, Accelerate Geological Exploration & Mine Development”, the congress will extensively publicize China’s reform and opening-up policies on the mining industry and discuss special topics such as sustainable development of global mining industry, situation and analysis on global mineral prospecting, mining industry and capital market, mine environment and mine park, comprehensive mineral utilization, etc. The international mining circles paid high attention and gave active response to this session of congress. Up to October 19, there have been over 2,500 delegates apart from domestic ones from nearly 40 countries and regions signing up for the congress and the exhibition. Mining ministers and vice ministers or directors-general of geological bureaus from more than 20 countries (regions) such as Australia, Canada, South Africa, Peru, Philippines, Sudan, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Burundi, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Zambia, Tadzhikistan, Greenland, Argentina, India, Laos, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Cambodia and Mongolia will lead respective delegations to attend the congress. A total of nearly 200 international organizations, large mining enterprises and financial institutions such as OECD, BHP Billiton, Anglo American, Standard Bank, Aluminum Corporation of China, China Minmetals Corporation, China National Gold Group Corporation, BOC International, China Railway Resources Group Co., LTD, ZRHL Group, Datong Coal Mine Group, Shandong Gold Mining, Shandong Zhaojin Group and Zijin Mining Group will attend the congress. 1.2 Event activities The congress will organize three main forums including theme forum, foreign mining ministerial forum and enterprise development summit forum as well as 23 sub-forums and 6 mining cooperation project promotion conferences. Among them, the sub-forums organized by related departments and institutions under the Ministry of Land and Resources include: situation and analysis on global mineral prospecting, policy interpretation on mining right management, Sino-Canada mineral resource management forum, mineral reserve management and geological data socialized service, mine environment and mine park, geological prospecting and technological innovation, China’s geological prospecting progress, analysis on supply-demand situation of international important mineral raw materials, and situation and policy on comprehensive mineral utilization. Besides, there are sub-forums held on such themes as international mineral market, mining industry and financial capital market, macro economy and mining industry, sustainable development of mining industry, enterprise overseas investment, etc. During the congress, there will be also six mining cooperation project promotion (invitation) conferences to mainly promote mining cooperation projects and investment opportunities in countries and regions such as Canada, Greenland, Argentina, Africa, South America and Asia and establish a platform for Chinese and foreign mining enterprises to promote mining cooperation projects. 1.3 Mineral prospecting and exploitation project promotion and negotiation as well as contract signing on international cooperation projects The congress will concentrate on carrying out mineral prospecting and exploitation project promotion and negotiation as well as contract signing on international cooperation projects in order to achieve substantial effects in facilitating mining cooperation forms. Firstly, it concentrates on promoting and negotiating a group of cooperation projects. We have widely collected promotion information on related mining cooperation projects home and abroad and plan to promote nearly 400 projects at this session of congress with the mineral types involving gold, copper, iron, lead zinc, manganese, coal, nickel, molybdenum and tin, etc. and the regions covering Australia, Namibia, Canada, Philippines, Indonesia, Zambia, Burma, Botswana, Turkey, Georgia, Thailand, Peru, Mongolia and Brazil. Secondly, it concentrates on signing a group of cooperation projects on mineral prospecting and exploitation. During the congress, the project matching signing ceremony will be held on November 7 at 18:00-18:30 (before Awards Dinner) under the unified arrangement by the Organizing Committee of China Mining. Leaders of the Ministry of Land and Resources, Tianjin Municipal leaders, mining ministers of related countries and leaders of related Chinese and foreign departments will be invited to witness the project matching. 1.4 CHINA MINING exhibition CHINA MINING 2011 will coincide with the congress. The exhibition area will exceed 20,000 square meters, doubling that of the previous session. There have been over 300 Chinese and foreign exhibitors signing up for the exhibition so far. Apart from standard booths, there are also different kinds of special exhibition zones, including: country pavilions which present comprehensive exhibition organized by governments and enterprises from major mining countries like Canada, Australia and South Africa; special assembly exhibition zone composed of 15-20 standard booths which are independently designed and arranged by respective exhibitors for domestic (and a few international) large mining companies and related institutions to display themselves and have business talks; mechanical equipment exhibition zone, which intensively displays medium and small-sized advanced geological prospecting equipments at home and abroad; and project matching exhibition zone. 2. Main features of the congress 2.1 High attention received from international mining circles Ministers in charge or high-ranking officials from more than 20 countries, senior management personnel from large mining companies and senior representatives from international financial institutions have confirmed their attendance. Through theme forum, foreign mining ministerial forum and enterprise development summit forum as well as more than 20 special meetings and sub-forums on policy interpretation on mining right management, analysis on global mineral prospecting situation, mining industry and capital market and new mining technologies and equipments, etc., the congress will discuss and analyze major issues on global mining development on different occasions in a diversified manner. 2.2 High attention paid by the Chinese government to the congress In addition to the eight domestic co-organizers of last session, the Ministry of Finance will also become a co-organizer of the congress this year. Leaders of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Commerce, China Development Bank, Import-Export Bank of China and Bank of China will be present at the opening ceremony of the congress and give keynote speeches to introduce policies related to China’s mining development with emphasis on certain points by field and provide relevant important information for domestic and foreign investors. 2.3 Presentation of CHINA MINING International Cooperation Awards continued to promote international mining cooperation This session of CHINA MINING will continue to organize CHINA MINING International Cooperation Awards selection and presentation to further encourage and facilitate opening-up and cooperation of the mining industry, establish examples of external cooperation for Chinese mining and demonstrate good images of the opening-up of Chinese mining. Lastly, we appreciate the attention from all guests and media friends paid to the congress. The congress will release further information on related website in due course. Please keep paying attention to CHINA MINING2011 which will be held in Tianjin soon.
Thank you!

Vice Inspector of General Office of Ministry of Land and Resources, Xia Jun, is presiding
over the news briefing. (Photo by Cao Jidong)
Deputy Director-General of Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Land & Resources and Housing
Administration and Deputy Director of the Organizing Committee Office, Lu Hong,
is providing additional information on preparations for CHINA MINING 2011. (Photo by Cao

According to the news briefing, CHINA MINING 2011 will be held in Tianjin during November 6-8. This year’s congress is themed with “Strengthen International Cooperation, Accelerate Geological Exploration & Mine Development”. Important activities such as opening ceremony, theme forum, foreign mining ministerial forum, enterprise development summit forum, CHINA MINING International Cooperation Awards presentation, exhibition and enterprise business talks will be carried out during the congress. To extensively publicize and introduce the work carried out by the Chinese government in improving mining investment environment among international mining circles in order to facilitate external cooperation of Chinese mining enterprises, the Ministry of Land and Resources started to hold CHINA MINING International Workshop in 1999, renamed the event CHINA MINING in 2005 and has successfully held it for 11 sessions so far. As an external cooperation brand of China’s mining industry, CHINA MINING has become an important platform for Chinese and foreign mining enterprises and related institutions to acquire related information and seek cooperation opportunities. As the largest mining event in Asia and one of the world’s top four mining events, it has increasingly received high attention from the international mining circles. Approved by the State Council, jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Land and Resources and Tianjin Municipal People’s Government and co-organized by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Environment Protection, the Ministry of Commerce, China Development Bank, Export-Import Bank of China and Bank of China, CHINA MINING2011 is scheduled to be held in Tianjin during November 6-8, 2011. Themed with “Enhancing international cooperation to accelerate prospecting breakthrough”, the congress will extensively publicize China’s reform and opening-up policies on the mining industry and discuss special topics such as sustainable development of global mining industry, situation and analysis on global mineral prospecting, mining industry and capital market, mine environment and mine park, comprehensive mineral utilization, etc. The international mining circles paid high attention and gave active response to this session of congress. Up to October 19, there have been over 2,000 delegates apart from domestic ones from nearly 40 countries and regions signing up for the congress and the exhibition. Mining ministers and vice ministers or directors-general of geological bureaus from more than 20 countries (regions) such as Australia, Canada, South Africa, Peru, Philippines, Sudan, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Burundi, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Zambia, Tadzhikistan, Greenland, Argentina, India, Laos, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Cambodia and Mongolia will lead respective delegations to attend the congress. Nearly 200 international organizations, large mining enterprises and financial institutions such as OECD, BHP Billiton, Anglo American, Standard Bank, Aluminum Corporation of China, China Minmetals Corporation, China National Gold Group Corporation, BOC International, China Railway Resources Group Co., LTD, ZRHL Group, Datong Coal Mine Group, Shandong Gold Mining, Shandong Zhaojin Group and Zijin Mining Group will attend the congress. The congress will hold three main forums including theme forum, foreign mining ministerial forum and enterprise development summit forum as well as more than 20 workshops covering topics like sustainable development of global mining industry, situation and analysis on global mineral prospecting, mining industry and capital market, mine environment and mine park and comprehensive mineral utilization. Based on the previous sessions, the congress will concentrate on organizing contract signing, negotiation and exchange on mining cooperation projects at home and abroad, releasing information on, promoting, negotiating and signing contracts on a group of cooperation projects to further promote implementation of substantial project cooperation by Chinese and foreign mining enterprises. The congress will also increase efforts in introducing and absorbing new technologies and new methods on deep prospecting and precision detection to improve China’s geological mineral technological innovation capability. CHINA MINING 2011 will coincide with the congress. The exhibition area will greatly increase by exceeding 20,000 square meters, doubling that of the previous session. Apart from standard booths, there are also different kinds of special exhibition zones, including country pavilions organized by governments and enterprises from major mining countries like Canada and Australia for comprehensive exhibition, special assembly exhibition zone, mineral equipment exhibition zone and project matching exhibition zone. This session of CHINA MINING will continue to organize CHINA MINING International Cooperation Awards selection and presentation to further encourage and facilitate opening-up and cooperation of the mining industry.

About CHINA MINING Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2010 attracted 4,176 registered delegates (including 1,229 abroad, and 2,947 domestic) from 57 countries and region as compared to 3,000 delegates last session. The number of delegates, exhibitors and visitors amounted to 4,500 as compared to 3,500 last session. There were an 53% increase in total exhibitors to 276 as compared to 180 last session , and an 51% increase in total standard booths to 635 as compared to 420 standard booths last session,. The exhibition area exceeded 10,000 square meters, increasing by 25% compared to the previous session. Mr. Li Keqiang, Vice Premier of the State Council, attended the opening ceremony and delivered an opening speech. First Vice President of Republic of Peru Luis Giampietri Rojas and Managing Director of World Bank Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala as well as mining ministers and vice ministers and ambassadors of eight countries were present at the congress. At the projects signing ceremony, 62 international cooperation projects were signed, amounting to RMB11.7 billion. Meanwhile, the congress attracted nearly 200 major media organizations as well as mining journalists from more than 30 countries in the world to be present for spot coverage. In terms of number of delegates and scale of exhibitors and booths, the CM2010 all topped the previous sessions, ranking the world’s premier mining congress and expo..

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2011 will be held at Tianjin Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center on November 6th-8th, 2011. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 13th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us. For more information about CHINA MINING 2011, please visit:

Wang Min met with Minister of Mines, Energy and Water
Conservancy Development of Zambia

Source: Citation: Date: Feb. 5, 2012

On the morning of February 1, Zambia time, Mr. Wang Min, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Land and Resources of China and Director of China Geological Survey, met with Mr. Yamfwa Mukanga , Minister of Mines, Energy and Water Conservancy Development, Zambia. The two parties exchanged opinions in the fields of geology and mining industry.

Wang Min, representing the Ministry of Land and Resources expressed his thanks for being invited to Zambia. He said, Zambia is the first country in South African that established diplomatic relation with new China, and the two countries have enjoyed profound traditional friendship especially the deep-going cooperation in the field of geology and mining for 49 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties. In recent years, the competent departments of mining industry of the two countries have established close relationship, and Chinese mining investment projects in Zambia developed smoothly. Zambia has sent delegations to attend CHINA MINING for three years from 2009 to 2011. In February, 2010, a memorandum of understanding on geology and mining cooperation was signed in Beijing between the ministry of land and resources, PRC and the mining and mineral development ministry, Zambia. For the further cooperation, Wang Min suggested that both sides should maintain high-level exchanges, carry out the memorandum, further the geological survey and technical cooperation, and strengthen inter-ministerial communication to promote the enterprise cooperation, strengthen information sharing, and establish a geological database. Finally, on behalf of the ministry of land and resources, PRC, Wang Min invited穆坎加 and his delegation to attend CHINA MINING 2013 which will be held in November,2013.

Yamfwa Mukanga gave a warm welcome to Wang Min and delegation that he led and gladly accepted the invitation. He said that Chinese companies, which invested in Zambia`s mining development had actively performed their community responsibility and promoted local economic and social development. He hoped that Zambia would like to have more support and help from China in geological mapping, mining data monitoring, comprehensive utilization of mineral, the processing and auction of gem and jade, and exploration of oil and gas, etc.

Richard Musu Kwacha and Charles Zulu, Deputy Ministers of Mines, Energy and Water Conservancy Development, Zambia, Victor Mutombo, Executive Secretary of Ministry of Mines, Energy and Water Conservancy Development, Zambia and Zhou Yuxiao, Chinese Ambassadors to Zambia attended the meeting as well.(Bu Xun)  (translated by TLRHVC)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year.  As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2013 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on November 2-5, 2013. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 15th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us.  For more information about CHINA MINING 2013, please visit: