Integrated exploration areas gaining importance in mineral prospecting breakthrough

Integrated exploration areas gaining importance in mineral prospecting breakthrough

135 orefields found in 78 integrated exploration areas

Source:   Citation:   Date: Jan. 13, 2014

From the team of the national key mineral estimation project, reporters learned that the national integrated exploration areas in the light of the national mineral resources potential evaluation have become the most important base for mineral prospecting breakthrough. In 2012, a total of 135 orefields were discovered in 78 package exploration regions, including 33 large orefields and 52 medium ones. According to the experts on the above project, the prospecting breakthrough strategic headquarters took the key exploration areas designated in the national key mineral estimation project as the target regions, giving privilege to scarce and bulk pillar minerals including uranium, iron, copper, aluminum, lead, zinc and gold as well as dominant minerals antimony, rare earths, magnetite. In 2011, 47 national integrated exploration areas were designated, and the number increased to 87 in 2012. In line with the follow-up survey, in the 87 integrated exploration areas, 10.158 billion tons of iron ore, 6.382 million tons of copper, 612 tons of gold, 693 million tons of bauxite ore, 6.06 million tons of lead port, 1.15 million tons of aluminum and 1.3 million tons of chrome ore were prospected. Among them, 99 orefields, including 25 large and 35 in medium ones, were found in the first 47 integrated exploration areas. Given the increasing importance of integrated exploration areas in mineral prospecting breakthrough, in 2013, another 22 areas were added to the number. The 109 integrated exploration areas take up a total area of about 505.5 thousand square kilometers, covering 25 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in China, concentrating on scarce and bulk pillar minerals, as well as new material resources like manganese and tin. (Yu Defu) (Translated by TLRHVC)


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