Sidelights of mining development forum of CHINA MINING 2013

Sidelights of mining development forum of CHINA MINING 2013

Source:  Citation:   Date: Nov.05, 2013

All seats in N16-220 conference room, which consisted of 3 medium-sized conference rooms were occupied on the second floor at Tianjin Meijiang International Convention and Exhibition Center on November 4th.  

On Mining Development Forum, Chinese and foreign mining " giants" met with the public together, such as China Minmetals, Zijin mining, Chinalco, China Gold, Shandong Gold, Datong Coal Industry, Yunnan Chihong, the Bureau of China Metallurgical Geology, Eldorado Gold Corporation, Shandong Zhaojin etc.

Be More Sustainable and Responsible

Under the current situation and background of the slump of world macroeconomic situation, commodity price shock, how to be sustainable and take responsibility for the development of mining industry was not just a business concern, but also the concern by government, organizations and society.

Wang Jianhua, Executive Director, President, Secretary of the Party committee of Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd, put forward his own point of view and looked forward to working together to find the answer to the sustainable development. He put forward 3 suggestions on corporate responsibility: first, the initial duty of the enterprises should be the human responsibility. Now, for the consideration of specialized division of labor and cost control, many mining projects of mineral company were all outsourcing, but whether it should be a pack up? For the outsourcing team from the remote and poor village, I wanted to know whether they should shut their eyes to things of basic necessities of life, culture and education and even their children’s studying. Second, it’s the social duty. What was the relationship between social duty and community duty? As a social organization, what duties should enterprise perform to those area residents? Third, it’s the ecological duty. For the environmental disturbance caused by the mining activities, whether or not we only need to reclaim or green? He said, "It will take 100 years to know whether it is truly a tailing pond safety."

Having been dedicating to improve the international cooperation, Aluminum International thought more about how to display the image of Chinese enterprises, which pursued a sustainable development and was responsible for social development in the international arena. Liu Xiangmin, Senior Vice President, Aluminum Corporation of China, said in his speech In order to develop Peru clenbuterol Mok copper before the project, Aluminum Corporation had invested $40 million in the construction of sewage treatment plants, which solved water pollution the local mining industry brought to the community 70 years ago. Meanwhile, we also Invested $0.3 billion in the constructing new area. The mining area residents bid farewell to the primitive, backward living environment. Thus, we completed the process of urbanization in advance. He said, "Through the implementation of this project, we set up a new town in Peru mining area."

Responsibility should not be a "single line"

Responsibility was never a Single line or single lane. It was bidirectional.

Du Haiqing, Vice General Manager, China National Gold Group Corporation, put forward his own point of view from this angle. He said, "The responsibility of the enterprises is to continuously improve the service to the economic social development. But if we talk about corporate’s responsibility merely and avoid the duty of the society, it is a distorted view of responsibility." 

The society pays close attention to the high degree of safety accidents of enterprises Let’s take the enterprise safety society pay close attention to as an example.” He said. As long as the enterprise safety accident occurred, the relevant government departments would check whether the license was complete, but they paid little attention to those procedures that often required two years or even longer time. The government should also ask themselves: what kind of service they should provide for the enterprise.

This problem was very common in the international mining industry. He believed as the international cooperation was widely used the society should give more understanding and concerns for the responsible enterprise. Only the two-way interaction would achieve mutual benefit.

Cooperation was the effective way of sustainable development.

How to realize a sustainable development in the context of weak growth was a widely concerned topic of the global mining.

"Mining investment will achieve 3 combination: combination with exploration ability and development of mineral scale, combination with the scale of investment and industry chain, combination with strength utilization of mineral resources and industrial technology innovation." Ju Yitai, Vice Director, China Metallurgical Geology Bureau, said in his speech, "As a geological exploration `team`, we look forward to cooperating with the strength,experienced and technical investors together to create a more sustainable, more responsible business."

Known as the "pacesetter of going out " China Nonferrous Mining Group, Xu Shusen, the deputy general manager gave a vivid interpretation with the example of his enterprise:

Through cooperation, the enterprise engaged in nonferrous mine construction, has developed into the mining group. The business was now in more than 80 countries or regions and it possessed 8 domestic and overseas listed mining groups. In July this year, it ranked 482 in the U.S. Fortune 500 companies worldwide.

China Nonferrous Mining Group was not the only one who was benefited from this kind of cooperation. It was through the cooperation, Zambia China Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone, NFC Luanshya Copper Co., Ltd., China Nonferrous African Minerals Limited, the Chambishi Blister Copper Smelting Plant, Chambishi Wet Smelting Plant, China Nonferrous Huaxin Wet Company, Burma Tagaung Taung Nickel, Figure Wood HASELTINE OBO Zinc Ore in Mongolia, and Thailand Taizhong Lead Antimony Alloy Factory dominated by China Nonferrous Mining Group had become the new force of local economic and social development. Among them, Zambia Chambishi copper mine reborn after the 13 years’poor management: The main orebody resumed production and increased 2100 jobs within 5 years. In 2007, west orebody in Chambishi Copper Mine officially put into operation with the amount of $0.16billion investment. Figure Wood HASELTINE OBO Zinc Mine built in Mongolia`s desolate Gobi turned from an international well-known mine unable to use into a modernized production base of non-ferrous metal. Sue Hubbard Supporting Province where Tu Multin was located became the sixth province, which didn’t require the central financial subsidy in Mongolia.  (Yu Defu)  (Translated by TLRHVC)




Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year  by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2013 were held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on November 2-5, 2013. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 15th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us. For more information about CHINA MINING 2013, please visit: