“Bring in” and “going out” &“helping the private companies with green mining”

"Bring in" and "going out" & "helping the private companies with green mining"
Source: www.mlr.gov.cn  Citation: www.mlr.gov.cn  Date: Nov.7, 2012

At the first weekend of November, CHINA MINING Congress & Expo 2012 was held in Tianjin as you expected. There is no doubt that CHINA MINING, as one of the biggest in Asia and one of the premier mining event in the world, has become the important platform for communication and cooperation involving forums, exhibition and special activities, attracting the world`s attention. Reporters got the following data from the news brief: 6000 delegates will have registered, including mining ministers or vice ministers of nearly 30 foreign countries (regions); Exhibition area is up to 25, 000 square meters with nearly 400 exhibitors at home and abroad. There will be 3 Keynote Sessions, 31 Breakout Sessions and 9 Country Investment Project shows. Sometimes, figures are convincing, but not attractive. So, what will be hot issue in this event? What will appeal to you? For the above, the reporter made an interview to explain and predict the key words concerned about and introduced the background of the mining reform and development of China in the recent past year. 1. Key words: Join Hands To Meet Challenges And Promote Sustainable Development Because of uneven distribution of global mineral resources, no country can only depend on their own resources to develop well. As to them, resources must be allocated reasonably, which determines the countries must strengthen mining cooperation to seek greater development in the process of promoting global mining development and prosperity. Especially in the current economic situation, the international mining companies should  continue to deepen the communication and cooperation to overcome difficulties, and speed up the prospecting breakthrough to boost the confidence. The theme of the last Expo was strengthen international cooperation and speed up the prospecting breakthrough. At that time, Li Keqiang, vice premier and China`s Politburo Standing Committee Member sent the congratulatory letter and stressed that China should adhere to being based on the domestic mining market, relying on the technological progress and mechanism innovation to increase the geological prospecting and comprehensive utilization of resources, improving the minerals security ability and utilization efficiency and promoting the long-term economic stability and rapid growth. At the same time, the mining companies should actively participate in international mining cooperation based on mutual benefits, make better use of the "two markets and two kinds of resources" policy, and play a constructive role in the global mining industry development and prosperity. Xu Shaoshi, minister of Land and Resources of PRC put forward the idea of “surviving in a harmony, having difference in a harmony", which was really refreshing. The theme of this year`s event  is “Join Hands To Meet Challenges And Promote Sustainable Development” which is the sound to the whole world by Chinese in the current international situation. It is not important whether the theme of this year is hot or not. What matters are the opening ceremony at 9, November 4, and the two forums on the morning of November 5 attended by mining ministers and vice mining ministers at home and abroad, which will let you think more about the development opportunities and future development strategies of some countries` mining. 2. Key words: The risk of exploration and the capital market Do you remember the scene that Wang Min, vice minister of Land and Resources introduced the foreign and domestic mining economic prospects and the relative measures to the delegates in last event? At that time, the vice minister expressed his good wishes to the global mining community. He said that we need to speed up the prospecting breakthrough to protect the continued prosperity and stable development of mining industry, as well as his expectation to promote mining`s strong and healthy growth. He also mentioned that our country would implement the “Four Strategic Action” of prospecting the breakthrough, vigorously promoting the mineral resources saving and the comprehensive utilization, adjusting the mining structure and the green mine construction and guaranteeing the mineral resources management. He also said that China would strive to create a market-oriented prospecting system platform, support diversification of investors, and let enterprises to implement bulk exploration. From the current view, the “Four Strategic Action” is being orderly implemented. Now our country strives to save and improve the mineral resource utilization efficiency, bearing the responsibility of the sustainable utilization of mineral resources and promoting sustainable development of economic society. At the same time, we must build a market-oriented prospecting system platform, forwarding step by step towards the target. On the eve of the congress, the Ministry of Land and Resources and the Tianjin Municipal People`s Government signed the cooperation memorandum of "Building an International Mining Finance Reform Pilot Area in Tianjin”. The memo aims to promote the country`s financial system reform for establishing the capital market fo risk exploration in line with the China`s national conditions and to deepen the reform of the geological exploration bureaus and agencies, and to promote the sustained and healthy development of the mineral exploration and development The latest news is that Cui Jindu, executive vice mayor of Tianjin, will host the Keynote Session after the opening ceremony. The theme of the Breakout Session will be mining and financial capital market. at 14:00 PM that day   Vice Mayor Cui Jindu and the Breakout Session speakers will show us the construction progress and goal of International Mining Financing Reform Pilot Area in Tianjin, the exploration the mechanisms of risk exploration capital market, the analysis of mining investment and financing and the third-party insurance, the new pattern of mining merger and cooperation. The interested readers can focus on the above. 3. Key words: Private Enterprises and Overseas Investment In recent years, our enterprises have made remarkable results in the international cooperation involving mineral resources exploration and development and the processing trade. Relevant data shows that by the end of 2011, the projects involving international mining exploration development and cooperation have reached up to more than 2000 in 80 countries and areas. The investors are more than 600 with the total investment is about 200 billion US dollars. However, it can not be denied that the cooperation in the international mining exploration among the enterprises of China is not very satisfactory because of many reasons such as being not familiar with the rules of international mining, international market development capacity is weak, the lack of experience in international cooperation, foreign government discrimination and barriers. In last year`s overseas investment forum, representatives from China Railway Resources, Tianjin Huakan, Guangxi Non-ferrous Metals, Dele HuaYong Accounting Firm, development and research center of China Geological Survey Bureau introduced the experience and the matters to be focused in terms of the foreign investment and international cooperation, which were welcomed by the delegates. Since this year, the ministry of land and resources centers on the information services, strengthens the guidance and support of international cooperation in the field of geology and mineral resources, and has finished compiling mining investment guide of dozens of countries and regions, mining law codification, and the world mining consulting organization lists, etc.. China`s mining Industry Association has set up a private mining branch. One of the tasks is to let the private enterprises “going out”. Besides the two overseas investment forums will be held in the morning of the 6th, which  will primarily look to the overseas mining investment trends, explore the overseas mining investment, financing, taxation, legal, due diligence and other transactions. Other 4 streams focusing on the introduction of the contents of the Status and prospects of national policies to support private enterprises to invest overseas, the social responsibility of private enterprise and industry self-regulation, the mineral resources of the private enterprises, cross-border investment and financing and mergers and acquisitions will also be held. However, I must mention that the four streams I mentioned above will be held on the afternoon of Nov. 3, which is on the day before the opening ceremony of China Mining 2012. Don’t miss them. 4. Key Words: Project Promotion Minerals Situation The international mining cooperation project promotion will be beautiful scenery in the CHINA MINING every year. Reporters learned that this year`s congress will highlight the mining projects and investment opportunities in the countries and regions including Brazil, Russia and Central Asia, Canada, Germany, Australia, Greenland, Argentina, Sweden, Peru and Africa, which will establish a platform of cooperation projects for the domestic and foreign mining companies. It should be mentioned that some substantial cooperation projects are signed every year. For example in 2010, 62 agreements were signed with the amount of 11.7 billion RMB Yuan. In 2011, 55 project contracts were signed at spot, with a total of 15.7 billion RMB Yuan. So, people who are concerned about the promotion, don’t miss the signing ceremony and China mining international cooperation award ceremony after 17:30 PM on the 5th.   Same as projects promotion, the analysis of minerals situation is also hot with the participants. There is no exception this year. What is the supply and demand situation of iron ore? Are the prices of gold, platinum and precious metal still strong? Are the prices of non-ferrous metals such as copper and nickel stable? What are the prospects of metals, nonmetals and uranium? The mineral forum will be about the price movement and the supply and demand of the above minerals, and new project development. To those participants who don’t have much time to attend every Breakout Session, the keynote session on the morning of 4th and the Breakout Sessions on global mining exploration progress and prospect, the supply and demand of international important mineral resources on the afternoon of 5th will be good choices. ( 4 top economists from international monetary fund, the university of Colorado of USA, the state council development research center, and Bank of China will analyze the international economic and mining situation) . 5. Key words: Prospecting Breakthrough and the Strategic Action In fact, to those who are familiar with China`s mining industry, "prospecting breakthrough and the strategic action" is known to them and are endowed with more expectation. On Oct.19th of the last year, before the CHINA MINING 2011, The executive meeting of the State Council passed the "The action platform of prospecting breakthrough and the strategy action” which requires us to realize the new breakthrough through the implementation of strategic action, form a group of important mineral resources strategic areas, establish important mineral resources reserve system and provide strong resources security and industry support for the stable and rapid economic development. Somebody says the strategic action is the beginning of prospecting mining. More people believe the action will exert a national effect on the mining prospecting. Last year, the ministry of Land and Resources set up the first 47 exploration areas to implement the strategic actions. Earlier this year, the Ministry of Land and Resources, the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Finance and other ministries jointly held a TV and phone meeting in the capital of China. The meeting emphasizes that China will strive to the prospecting breakthrough. Great progress in mineral exploration will be made within 3 years, and the great breakthrough in 5 years. The new pattern of mineral exploration and development will be reshaped. Since this year, many strategic action plans have been carried out. The Ministry of Land and Resources did better and set up the second 31 strategic action exploration areas. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Land and Resources has organized research and investigation   several times and organized the central media to go to the mineral places to have "prospecting breakthrough is in action" activities. So far, reporters from dozens of media including the People`s Daily, Guangming Daily, Economic Daily, Xinhua News Agency, CCTV, Central People`s Broadcasting Station, China News Agency, have gone to the mineral places in 7 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) including Henan, Hunan, Yunnan, Anhui, Chongqing, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia to learn the latest prospecting results and mechanism. If you want to know more about the above, you can focus on the Breakout Session at 4 p.m. on 5th about the prospecting breakthrough strategic action organized by the Ministry of Land and Resources. Of course, to those geological exploration bureaus and agencies or enterprises at home and abroad, we strongly recommend the investigation and assessment streams on new progress of geology and mineral sponsored by China Geological Survey Bureau at 14:00 p.m. on 4th where you can get more information on the progress and development of China’s geology survey, the new progress of the potential evaluation of China’s mineral resources. If you want to know more about the new technology and the new method used in the process of prospecting, you can pay attention to the geological prospecting, science and technology innovation forum which is organized by the science and technology cooperation department of  the Ministry of Land and Resources and China Geological Survey Bureau. 6. Key words: Green Mining and Harmonious Mining Area There is no doubt that the construction of green mining is the direction of mineral resources management and development under the new situation. Since 2006, 7 Circular Economy Exchange Fairs have been held by the Ministry of Land and Resources and China`s mining industry federation. Especially since 2007, the fairs adhere to the main line of green mining industry, and actively guide the construction of green mining, which gets a broad attention and high praises. A few days ago, the members of CPPCC highly praised the "developing the green mining, building the green mining" concept and strategy which was put forward by the Ministry of Land and Resources in the recent years in the implementation of the scientific outlook on the development. It based on the current long-term perspective, the country has gradually become the transfer mode, adjusted the structure, improve people and protected the ecological platform and the starting point. Up to now, 220 mining enterprises have been confirmed as a national green mining pilot companies and agencies, covering oil, coal, nonferrous metal, metallurgy, gold, chemical industry, building materials and non-metallic mining and other industries. The green mine construction achievement exhibition will be held by Ministry of Land and Resources of PRC. From the fourth quarter of the year to the first half of next year, special researches on the green mine will be conducted by the ministry of Land and Resource, China mining federation and environment resources committee of CPPCC. What will be the development trend of green mine construction? How to perfect the relevant support policy? How to construct the long-term mechanism of green mining development? The stream held by the planning division of the ministry of land and resources and CHINA MINING association will explain the details on the above at 14 p.m., on 5th. Someone said that green mining is the foundation, and harmonious mining area is fundamental. Green mining is mainly the harmony between man and nature. Harmonious mining area is the harmony between man and nature, man and man, man and society. The Breakout Session on harmonious mining construction by the development department of the ministry of land and resources, economic research institute of China Land and Resource will show you some cases on how to promote the harmony between community and mining at 214:00 p.m. on 4th. 7. Key Words:  Comprehensive Utilization and Sustainable Development The "Twelfth Five-Year" plan puts forward for the first time "saving priority strategy ", which is to alleviate the economic development of the resource constraint, and ensure the sound and rapid development of the economic society. To carry out this strategy, In 2010, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Land and Resources of the State Council put forward an application to the state council for the investment of the mineral resources income on geological and major mining projects. With the approval of the state council, special funds has been established since 2010 for the mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization of the mineral resources. "Special fund" is used in the form of "Replacing the Subsidies with Awards" and "Demonstration Project". With two kinds of economic means, the Ministry of Finance gives full play to the capital incentive and guidance, supports mining enterprises to adopt advanced technology to further improve the development and the comprehensive utilization efficiency of mineral resource, enhancing the mineral resources` supply capacity. At present, the consciousness of the saving and comprehensive utilization of the mineral resources has been further strengthened, which receives remarkable effect. Mining enterprises, the relevant local departments pay more attention to it and the demonstration drive benefit is made with advanced technology and the central financial capital. "Three efficiencies" are improved obviously, and the whole environment has been improved. The stream on mineral resources comprehensive utilization will be held at 16:00 p.m., on 5th. The policies, measures and results related to the above will be introduced. Mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization is a systematic project, with  long-term and broad characteristics, which needs the wide participation and cooperation of mining enterprises, industry associations, management departments, scientific research units, the social public. And the management of land and resources lies in the sustainable development. In fact, in order to have a dynamic balance in the economy, environment and society, land and resources needs to constructed in a harmonious society with sustainable development. How can the mining and metals line make a contribution to our society and the sustainable development of the industry ? International Mining and Metal board will hold streams on the mining sustainable development in the afternoon of 4th, and analyses the issues on the above. (Zhang Li) (translated by TLRHVC) About CHINA MINING
Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year.  As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises. CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2012 is held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on November 3rd-6th, 2012 (Expo is opened on 3rd pm Nov., 2012). We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 14th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us.  For more information about CHINA MINING 2012, please visit: www.chinaminingtj.org.