Strengthen mining administrations and push forward prospecting breakthrough

Strengthen mining administrations and push forward prospecting breakthrough

Source:   Citation:  Date: Jan.14, 2014

On the morning of January 11th, Xu Deming, vice minister of the Ministry of Land and Resources deployed the overall arrangement of 2014 land and resources during the second plenary meeting of national land and resources. Meanwhile, he put forward ten major tasks. He required that the management of mining administrations should be strengthened, and geological prospecting breakthrough be pushed forward in the line of mining.

"Mineral resources are the food and blood of industries. The simultaneous promotion of ‘four modernizations’ has increased the demand for mineral resources in a certain period". Xu Deming pointed that although prospecting breakthrough strategy had made important achievements, the supply and demand contradiction in China was still very outstanding, which resulted in high external dependency. So, based on domestic, mineral resources management must be further strengthened and the implementation of prospecting breakthrough strategic actions be speeded up to improve the ability of resource security.

First, it is to strengthen the management of mineral resources. The protection, rational development and utilization of mineral resources should be through mine administration management. The third round of mineral resources planning should be worked out, with the strengthening of access and constraints, optimization of exploration development layout structure. The mining right market should be promoted actively with the improvement of mining right transfer system. The mining right approval should be studied seriously. For example, what should be approved? Who should be approved? How to manage? Strengthen departments’ responsibilities. Perfect unified distribution system. Strengthen the dynamic monitoring of examination and approval, and explore the system of “approved by province and controlled by ministry ". Control strictly protocol transfer. Deepen the reform of mineral resources reserve management, and make clear the relationship among governments, institutions and intermediaries. Give full play to and strengthen the social supervision such as mineral inspectors. Strengthen the reserve and protection of preponderant mineral resources, and pay more attention to the role of the market. Weaken or cancel the administrative measures for the regulation of tungsten, antimony, rare earths and coal.

Second, it is to do a good job for geology survey. Strengthen the basic and public welfare geology survey. Carry out the regional development strategy, and increase the support of geological survey in west, northeast and poverty alleviation area. Focus on developing energy resources investigation and evaluation such as oil, gas and unconventional energy, and strategy area selection. Strengthen the basic support and integrated application of research. Develop deep prospecting, new technology, and new method for fast prospecting and exploration. Do a good job for geological data open and services in exploration area. Support the transfer of golden armed forces, and arrange the remove. Provide relatively stable working area to ensure the full workload.

Third, continue to implement prospecting breakthrough strategy, which has gotten good phrased results. Carry out three-year target assessment, sum up experience, analyze problems, and improve the strategy in time. Highlight key areas, energy and mineral resources which are in short supply. Promote the second stage work. Communicate actively with the treasury department to ensure the steady investment of central geological exploration fund, and optimize the management procedures of central geological exploration fund. Encourage the integrated exploration development of mineral resources such as oil gas, uranium ore, coal, and coal bed gas. Continue to improve the mining investment environment and encourage the introduction of social capital investment. Promote the classification and reform of state-owned geological exploration units, and gather all geological exploration forces to promote geological prospecting new breakthroughs.

Fourth, deepen the international cooperation of mining. Implement actively the strategy of "going abroad", highlighting key minerals, and countries. Implement   overseas mineral resources risk exploration. Intensify mineral resources information service in foreign countries. Strengthen the cooperation with the competent mining department of important countries, and important geological international organization. Prepare for 2014 CHINA MINING and the APEC mining minister meeting. (Li Ping)  (translated by TLRHVC)


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