China eliminates 9.57 mil mt/year outdated smelting capacity over 2011-2015

China eliminates 9.57 mil mt/year outdated smelting capacity over 2011-2015

Source:         Citation: Platts       Date: April 12, 2016

China eliminated 9.57 million mt/year of outdated and obsolete zinc, lead, copper and aluminum smelting capacity during the 12th Five-Year Plan over 2011-2015, China Mining Association said Monday.  

The total comprised 850,000 mt/year of zinc, 3.81 million mt/year of lead, 2.88 million mt/year of copper and 2.03 million mt/year of aluminum smelting capacity, the association said in a report in its website.  

The shuttering of outdated capacity is in line with the central government`s broader goals of lowering emissions and saving energy.  

The report said China`s nonferrous metals industry is moving towards high-end sustainable development through the expansion of nonferrous metal applications, lower energy use, lower emissions and integrated resources utilization.   

China`s nonferrous metals output volume will continue to grow during the 13th Five-Year Plan period over 2016-2020 but at a slower pace than during the previous five-year plan, the Ministry of Land and Resources said last November.  

Over 2020-2025, output and capacity growth will level off, then gradually begin falling, the Ministry said. It forecast China`s nonferrous metals output at 56.5 million mt and consumption at 58 million mt by 2020.  

In 2015 output stood at 51.56 million mt and consumption at 55.6 million mt, up 7.2% and 6.8% year on year respectively, China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association data showed.


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