Coal resources in China amount to 5.9 trillion tons

Coal resources in China amount to 5.9 trillion tons

Source:   Citation:   Date: Jan. 7, 2014

Led by China National Administration of Coal Geology, the project “National Coal Resources Potential Evaluation” (hereinafter referred to as “the project”) undertaken by the First Exploration Bureau of China National Administration of Coal Geology, China University of Mining &Technology, Beijing, and the Aerial Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Bureau passed the review of China Geological Survey Bureau with an average score of 95.

The project was one of the national mineral resources potential evaluation projects listed by Ministry of Land and Resources, which was carried out from 2006 to 2013. In eight years, the project team has submitted 159 mining (coal field), provincial and national reports, 5175 maps and 1003 annexed tables. Among them, there were 1 general report for national mineral resources potential evaluation, 6 special reports, 202 annexed maps and 30 tables including geological map of China coalfields, structure diagram of China coalfields, chart of China coal resources potential evaluation. A system with massive information on China`s coal resources was set up.

“The national coal resources potential evaluation” reached 18 major achievements in eight aspects. Significant progress was made in the research on coal resources aggregation and distribution pattern. Guided by multiple stratigraphic division and correlation theory, a coal-bearing stratum division and correlation framework was established on the basis of lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic and chronostratigraphic attributes. A correlation method for sequence and system tract of coal-bearing regions was put forward, based on which the framework of the thick coal seam aggregation was drawn out. With the help of the concepts of coal occurrence tectonic units, the project completed national 3-level coal unit division as well as classification of coal accumulating basins, and summarized the distribution discipline of coal controlling structure model and its effect on coal resource distribution. The regionalization of different coal properties was concluded and more statistics were organized on the discipline of coal distribution. The research results offered reliable information for coal resources potential prediction and exploration.

Given the distribution of coal resources, natural geography, social economy and coal supply and demand, the project put forward the coal resources division method of “three zones- six districts-four levels”. It developed a comprehensive evaluation method of multi-coal resources, proposed the evaluation design for coal resources exploration and development based on mines, prospecting areas and mining areas and conducted comprehensive evaluation of the current situation of coal resources exploration and development in our country, established an evaluation index system of coal resources, probing into the coal science capacity and coal resource adequacy in coal mining and planning areas on the basis of safe, green and scientific exploration.

In light of coal resource prediction, the project presented predicted coal resources classification standards and potential evaluation method. Altogether, 2880 predicted areas were delineated with an area of 42.84 square kilometers. A total of 3.88 trillion tons of resources were predicted, including 1.5676 trillion tons of reliable level (334-1), 1.2190 trillion tons of potential level (334-2), 1.0930 trillion tons of deductive level (334-3). Superior resources were predicted to reach 981.5 billion tons, good 1.1345 trillion tons and poor 1.765 trillion tons. The coal resources within 2000 meters amount to 5.9 trillion tons, among which 2.02 trillion tons of coal resources reserves have been detected and 3.88 trillion tons predicted. (Chen Ming) (Translated by TLRHVC)


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