Largest coal mine identified in east China

Largest coal mine identified in east China

Source:   Citation: Xinhua   Date: November 26, 2015

A geological survey has identified nearly 5 billion tonnes of coal deposits at a mine in Anhui Province, making it the largest in east China.

Using new technology, geologists identified 4.79 bln tonnes in deposits at Panji Coal Mine, including 2.57 bln tonnes of bituminous coal and 2.22 bln tonnes of gas coal, according to the province`s department of land and resources.

The discovery will stave off depletion of the mine, where production began in the 1980s. The mine is located in the Huainan Coal Field.

A national-level coal production base, the Huainan Coal Field had exploited 14 bln tonnes of its total 18.9 bln tonnes of deposits as of May this year.


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