2013 ten progress announced by China geological survey

2013 ten progress announced by China geological survey

Source: www.mlr.gov.cn  Citation: www.gtzyb.com  Date: Jan.15, 2014

2013 ten progress of China geological survey implemented by Chinese Geological Survey Bureau were announced recently.

The progress included: successful ending of potential evaluation of national mineral resources; drilling new type of natural gas hydrate of high purity in the South China Sea ; opening up unconventional oil and gas new fields made by investigation and evaluation of shale gas; full completion of survey and evaluation of shallow geothermal energy resources in provincial capital city; major breakthroughs achieved in copper mine in Tibet area; important achievements in the geological environment survey in important economic region and city group; significant progress made by study of stratigraphy paleontology; providing public services by medium scale digital geologic map; China`s first discovery of rare earth resources in the Pacific Ocean; the UAV aerial geophysical integrated station survey filling the domestic blank. (Gao Huili) (translated by TLRHVC)


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