Geological survey memorabilia of 2013

Geological survey memorabilia of 2013

Source:  Citation:  Date: January 02, 2014

Editor’s note: Some major events have taken place in 2013, our nation’s geological survey have made a significant breakthrough. However, the public are still unfamiliar with geological survey. They just get some information from brief news of social news. This is probably because geologists are obscure and they are not good at getting attention. Although they make great contribution, ordinary people cannot understand because of the expertise in this area. Therefore, social media are not interested in geologists. Nevertheless, as industry media, we know well the contribution of geological survey for the development of our nation, because it is basic work and beneficial for future. It is also an “engine” of long-term economic growth and the significance of many work results may show after several years. Next, we will review geological survey events of 2013.

1. Our nation made a thorough investigation of groundwater pollution in North China Plain

In early January, the state land resource survey project “Research and Appraisal of Groundwater Pollution in North China Plain” passed review with excellent result of 94 points. The project was carried out by China Geological Survey and Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, CAGS. Since 2006, project personnel took 5 years to investigate groundwater pollution of 144608 square kilometers with 1: 250 thousand areas, 23027.6 square kilometers with 1: 50 thousand key areas and collect7451 groups of groundwater samples in North China Plain. They evaluated the quality and pollution status of groundwater. This project was given high attention by the Party Central Committee and State Council, and got agreement by state leaders.

Comment: Groundwater in North China has been exploited excessively. At the same time, North China has dense population and heavy industries. Therefore, clean groundwater means a lot for the lives of residents and economic development. The results of the research were deep studies on groundwater in these areas after the research of groundwater and environment in North China Plain and made a thorough investigation of the groundwater organic pollution status in North China Plain areas. A series of groundwater sample systems and evaluation methods formulated by this project became important technical support and demonstration for nationwide survey and appraisal of groundwater pollution.

2. Four types of fossils in Luoping orictocoenosis were listed in priority protection in China

In January, four types of fossils in Luoping oricticoenosis were listed in Nation Protection List of Fossil Specimens(first batch) published by Ministry of Land and Resources. Dianopachysaurus dingshi, diandongosaurus acutidentatus and sinosaurosphargis yunguiensis were listed in the country first-level protected fossil specimens and ichthyosaur yunnan was listed in third-level protected fossil specimens. Luoping orictocoenosis was selected into the sixth batch of national geological park with highest score in 2011. Nation Protection List of Fossil Specimens (first batch) was published according to the demands and stipulations of Regulations on Protection of Fossil Specimens and Nation Grading Standard of Fossil Specimens and combining specific situaiton of protection of fossils specimens. The list was divied into three leves, 400 types of fossil specimens were listed in the first batch including 276 types in the first-level, 110 types in the second-level and 14 types in the third-level.

Comment: In 2007, Luoping oricticoenosis was found in middle Triassic epoch marine limestone in Luoping areas by Chengdu Centre of China Geological Survey. This oricticoenosis meant a lot to the study of marine organism’s revival and radiation from the end of Permian to early Triassic, after the great extinction of species.

3. Resources and environmental researches of Qaidam Basin found potassium accumulation areas

In February, “pre-research results of Qaidam Basin resources, environment and scientific drilling project”, which was accomplished by Yanhu Centre of Institute of Mineral Resources Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, got a series of environmental and climatic information of Qaidam Basin and promoted related metallogenic theory. This report was rewarded “Excellent” by experts and review committee. This project was a work project of China Geological Survey. Qaidam Basin belonged to Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Cenozoic salt lake lacustrine deposit areas and deposition thickness was biggest and continuous. This project utilized these advantages, combining these with Western geological survey drilling, carried out the research of Western systematic drilling coring integration.

Comment: Qaidam Basin is a “treasure bowl” containing abundant mineral resources. Sylvite is largely scarce mineral resources in our nation. The value of these researches was to verify the climate more than 1 million years before late pleistocene epoch was cold and wet or warm and wet in eastern Qaidam according to a series of environmental information. According to detailed researches on cold and warm saline minerals’ environmental index of 11 drilling sections in western Qaidam and comparison of regional and global events, researchers found Qaidam schott had a inverse “S” migration and aggregation pattern, formed two potassic accumulation areas, constituted multilevel schott pattern. The researchers developed continental facies potassic theory.

4. A monograph on major ancient lakes’ environmental evolution of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau published

On February 27, Major Ancient Lakes’ Environmental Evolution Sequence in Paleogene-Neogene of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was published by Geological Publishing House. This book was a comprehensive and systematic monograph on major ancient lakes’ environmental evolution in Paleogene-Neogene of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Academician Li Tingdong prefaced and thought highly of this book.

Based on field geological investigation and laboratory experiment analysis, the research team of this monograph comprehensively used stratigraphy, structural geology, chronological geology, environmental geology, remote sensing geology and other scientific methods launched a series of investigation on Paleogene-Neogene lacustrine facies stratigraphic distribution of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, evolution of ancient lakes, major ancient lakes chronological stratigraphic sequence, cause of basins, evolutionary process, evolution model, uplifted age of Himalaya mountains, altitude and speed, fluctuation of glacier in early Pleistocene, bottom margin of Quaternary, environmental evolution law and evolutionary phase in Paleogene-Neogene of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Then they confirmed progress and dynamics mechanism of rapid environmental change in Paleogene-Neogene of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and comprehensively analyzed response of global climatic change in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

Comment: As our nation’s geological research hot spot, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is also a hot pot and frontier domains which got high attention from national field of geoscience and triggered fierce competition. In some degree, especially in geoscience and even whole fundamental research, the geological research on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau had global significance. This monograph provided important fundamental data for researches on evolution of the lakes in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, evolution of Yangtze River and Yellow River, palaeoenvironmental change in East Asia and global climate change and social economic development program of Qinghai, Tibet and other western provinces.

5.  “Yellow River Delta Wetland Survey” won second prize in geological survey results

In April, project “Yellow River Delta Coastal Wetland System Integrated Geological Survey and Evaluation” won the second prize in geological survey results of 2012. Project team adhered to the principle of combining theoretical research and application practice, insisted on scientific research route which uniting “industry-university-research cooperation”. They carried out basic researches and at the same time, they explored ways of combining wetland systematic studies, govern and sustainable development, brought up constructive advices on protecting and repairing Yellow River Delta wetland system. All they had done played a significant role on preserving the ecological environment.

Comment: This project accumulated piles of important source material, achieved a lot research results, established related technical manual on our nation’s wetland research field and leaded disciplinary development by means of carrying out multidisciplinary comprehensive researches. Experts pointed out that sedimentary compaction and coast corrosion of Yellow River Delta coastal zone are two hidden danger for the safety of inshore oil producing region, coastal engineering defenses of relevant sections should be strengthened to ensure the oilfield production safety. Therefore, this project made sense for resource guarantee and environmental protection.

6.    High-efficient development and utilization of mid-deep geothermal resources conference ended

On April 11, “the Second High-efficient Development and Utilization of Mid-deep Geothermal Resources Conference” which was held by China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and China Geological Survey and Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, CAGS ended completely in Beijing. The conference discussed development status of domestic and overseas geothermal resources, development advantages, potential of geothermal resources and advanced geothermal power technology.

Comment: In China, annual quantity of superficial geothermal energy was equal to 9.5 billion tons of coal, quantity of standard geothermal energy was equal to 853 billion tons of standard coal. Deep geothermy was the main existence form of geothermal resources. Only develop deep geothermy, can we open the enormous heat reservoir of the Earth. At present, geothermal energy development progressed rapidly all over the world. New Zealand, Indonesia and the USA enthusiastically developed geothermal energy, however Australia and Germany were not interested in geothermal energy. This conference had positive significance on improve the level of our nation’s geothermic studies and drive geothermal resources move towards large-scale development and utilization.

7.    Geological map of China and Mongolia border realized seamless joint for the first time  

On April, Tianjin Center of China Geological Survey edited geological map, structural map and mineral deposit map of China and Mongolia border of 1: 1 million map scale, then sent it to Mongolia Geological Survey. This achievement realized seamless joint of 109 stratigraphic units, 111 intrusive bodies and 119 fractures of two nations’ border areas in the history of geology and mineral researches in recent one century. It filled the blank of stratum, structure, magmatic rock belts and the division, comparison and series of geological maps of 1:1 million map scale of two nations’ border areas.

Comment: Mongolia was a scarcely populated area with abundant resources. In recent years, cooperative exploitation of mineral resources between China and Mongolia brought plentiful and substantial achievement. Border between China and Mongolia stretches 4676 kilometers with few people and abundant resources. Border areas were known to have 2220 orefields. This research played an important role on confirming type, scale and new metallogenic provinces and belts division of these ore fields. It was also important for fundamental geological researches and mineral exploration work of China and Mongolia border areas.

8.    Ecological geochemical survey found abundant mineral resources in Hainan Island

In April, National key project “Ecological Geochemical Survey in Hainan Island” which was carried out by China Geological Survey and Hainan Provincial Government won the first on Science and Technology Progress Award of Hainan Island evaluated by Hainan provincial science and technology award commission. China invested 30 million Yuan in this large-scale fundamental, strategic and applicable key national project. This project would be carried out by Hainan Geological Survey. After implementing the project, a batch of prospective, innovative, fundamental and applicable achievements on environment, agriculture, resources, land utilization and other aspects provided important geochemical fundamental data and scientific basis for the construction of Hainan International Tourism Island.

Comment: Hainan Island is one of our nation’s two “treasure islands”. For years, Hainan Island is famous for its climate and scenery and becomes travelers’ paradise. This project carried out all-round ecological geochemical survey with multimedia, cross-system, multi-index and multi-time domain, and found 9575 square kilometers of selenium-rich soil which had highest national territorial area proportion of nationwide provincial level land in Hainan Island for the first time. This proved that Hainan Island was a “Selenium-rich Island”. Meanwhile, in Baodinghai prospect of Wanning, project ascertained our country’s first offshore uhligite placer deposit which had total resource value of 4 billion yuan and ascertained five zirconium and titanium ore bodies which had total resource value of 1.2 billion yuan. These proved that Hainan Island was not only a paradise for travelers but also a “treasure land” with abundant mineral resources and excellent agricultural edaphic condition.

9.    Key laboratory of ground fracture and geological disaster decided open fund project.

In April, key laboratory of ground fracture and geological disaster open fund project of Ministry of Land and Resources was finally decided. This key laboratory followed the principles of “openness, mobility, alliance and competition”, would fund domestic and overseas scientific and technical workers based on open research environment of the laboratory, then carry on high-level research work to promote academic communication, discover and cultivate scientific and technological talents on ground fracture and geological disaster field of our country.

Comment: People were unfamiliar with ground fracture but we had seen an endless number of reports about “Tiankeng”. Geological researchers bore important responsibility in finding out causes and theories of “Tiankeng”, and scientifically preventing and controlling them. The research direction of this laboratory was based on Yangtze River Delta Plain, facing urban agglomeration or economic belts which source of water was groundwater, combing theory and practice, popularizing and applying high-grade technology, to realize overall improvement of ground fracture researches and balanced development of all research directions, finally built complete theory and technological method system of geological disaster prevention and control of ground fracture. Predictably, the successful completion of this project would present immeasurable scientific research.

10. Training class of ASEAN mine environment and ecological restoration wound up successfully.

On May 20, training class of ASEAN mine environment and ecological restoration and control ability which was held by Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, CGS successfully wound up in Kunming. It lasted 10 days. 13 representatives of institutions of geology and mineral, geological environmental management, survey and academy joined the training. They came from Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar, Laos and so on. The training combined seminar discussion with visit and investigation. Experts systematically explained the plan of mine geological environmental survey, restoration and control; technical requirements of mine geological environmental survey norm, restoration and control; theory and technique of mine geological environmental remote sensing and mapping as well as mine geological environmental information. During the training, trainees visited the construction of Kunyang green phosphorite of Yunnan Phosphate Chemical Group.

Comment: Our nation is a neighbor of ASEAN countries. We are linked by rivers and mountains and have good neighborly and friendly relations. We have good cooperation in every respect. It is necessary for neighbors and friends to contact, communicate and exchange constantly. This training class promoted communication between our nation and ASEAN countries and laid a solid foundation for cooperation on mine environmental area. It also laid a foundation for cooperation on geology such as land subsidence and exploitation and utilization of groundwater resources, geological environmental mapping and offshore area geothermal resources.

11. Southern Meso-Cenozoic basin structure of the East China Sea continental shelf basin was ascertained

In May, project “research on Southern Meso-Cenozoic basin evolution and geological structural features of the East China Sea continental shelf basin” was passed appraisal. It was carried out by Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, CGS and got a series of innovative achievements. The project provided detailed and accurate fundamental date for future oil detection breakthrough in this basin. It lasted 4 years, completed gravity and magnetic date processing and interpretation of 13 million square kilometers as well as two-dimensional seismic date and interpretation of 16000 kilometers and tackle key problems of seismic date of 760 kilometers.

Comment: The East China Sea is our nation’s important strategic electoral district of oil and gas resources which contains abundant oil and gas resources. The achievement of this project will lay foundation for further researches on Mesozoic group geologic structural tentonic characteristics and evolution of the East China Sea continental shelf basin as well as perspective evaluation of oil and gas resources and other work. It also indicated directions for the work of strategic electoral district of Mesozoic group, at the same time, provided fundamental date for exploration, development and planning of oil and gas in our nation and for enterprises which focused on commercial exploration and development of oil and gas.

12. The first shale gas exploratory well of Jurassic system in northwestern continental facies was spudded in

On April 20, Chaiye No.1 well with design depth of 2800 meters was spudded in. This was not only the first shale gas exploratory well of Jurassic system in northwestern continental facies, but also the first shale gas exploratory well implemented by Oil and Gas Survey, CGS. It symbolized shale gas exploration and exploitation of the only national nonprofit investigation team made substantive steps.

Comment: Expected work results of exploratory well would correctly reflect geological condition of shale gas reservoir in this area and have a guidance effect on potential evaluation and advantageous district optimization of shale gas resources in this series of strata. According to follow-up messages, the second shale gas exploratory well—Deye No.1 well was spuded up on the evening of August, 11. The intense work showed the importance of shale gas resources.

13. The deepest scientific misering of continental shelf in our nation’s eastern part was completed successfully

On June 27, the “continental shelf scientific misering project” which was undertook by China Geological Survey and Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, CGS ended offshore drilling of scientific drilling CSDP-01 of continental shelf in south yellow sea. The drill-hole was finished in 300.1 meters. The expected goal of drilling quaternary stratum in seabed was implemented successfully.

Comment: In our nation’s Cenozoic geological evolution history, key of tectonic movement and other geological problems lay in longish geologic record got from continental shelf. But so far, the deepest coring hole in continental shelf shallow sea area only exposed continental shelf stratum within 200 meters, and rock core length of most geological drillings were shorter than 100 meters. Therefore, long borer auger was desiderated to fill this blank. This time, first drilling’s total footage of scientific drillings in China continental shelf was more than 300 meters, total coring rate reached more than 80%. It is the deepest whole coring scientific drilling in China continental shelf as well as the first drilling of quaternary whole rock core on continental shelf area. It not only accumulated valuable experience for geological longhole construction of quaternary system whole coring in offshore area, but also provided precious samples for new breakthrough of quaternary scientific researches in our nation’s shelf sea.

14. Accumulation type bauxite was firstly found in North China

In July, relying on geological survey and appraisal project “geological survey and available research on middle and low grade bauxite in Dengfeng- Xinmi areas in Henan”, under the guidance of the experts in Tianjin Geological Survey Center, Zhengzhou Institute of Multipurpose Utilization of Mineral Resources found accumulation type bauxite in Yuzhou, Jiaxian, Baofeng and Lushanxian area in Henan. The accumulation type bauxite had certain geological reserves and broad development prospect. This type bauxite was firstly found in North China.

Comment: The discovery of accumulation type bauxite in Henan eliminated the old understanding that accumulation type bauxite was only existed in southern part of China. It meant a lot for prospecting accumulation type bauxite in North China. The newfound accumulation type bauxite had higher grade, silica-alumina ratio was higher than 7, and had features of easy selection and easy exploitation. Reclaiming the accumulation type bauxite in farmland after being exploited would contribute to soli improvement.

15. Remote sensing was completed in 9 islands of Xisha Islands

Between June and July, project team “Sansha islands and reefs remote sensing survey and monitoring” of China Aero Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center for Land and Resources spent half a month in remote sensing survey of 9 islands in Xishaxuande Islands area of Sansha. Xisha Islands was a special area without business development. This project team had 9 islands, 5 of them were uninhabited island. Although facing all kinds of difficulties, project team punctually finished a detailed survey on water front, fundamental geology, vegetation and land resources of Xisha reef islands, established interpretation sign, carried out bathymetry in Zhongdao and Nanshazhou. They laid the foundation of follow-up work.

Comment: On June 21, 2012, approved by State Council and announced by Ministry of Civil Affairs, prefecture-level city Sansha was established and government was located in Yongxing Island which was in Xisha Island. This field survey was strongly supported by local soldiers and civilians as well as the new-found Sansha Municipal Government. Without the concern and help of local municipal Party committee and government, frontier armed police, fishery administration and fishermen, it was impossible to finish the work as planned. Certainly, these geological results would provide fundamental data and basis for the construction of Sansha.

16. Diamond prospecting plan would be introduced

On July 18, news from diamond prospecting deployment seminar of Tan-Lu fault zone (Su-Wan section) showed that CGS would work out nationwide diamond prospecting plan (the latest news indicated that the plan had passed by experts’ proof at the end of December). CGS would comprehensively take all measures to carry out prospective study, strengthen anomaly verification, realize new breakthrough of diamond prospecting; in Liaoning, Shandong, Anhui and the provinces had relatively high working level and more clues of diamond prospecting, selecting prospecting target areas which were expected to get breakthrough in the near future, focusing on evaluation, reinforcing engineering verification, accelerating breakthrough of diamond prospecting and putting plans into action.

Comment: Diamond is a type of scarce and valuable mineral resources. Because of its hardness, optics, electricity and other physical performances, it was used widely in metallurgy, geological drilling, machinery, optical instrument and other fields. Diamond is also important strategic resources of new energy, new material, information technology, space technology and other emerging industries.

17. Monographic results of provincial level potential evaluation regularity of ore formation were accepted 

On July, monographic results acceptance conference on nationwide potential evaluation item provincial level potential evaluation regularity of ore formation was held in Beijing. The conference accepted regularity of ore formation research results of 30 provinces (cities and districts). Academician Chen Yuchuan, Pei Rongfu of Chinese Academy of Engineering joined the conference as evaluation experts.

Comment: This acceptance was both a thorough survey of nationwide 25 types of minerals and a comprehensive conclusion of key mineral products’ regularity of ore formation. The successful acceptance indicated monographic research of provincial level potential evaluation regularity of ore formation had came to a conclusion. It was reported that in follow-up work, a group which collected nationwide regularity of ore formation would carry out comprehensive research on nationwide minerals’ regularity of ore formation and present relevant results.

18. Research on geomorphology and environment of middle and small rivers into the sea started

On July, the key project “background data research on estuarine dynamic depositional geomorphology and environment of typical middle and small rivers into the sea” started. It was a national scientific and technological groundwork which was carried out by Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, CGS and Tongji University. The project was aim to systematically collect and collate basic researches and monitoring date of our nation’s coastal typical middle and small rivers and off-shore estuaries in all historical periods, then complementally carry out field survey and monitor of typical estuaries, structure database and system of information of estuarine dynamic depositional geomorphology and environment of middle and small rivers into the sea. The project’s expected result could give a better understanding of estuarine evolutionary process and trend drove by nature and human activities, provide guidance for integrated management of estuaries and coastal zones. It also had significance on sustainable and disaster evaluation and prevention of estuaries and coastal zones.

Comment: Middle and small rivers research have became hot spot of researches on international rivers and coastal zones especially researches on continental-oceanic interaction. Researches on middle and small rivers were not only supplement of the researches on big rivers but also the basic solution to geological regular problems of our nation’s marginal sea. The successful implement of this project meant a lot to sedimentology and prevention and reduction of natural disasters.

19. Our nation deployed 33 new work items of uranium ore prospective study

On September 3 to 4, deployment seminar of nationwide sandstone-type uranium deposit prospecting work was held in Tianjin. The seminar comprehensively summarized development of uranium prospecting on strategic districts and staged achievements of prospecting, deployed and promoted nationwide sandstone-type uranium deposit prospecting work. The seminar reported working result of prospecting districts and uranium resources survey in the previous stage, discussed metallogenic process studies and thoughts of ore-preserving sand body and uranium-bearing fluid coupling in the basins of Northern China. Concrete implementation plan of working item in 2014 was also discussed in the seminar.

Comment: Uranium ore is a very important strategic resource. At present, uranium prospecting work have got breakthrough in our country, prospecting districts and drilling verification has significant results. All of these indicated huge potential of uranium-type prospecting in Northern China’s Meso-Cenozoic basins. In 2012, we achieved impressive results in Daying uranium ore. Nationwide expansion and deepening of uranium prospecting study and innovation of theoretical research level, technical route and methods would lay foundation for the realization of breakthrough in uranium prospecting and provide powerful resource guarantee for national economic development.

20. The quantity of geological national primary standard substances in our country have reached 434 types

In October, 39 types of geological standard substances of 8 series developed by National Research Center for Geoanalysis, CGS and other 5 geological laboratories passed final judgment of national primary standard substances which organized by national standard substance management committee. At present, the quantity of geological national primary standard substances have reached 434 types, ranking the second in 13 types national primary standard substances, accounting for 24%, was next only to environmental national primary standard substances. According to information, our nation planed to develop all kinds of urgent and typical standard substances on geological and mineral profession which amounting to about 400 types to insure the accuracy, reliability, comparability and effectiveness of test results of geological mineral resources, then promote work level of geological experimental testing technique and guarantee the service ability.

Comment: Geological and mining experimental testing technique standard could be divided into literal standard and material standard by vector. Material standard mainly indicated standard substances which were material standard or scaleplate of affirming analytical method, traceability of value, equipment calibration, period investigation and evaluating testing results. It played a key role in realizing the traceability of testing results, guaranteeing the veracity and comparability in time and space of testing results, realizing international mutual recognition of testing results. It was reported that 41types of 9 series of geological standard substances passed the final judgment of national primary standard substances this year. They were traceability of value and data quality monitoring of geological mineral exploration, environmental evaluation, ore-processing, trade and relevant departments using as chemical component analysis. They were also basic constituent parts of quality system of chemical component analysis of geological samples of geological and mining industry, and important technical support for geological prospecting breakthrough.

21. Sample analysis of groundwater pollution stepped into standardized management

In November, Quality Control and Technical Requirements for Research, Appraisal and Sample Analysis of Groundwater Pollution passed review by experts from China Geological Survey. It was carried out by National Research Center for Geoanalysis and China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and symbolized that the quality control and technical requirements for research, appraisal and sample analysis of groundwater pollution stepped into standardized management. These technical requirements stipulated basic requirements for quality control for research, appraisal and sample analysis of groundwater pollution and quality control of interior and exterior laboratories. They were suitable for testing the quality control of groundwater pollution research, appraisal and sample analysis. They also applied to the confirmation and quality control of technical competence of laboratory groundwater pollution research, appraisal and sample analysis for responsible organ.

Comment: The standards and requirements played an important role in regulating quality control of groundwater pollution research, appraisal and sample analysis, promoting laboratory technique. They would effectively provide technical support for geological research and appraisal of nationwide groundwater pollution.

22. Northwestern mineral resources potential evaluation was completed with high quality

On December, results of northwestern mineral resources potential evaluation passed expert review which was organized by Mineral Resources Potential Evaluation Office of Ministry of Land and Resources, China Geological Survey and Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences with high score, and ranked the first in six districts across the country. This project was one of the six-districts projects of “Mineral resources potential evaluation” which were important national condition survey carried out by Ministry of Land and Resources. It would last 8 years and had main duties with seven stages. 78 project technical experts organized 9 professional researches, adopting polynary geological information integrated forecasting technique and computer software date forecasting, finished forecast and potential evaluation of 23 types of minerals in northwest district with 1:250000 map scale.

Comment: Northwestern region is both important metallogenic province and energy resources substituted base in our country. This project analyzed resources potential and prospecting direction of important minerals and minerals with advantage in northwestern region. And the project integrated predicted types of 23 minerals in northwestern region and forecasted future mineral exploitation base.

23. Appraisal of 2013 China geological survey achievement awards ended

On December 9, final judgment of 2013 China geological survey achievement was held. China geological survey achievement awards were established by China Geological Survey in 2012 and were divided into four types: fundamental geology, mineral geology, hydrological-engineering-environmental geology and geological science and technology. These annual awards represented the highest level of our nation’s public and fundamental geological survey. This time was the second term of China geological survey achievement awards. Lists of 19 first prizes and 80 second prizes voted by final judgment would be published after publicity. In this review, the judges were 25 academicians in the industry, staffs in the departments involved in the campaign could not be judges, inservice managers in China Geological Survey should quit the judge. Result of the first prize recommended by professional group replied by remote video.

Comment: Justice and profession were value and life of a reward. We hoped that later awards in the industry could learn from China geological survey awards, let the winners be repaid in full for everything they have given, let the people who din not win the prizes be sincerely convinced.

24. Geological date library released 3.3 TB information to public free of charge

Core digital system of geological data library—digital geological data library system passed achievement acceptance review organized China Geological Survey on December 10. The review group was composed of several academicians and senior experts and former chief engineer of Ministry of Land and Resources and consultant of the State Council Zhang Hongtao held the post of group leader. They spoke highly of the project achievement. This was a public Earth science information management and service system which released Earth science survey achievement of government to public. At present, geological date library could provide 100000 types of and 3.6 million pieces of geological date information, data volume reached 31.5 TB. By this project, almost 18000 types of and 50000 pieces of information could be directly published to the public free of charge, the sum of the date reached 3.3 TB. The information included fundamental geology, mineral resource exploration, geological tourism resources survey, water exploration in water-deficient areas, agricultural geological survey data and popular scientific material of Earth science.

Comment: Geological data released to public was an important step. Geological data were a type of fundamental service. As long as they did not involve national secretes, these geological data should be provided much more to the public. It would beneficial to the economic development and social progress. It could also provide convenience for people and popularize geological science knowledge for the public. At the same time, it was an urge for relevant departments to change functions and serve the public. (Sun Lei) (translated by TLRHVC)


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