Wang Min met with former Vice Premier of Austria

Wang Min met with former Vice Premier of Austria

Source:  Citation:  Date: Nov.20, 2013

Wang Min, Vice Minister of Land and Resources, China, met with Dr. Hannes Androsch, the former Vice Premier of Austria, and his staff in Beijing on Nov. 20 to talk about the further cooperation in the geological field.  After the talk, Memorandum of Understanding on Geosciences Cooperation was signed between China Geological Survey and Austrian Institute of Technology.

Wang Min pointed out that China was willing to strengthen the cooperation with Austria in geological field, especially in the fields of environment and control of geological hazard. At present, a mass movement of ecological progress promotion is in full swing all over the country. More attention is paid on environmental protection. Great efforts are made to promote the development and utilization of new energy, such as natural gas, shale gas, geothermal energy and so on, cutback the use of traditional energy, and promote energy structural adjustment. Signing of the Memo will certainly push the exchange and cooperate between our two in the above fields.

Dr. Hannes Androsch said that Austria is a country which attaches great importance to environmental protection and hopes to further the cooperation with China to collaborate the way to put the new energy to rational use and strengthen the protection on ecological environment and natural resources.

It was learned that according to the memo, diversified forms of cooperation in fields of regional geological survey, evaluation of mineral resource potential, groundwater model, shale gas research, study of geological disasters and environmental study and so on would be promoted between China Geological Survey and Austrian Institute of Technology. (Wang Shaoyong)                                                (Translated by TLRHVC)


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