Minister Jiang Daming addressed in the opening ceremony of CM2014

Mr. Jiang Daming,Minister of Land and Resources of China & Chairman of CHINA MINING Organizing Committee,addressed in the Opening Ceremony of CHINA MINING 2014

Source:  Citation:  Date:Oct,21,2014

(Photo by Zhao Xinhao, Edit by Yang Zheng)
CHINA MINING 2014 is held on October 21, 2014 in Tianjin Meijiang Convention Center. The theme is “Sustainable development through innovation”. The picture shows that Mr. Jiang Damining, Minister of Land and Resources of China & Chairman of CHINA MINING Organizing Committee, was delivering his speech.

Distinguished ladies, gentlemen and friends,

In the golden Autumn, old and new friends of mining industry have gathered in the beautiful coastal city Tianjin to attend CHINA MINING 2014 discussing development plan of international mining development. On behalf of China Mining Organizing Committee and the Ministry of Land and Resources of China, I warmly welcome all the participants.

The theme of CHINA MINING 2014 is “Sustainable development through innovation” which aims to enhance development through mining innovation, strengthen international cooperation of mining industry and promote mining transformation and sustainable development. I would like to put forward some opinions to exchange with you with this opportunity:

Firstly, try to realize mining sustainable development in the new situation. World economy development history has proved that, no matter in the past, now or in the future, mining resources are important material basis of economic society development and “blood” and “food” of industry. Delegates who are present today are active participants and drivers of global mining development, who have been taking efforts for mining development and contributing your wisdom and skill and have made great contribution. Mining development is facing new situation as global economy fluctuation.

It is developing well globally but the development foundation is still not very stable and development structure is not balanced, there are still many uncertain elements as well. China’s economy development is showing characters as development speech change, structure adjustment and stimulus polices digesting. China’s economy is changing from high-speed development to medium-speech development and entering a period of new normal of improving quality and effectiveness. China is changing development ways which can be seen from promoting to realize scientific development of respecting economic rules, sustainable development of respecting natural rules and inclusive development of respecting social rules. In long term, world economy development is fluctuating and mining development is sure to have ups and downs, which need us to join hands together more closely and try to promote sustainable development of mining industry.

First, proceed with confidence. As the important drive force for global economic development, mining industry shoulders the important task of promoting recovery and is facing the pressure of transformation and upgrading development. Although mining industry is experiencing certain adjustment or even glide, the developing well condition hasn’t changed. China’s historic tasks as industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization are accelerating. Other economic entity is starting industrialization and urbanization. Strong needs for resources will maintain for a long time. We should proceed with confidence, actively make plans, overcome obstacles on the road and promote long-term and sustainable development of mining industry. 

Second, insist on increasing income and reducing expenditure at the same time. Mineral resources are non-renewable, so we must insist on increasing income and reducing expenditure at the same time. We will continue to fully carry out strategic action of breakthrough prospecting, stimulate and encourage initiative of geologic prospecting from every side and strengthen exploration of energy minerals, short-supply minerals and strategic new minerals to realize new breakthrough in prospecting and continuously improve support capability of domestic resources.

We will carry out the strategy of giving priority to saving and insist on saving resources and try to make saving resources be the main way of transforming production mode and living way. We should let saving resources run through the whole process of producing, circulating and consuming. We will explore new way of untraditional resources utilization and new field of traditional resources utilization, develop energy-saving and mineral-saving industry and build low-consuming, low-carbon, harmonious and high-efficient intensified development mode to promote society’s sustainable development by economical and intensive utilization of resources. We are constructing first 40 demonstration bases of mineral resources comprehensive utilization which are playing positive roles.

Third, we should focus on ecological construction and environmental protection. There are old sayings about ecological thought in ancient China like “Tao follows nature” and “unity of heaven and man”. These thoughts of wisdom are still effective for current development and we still could draw inspiration from that. Good ecological environment is treasure that couldn’t be bought and borrowed. Only having green mountain and clean water but being poor is not fine and being rich without good environment is not fine either. In the final analysis, environmental problems appear in the development and should be solved in the development.    

Chinese government is vigorously promoting ecological civilization construction. Mining industry plays an important role in ecological civilization construction. We will continue to set up ideas of respecting, following and protecting nature, strengthen protection of mining environment, reduce damage which mining explorations do for ecological environment at most, practice important projects of protection and governance of mines environment and enhance capability of green mining development. We have built four batches including 661 state-level green mines experimental units, which play great roles of demonstration. Only building development on the foundation of sustainable resources and environment bearing, we could live today well and not worry about tomorrow. We could cultivate endogenous impetus and enduring vibrancy of mining development.

Secondly, promote mining sustainable development through innovation. World economic development rules indicate that innovation is the key factor for economic development and mining industry grading and the important driving force for sustainable development of mining industry. What’s more, innovation also promotes mining recovery and transformation. To refresh mining development, we should let innovation play the role of leading and supporting and innovate technology, management and system.

The first is to accelerate science and technology innovation. Resources revolution caused by science and technology progress and innovation is changing the pattern of world mineral resources supply and demand. International mining industry should actively build policies and environment which encourage science and technology innovation; increase investment science and technology innovation of mining industry; be led by developing new energy and new materials; improve capability of science and technology innovation; put metallogenic theory, evaluation method, development mode and using technology innovation to drive resources revolution on important place; constantly improve capabilities of original innovation, intensive innovation, introducing-digesting-reinnovating  on mineral exploration, development and utilization. We also should strengthen to build green mines system and technological system research on ecological restoration of mining development production base, improve technology, eliminate out-dated production technology and promote advanced production technology and highly improve comprehensive and cyclic utilization level of mineral resources. We have issued 99 advanced comprehensive utilization technologies which are with independent intellectual property rights, wide range of application and great prospects. These technologies have gained great achievements.   

The second is to deepen the management innovation. The International mining industry should hand in hand to advance and strengthen the innovation in mining   management, and effectively motivate the activities of mining development. We will make innovations in mineral resources management in accordance with the requirements of the comprehensively deepening reform, further streamline administration and give more power to lower-level governments, give full play to the decisive role of market resources allocation and better play the role of the government, and release the vitality of market players. Since last year, the Ministry of Land and Resources of China has canceled or given to lower-level government an additional twelve items requiring ministry approval, including preliminary review of Chinese-foreign cooperative exploration of mineral resources, and promoted the facilitation and efficiency of mining investment by means of simplifying and optimizing mining mineral management and investment approval process. We actively promote the construction of mining right market in a unified, open, competitive and orderly way, curb irrational operation, cultivate mining intermediary service organization, accelerate the clustering and industrialization of geological information service, constantly optimize mineral investment environment, promote and guide the mining investment. China Geological Survey, affiliated to the Ministry of Land and Resources, will release a batch of new and basic geological data during the session, including two thousand pieces of 1:50,000 regional geological mapping, four hundred important metallogenic provinces of 1:50,000 mineral and geological survey data, and detailed information on 900,000 boreholes.

The third is to strengthen system innovation. System innovation is the important embodiment of human social development and progress as well as the lifeblood of sustainable development of mining. In order to deal with some systematic fragmentation, we should strengthen system combination and match, innovate complementary perfection, adjust a set of urgently- needed system, constantly improve the macro management system, perfect market-oriented geological prospecting mechanism, deepen the reform of the mining right transfer, establish a long-term mechanism of highly efficient mineral resources utilization and scientifically applicable reserves management system. We also need to improve mining environmental management system, better the economic adjustment mechanism of mineral resources development and utilization, strengthen the supervision and administration of mineral resources, enhance trades management and public services, strive to establish a new pattern of mineral resources management featuring solid survey evaluation, scientific design and regulation, rapid breakthrough in orderly development, strong market supervision and harmonious rights protection so as to ensure institutional guarantee for sustainable and healthy development of mining.

Third, we need to promote sustainable development of mining by means of win-win cooperation. The imbalance of mineral resources distribution determines that no nation can meet the self-development need entirely on domestic resources. Today, with the deepening globalization, the mining industry has already become the solidarity community through thick and thin, and peers in the international mining industry should be in line with the spirit of "positive, pragmatic, balanced and mutually beneficial", work together to create a new mutual beneficial and win-win situation with heart communication and emotional bond.

The first is to deepen opening up. Opening up widely is the strong power for the transformation and sustainable development of mining industry. We will unswervingly continue to deepen the openness and cooperation of geological and mineral resources, and constantly improve the service quality of opening to the outside world. We welcome foreign enterprises in accordance with the relevant legal policy to actively participate in China`s mineral resources exploration and development, encourage Chinese businesses with strength and ability to carry out foreign mining investment cooperation to realize mutually beneficial development with the host country and local community.

China is pushing forward to build economic belt of and 21st century maritime Silk Road, striving to build the new pattern of opening to the outside world. We would like to take the opportunity of "one road plus one belt", join hands with relevant countries and regions to deepen the cooperation of mining investment, processing and trade, give full play to all parties in their complementary advantages and potential cooperation in resource, capital, industry, technology, infrastructure and other aspects so as to achieve mutual promotion and common development of mining industry.

The second is to promote cooperation and development. Deepen exchanges and cooperation and achieve complementary advantages is the only path for sustainable development of mining industry. The 5th APEC minister-level mining congress was successfully held in Beijing in this June. The congress issued a joint statement, reached wide consensus on close mining cooperation, mining transformation and growth and the mining common development. We should uphold the consensus and unswervingly implement the policy of opening up and cooperation, deepen cooperation in such fields as mineral exploration and development, processing, trade, investment, promote mineral products trade and the liberalization and facilitation of mining investment. We need to strengthen mining policy dialogue and market information exchange, promote the stable and orderly operation of international commodity market, and work together to build a mutually beneficial and win-win pattern of global minerals supply and demand trade and investment.

The third is to do more to the benefits of people. In international mining cooperation, all relevant interested parties need to understand and respect each other, seek interest balance, correctly handle the relationship between resource development and mines growth, pay attention to the equitable benefits distribution of mineral resources between enterprises located in the host country and the local people, improve people’s living conditions of resources origin, and promote the harmony between resource development and environment protection and community growth. At the same time, people want live and work in contentment and income growth as well as blue sky, green land and clear water. The government and mining companies have the responsibility to take necessary measures to environmental protection and mining pits regulation in the process of mineral development. We should not only develop gold and silver mines but do more to keep hills and water green, and act as leader, promoters and practitioners of green mining industry.

Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, as the Chinese lines goes " calm tides and wide banks make ship goes smoothly", looking to the future, all countries in the world are closely interdependent in economy, and there is a broad prospects for global mining development, so this is the right time to deepen the international mining cooperation. This CHINA MINING is featured by rich content and full of opportunities, so I hope every colleague take full advantage of this congress, grasp the development opportunities, make in-depth dialogue and exchanges, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, and join hands in creating a better future for global mining industry!

Let me conclude by wishing this CHINA MINING a complete success and I wish all of you a successful work and very good health! (translated by TLRHV)





Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.


CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2014 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on November 20th-23rd, 2014. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 16th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us.  For more information about CHINA MINING 2014, please visit: