Range far your eye over long vistas-for the opening of CM2015

Range far your eye over long vistas-for the opening of CM2015

Source: www.zgkyb.com   Citation: www. www.zgkyb.com   Date: October 20, 2015

We should have the will to range far your eye over long vistas

——For the Opening of China Mining Congress and Expo 2015

Approved by the State Council of PRC, the China Mining Congress and Expo 2015 is holding from today to October 23 in Tianjin. This meeting is organized by the Ministry of Land and Resources of PRC, Tianjin Municipal People`s Government and China Mining Association. We wish this annual event a success.

As we all know, mining is an important and indispensable force in the global economy. It could be said that mining and mineral resources had contributed dedication for all the civilization, progress, achievements, material and spiritual wealth of human society today. It is also why this meeting is paid so much attention, which is in order to promote a sustainable development of mining exchanges and cooperation between China and the world .

In the current, global mining is in downturn because of the global economic downturn and structural adjustment and the geopolitical change. In the next few years, the global economic recovery would be multi-layered and complex,so the mining would not be converting turnaround and should be in a period of deep change.

After 30 years of rapid development, China`s economic growth slowed down gradually since the beginning of the third quarter of 2010. GDP growth continuous declined and the trend is not yet stable. Despite the Chinese government adopted a series of important initiatives to promote economic development following the deepen reforms, the economy have indeed shown some new and good momentum of development, but still can not catch up with the growth momentum just as in the past. Release the reform bonus should be a gradual process.

Under its influence, the demand of Chinese mineral products slowed down in recent years. The supply of large-scale mineral products, especially coals, was really over-sufficient. What even worse, developing rate of other newborn economics happened to be down and differentiated apparently. In overall view, there are no effective economics to support the global need after China in short time, and global mineral demand will keep weak. This duration is predicted to last for several years.

But fortunately, global mineral industry is in the stage of "Four Period Superposition":

The first one is brewing period of mineral revival and recruit. Although the mineral revival cannot come true in short time, but the experts think that energy and resource demand in long term will be better and mining is looking for the opportunities and being ready to embrace next thriving.

The second one is incubation period of mineral technology innovation. Facing severe situation and competition in market, mineral enterprises and companies enlarges exploration technology research, intelligent mining, efficient mining technology and management innovation with high spirit, to promote their development.

The third one is game period of mineral policy adjustment. Many resource-type countries adjust their policy strategies and decrease the investment barrier to promote domestic mineral development.

The fourth one is reforming period of energy and resource management structure, In recent years, global energy and resource pattern changes a lot, but its structure formed 40 years ago which could not adapt to nowadays patterns. So reform has come into agreement in the whole world. 

These features are not only providing the possibility for the global mining industry out of the woods, but also for China`s mining industry turn adversity into opportunities. In this regard, we should seize the opportunity and take corresponding measures.

We should stable public geological survey investment and promote adjusting the structure of geological survey work. In the current, global mining is in downturn and the exploration investment is declining. We should take full consideration to the geological work which plays an advanced role in national economic development. It is recommend that we should deploy early and make the public geological work play a "skillfully deflected the question" role and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of social capital investment. That is how we preparing for the next round of the mining boom.

We should strengthen science and technology, management and system innovation, increase the R&D investment. Currently, it is in the incubation period of global mining technology innovation ,rapid development of modern earth observation and detection means have strengthened the ability of the geological survey work and reach range. We must improve the occasion, and take innovation as eternal power to promote mining recovery and sustainable development.

We should accelerate the reform of geological prospecting units, establish and improve mineral exploration market. After the classification reform of geological prospecting units, we should offer market-oriented guidance, support and training to the separated part and make it a truly independent market entity. For guiding and stimulating the market vitality and promoting the mineral exploration market constantly improve, meanwhile we should provide policy support just like subsidies or tax credits appropriately to some risk exploration investment entity.

We should move forward on reform of administration policy on mineral resources, and carry out related policy to push forward mineral exploration. At the same time, we should move forward on adjustment on industry intensifying, scale-up, and structure-in-depth strategy, and transition of development concept. And therefore, we should follow the strategy of the central government by deepening the reforms in an all-round way and ruling the country by law, and let the market play its critical rule on resource allocation, and boost the market-oriented reform of the mineral resource, and strengthen the effort on adjusting the structure of mining industry.

We should continue our stepping out strategy, learn from the experience, and create a better impression of Chinese mining industry. We should try our best to find out some high-quality resource, and have a good knowledge of international convention as soon as possible, and regulate the behavior of the industry, and try to improve the management ability of the enterprise, and take more social responsibility, in order to actively construct a new order of the mining management around the world.

Batten down the hatches, we should face actively the conflict of the new around international trade regulation. Facing the fact that U.S. and some other countries have already been taking some advantage on regulation by coming to an agreement(TPP), we should deal with an open mind, and on the other hand, learn from the past on trade, and foster some seeded players who can participate trade around the world in all directions, during the process of which we push hard on bilateral and multilateral trade agreement. We should foresee future tendency by analyzing trade division around the world and industry competition. During the time when we improve our capability of dealing with conflict between countries on economic issue, we should participate actively the formulation of new regulation on international trade on the basis of updated version of China South Korea free trade area, China-Australia free trade area, and China-Association of Southeast Asian Nations free trade area.

We should study in depth the tendency of energy and mineral resource, and participate actively in governing the energy and mineral resource around the world. The price of energy and mineral resource derives from its supply and demand relationship in the new century because of effects of multiple factors. China is the first energy consuming and production country, and also the second crude oil importing country, at the same time, it is also a high consumption and production country of mineral resource, and plays an important role in the energy resource field. Thus, we should participate actively in reforming the energy and mineral resource governing structure, and set up some new platform for energy and mineral resource government, in order to push it move forward to the fair and justifying tendency, as well as maintain safety of energy and mineral resource of China even the whole world.

Each country will have show time of his own on the fantastic stage around the world. Above all, harmony of benefit between countries is an eternal theme. TPP is the case, so does the collaboration and development of the mining industry all over the world.(The Editorial)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2015 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on November 20th-23rd, 2015. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 17th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us.  For more information about CHINA MINING 2015, please visit: www.chinaminingtj.org.