Standing Vice Mayor of Tianjin delivered a speech in the Theme Forum of CM2012

Mr. Cui Jindu, Standing Vice Mayor of Tianjin, delivered a speech in the Theme Forum of CHINA MINING 2012
Source:  Citation:  Date: Nov.4, 2012

                                                                               (Photo from Photo:Ye Xingmao / Editor: Chen Hui)

The Theme Forum of CHINA MINING 2012 “Join hands to meet challenges and promote sustainable development” was held at Tianjin Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center on the morning of Nov.4th, 2012. The picture reveals that Cui Jindu ,Tianjin municipal government standing vice mayor, delivered a speech in CHINA MINING 2012 . He introduced Tianjin international mining financial comprehensive innovation demonstration base construction points. Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m very glad we get together in Tianjin and discuss the mining industry and economic development. On behalf of China Ministry of Land and Resources and the Tianjin Municipal Government, I will introduce the related situation of development of Tianjin mining science and technology demonstration base of financial reform of the construction. In the past decade, The global economy and the mining economy has had the profound change. From 2002 to 2011, global GDP increases from $33 trillion to $69 trillion. By the motivation of the emerging economies, the global mining industry entered the flourishing period since 2003. After the outbreak of international financial crisis in 2008, the mining economic development was in shock. After that, the economic development continues on. However, because of the European debt crisis, global economic growth is slowing again, and the mining economy has entered a low speed growth. In this period, the developed countries and the main mineral resources of the kingdom of mining capital markets continue to develop, and has become the economic foundation of supporting mining economic development. The past decade, China`s economy and the mining economy got rapid progress, the industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization steadily developed, and the demand on mineral resources increased quickly. From 2002 to 2011, GDP increased from $1.45 trillion to $7.32 trillion, the total volume of import and export of minerals from $34.3 billion to $468.5 billion, ten kinds of non-ferrous metal production increased from 10.21 million tons to 30.93 million tons, and the gross output value of the mining increased from 456.7 billion Yuan RMB to 3.0288 trillion Yuan. China`s economy and mining economic development needs to  build up suitable geological regularity and the mining market financial system according to the market rules, and to establish the mining exploration risk capital market and intermediary service system. The past ten years, Tianjin strives to build economic center of the northern area and has made remarkable achievements. From 2002 to 2011, GDP has increased from $26 billion, to $175.1 billion; Tianjin has become north China`s economic center, the international shipping center and international logistics center. Located in the center of Bohai sea area, Tianjin has the location advantages, a solid industrial foundation, wide inland area and tremendous growth potential. It has become an important window of China`s participation in the economic globalization and regional economic integration. Especially in 2006, the central government made a strategic decision on speeding up the Tianjin Binhai new area development and opening up the important strategic decision to approve the Tianjin Binhai new area for the national synthetically reform testing district. It requires Tianjin try first in the financial enterprise, financial business, financial markets and financial opening, and provides experience and demonstration for the national development and reform. Tianjin strives to develop mining finance and support mining financial financing, which has a strong condition of promoting mining and financial combination. The ministry of land and resources and the Tianjin municipal government attaches great importance to the mining financial reform and innovation. On October 26, 2012, they signed the “building Tianjin international mining industry demonstration base of financial reform memorandum” and jointly promote the Tianjin international mining financial reform demonstration base construction. It mainly has six aspects: 1. The construction of Tianjin international mining industry demonstration base of financial reform: under the guidance of Tianjin mining right exchange market platform, building up resources, assets and capital trinity mining risk exploration system mechanism, constructing financial service system conforming to the market rules and international mining geological rules , and carrying out mining resources management reform, establishing of supervision of effective international mining financial markets and promoting the economic sustainable development of mining industry. 2. Set up Tianjin mining capital market and explore geological exploration enterprise equity financing mode to promote mining risk exploration enterprise financing. Geological exploration enterprise can raise funds in Tianjin mining right exchange through the directional private way. Geological prospecting enterprises can transfer in Tianjin exchange. Establish a scientific and standardized mining capital market for geological exploration enterprise financing, support prospecting activities and promote the public information, secure investor rights and interests, open investment exit channel. 3. Support innovation reform, demonstration base of prospecting advance reform pilot in Tianjin, support Tianjin mineral right exchange transaction, make up demonstration base in mining enterprise assets of equity financing, fund, the trust financing and debt financing. 4. Promote the construction of internationalization, and establish the cooperation relations with industry organization from countries, promote China`s mining enterprises to carry out overseas mineral resources exploration and development,  attract foreign geological exploration and development enterprise in Tianjin, explore the innovation and offshore financial business, provide financial services for mining enterprise, support Tianjin arbitration center for mining enterprises to provide the service. 5. Speed up the construction of mining financial market service system. According to the demand of mining enterprise financing, corporate mergers and acquisitions, mining assets , attracting mining right appraisal institution, mining supervision institutions, mining consulting institutions, reserves evaluation institution, securities investment institutions, financial institutions, law firm, accounting firm, the credit rating agencies, arbitration institution, bank insurance agencies come into  Tianjin demonstration base to provide professional services for mining enterprises. 6. Make up international mining accumulation area. Tianjin financial reform demonstration base will try to learn the experience of the countries to provide services for the mining industry. It will spend five to ten years building up a financial institutions focus, market developed, information gathering, advanced facilities, service efficiency, management standard mining financial accumulation area in Tianjin Yujiabao financing area. It will become Tianjin international mining reform demonstration area, facing the whole country and global. Welcome the domestic and foreign relevant authorities to participate in the construction of demonstration base of Tianjin financial reform, strengthen communication and cooperation, and achieve win-win cooperation. Thank you! (translated by TLRHVC) About CHINA MINING
Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year.  As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises. CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2012 is held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on November 3rd-6th, 2012 (Expo is opened on 3rd pm Nov., 2012). We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 14th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us.  For more information about CHINA MINING 2012, please visit: