Mr. Jiang Daming made an opening speech of CHINA MINING 2015

Mr. Jiang Daming made an opening speech of CHINA MINING 2015

Source:    Citation:     Date: October 21, 2015

 (Photo: Zhao Xinhao, Edit: Xu Xiaojing)
On the morning of October 21, 2015, the openning ceremony of CHINA MINING 2015 was held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center of Tianjin. The theme of this Congress and Expo is “New Normal, New Opportunities, New Development”. In the picture above, Mr. Jiang Daming, the minister of the Ministry of Land and Resources and chairman of Organizing Committee of CHINA MINING 2015 was delivering the opening speech.

All guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

In this golden autumn, guests from mining industry at home and abroad gather in Tianjin to take part in CHINA MINING 2015, themed with “New Normal, New Opportunities, New Development”, and will make a discussion of the world’s mining industry development. On behalf of the Organizing Committee and Ministry of the Land and Resources of People’s Republic of China, I extend my sincere welcome to all guests and all friends, and give my best wishes for you.

At present, the overall recovery of the world economy is slow and the future trend faces many uncertainties. Facing the complex environment, such as the weak demand of the mining industry, the falling investment, the increasing market fluctuation and downward pressure, we need more confidence and cooperation than ever before, and seek more development and cooperation opportunities to promote the recovery and development of the mining industry with greater determination and courage.

We need to recognize that the economic fundamentals have supportive effect on the development of the mining industry. From the global perspective, in order to promote the recovery and steady growth of the economy, the developed economies are actively promoting the re-industrialization and the upgrade of the manufacturing industry. Meanwhile, with the emerging economies speeding up the industrialization and urbanization and the infrastructure interconnectivity in the world moving forward, the demand for mining resources will maintain steady.

The economic development in China has entered into the new normal with high-speed growth and high-end level. In the first three quarters of this year, China has made actively responses to the downward pressure, focused on steady growth, promoting the reform, adjusting structure, improving people’s living standard and preventing risks, which maintained the growth rate at about 7% and the economic stability. Without changing the fundamentals, the steady development of economy has a great prospect.

As the world`s second largest economy, China`s contribution to global economic growth reached 30%, being an important engine to drive world economic growth. With commodity prices sharply falling and the total import and export slow-downing, China’s commodity import usage does not reduce. In the first half of this year, oil imports rose 3.5% year on year and iron imports remained nearly the same.  At present, China is coordinately advancing new industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, actively implementing some major regional development strategies, such as the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province, “Yangtze River Economic Belt” and "One Belt and One Road". The old and new kinetic energy conversion has brought about the demand for energy and mineral resources.

With the support of the long time’s good economic fundamentals, China and even the global mining industry still has a good development potential, thus we should see the opportunities brought by the economic transformation to mining development. In today’s world, the breeding of a new round of industry revolution, the rapid development of high technology industry and strategic emerging industry, the formation of the new economic growing points and the increasing of demand for new energy and materials have opened up a new space for mining development.

Both the boom of the international capacity cooperation and the increasing widespread of infrastructure, equipment manufacturing and major projects offer a new opportunity for innovating the cooperating mode of mining industry and creating the global mining industry chain. Both the advance of science and technology innovation and the combination of new technologies, such as Big Data, automation, Internet and remote sensing monitoring, and the mining industry have created a new kinetic energy for mining development. Since solving the problem of climate change has become a global consensus, building a resource-conserving and environmentally friendly society raised the demand for geographic information technology which has expanded new fields for geological work.

The upcoming fifth plenary session of the 18th session of the Central Committee will make planning and deployment to build a well-off society in an all-round way and achieve the first one hundred year’s goal. Conversion of the pattern of the economic development and adjustment of the economic structure, especially the boom of the public entrepreneurship and peoples innovation , have injected new momentum and provided new opportunities for the mining development.

We should see the vast space of the open mining development cooperation. With the further development of economic globalization and regional integration, countries are actively promoting global and regional trade and investment liberalization and facilitation. Open cooperation are moving into a broader, deeper and higher level. As an active participant and facilitator of economic globalization, China will open its door further to actually create the world`s most attractive investment destination.

As one of the most globalized industries, we need to more and more tightly form a community of destiny. Countries have high dependency of mining, complementary advantages and broad cooperation space. China`s foreign investment maintain a fast growth and has become an important source of the global investment. China positively propose to build the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Maritime Silk Road in the 21st century, to set up the Silk Road Fund, to launch the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank and to further develop investment and trade cooperation and build interconnectivity with countries and regions along One Belt and One Road. China has signed 14 free trade agreements with 22 countries and regions , and set up in Shanghai, Guangdong, Tianjin and Fujian free trade pilot zones in order to speed up building all-around opening-up structure.

Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,

Mining industry is the foundation industry of the national economy and is playing an important role in promoting economic growth, absorbing employment and improving people’s livelihood. Chinese government has attached great importance to the sustainable development of mining industry and focused on cultivating the endogenous driving force of mining development through deepening reform and expanding opening up in order to lay a solid foundation for mining recovery and prosperity.

Firstly, we should focus on enhancing resource sustainable support capability. We insist on focusing on our own country, continue to promote the strategic action of Prospecting Breakthrough. Through strengthening geological survey and mineral exploration on energy and shortage minerals, we have basically found out the resource bases of 25 main minerals. Some mineral proven geological reserves remain high growth, such as coal, oil, natural gas, iron, copper, uranium, lead, zinc, forming a batch of important reservoirs of mineral resources. We insist on saving priority, strengthen the saving and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources, focus on enhancing the level of comprehensive and recycling utilization of mineral resources, complete 22 important mineral survey and assessment work of "three rates", promote 159 items of comprehensive utilization of advanced technologies in three batches, steadily push forward the construction of the first group of 40 demonstration bases of mineral resources comprehensive utilization, and have made achievements in getting specific information of resource comprehensive utilization and improving resource use efficiency and economic benefits. We insist on protecting the ecological environment, vigorously developing the green mining, promoting harmony and unity between resources development and environmental protection, community development, fully implemented margin system of the mine geological and environmental governance restoration, approved 661 state-level pilot unit of green mining, promoted the construction of 72 national mine parks, and formed good situation of green mining development .

Secondly, we should promote the reform and innovation of mining management. We continue to deepen the reform of the administrative examination and approval system, improve the enterprise management environment, and promote mining investment facilitation. Since 2013, upon the decision of State Council, Ministry of Land and Resources has canceled 24 mineral resources management administrative examination and approval items, including examination and approval of mining right setting scheme, prepositive examination of Sino-foreign cooperative exploration and developing mineral resources cooperation, strived to realize combination of free and control and service optimization. We actively promote the reform of oil and gas resources development and take concrete steps to open the market in order to ensure fair access, to activate market and to realize orderly competition. In July this year, we launched the pilot reform of the development and exploration of oil and gas in Xinjiang and launched the first five oil and gas resources plots in public bidding, which has gained positive response from the market. We have vigorously promoted the public welfare geological work data, opened to the society, set up a multi-tiered, distributed, trained information sharing platform and service system to enhance ability of the geologic data service. Our sub-institute, China Geological Survey will for the first time publish 1000 pieces of 1:50000 regional geological map, 110,000 pieces of information service directory of national mineral resources potential evaluation results and nearly 100 pieces of marine geological survey results map, released data of 350,000 geological borehole for the second time.

Thirdly, we should focus on deepening international cooperation. We implemented the basic state policy of the opening up, further promoted international cooperation in the field of mineral resources, welcomed foreign companies to invest and explore and develop mineral resources, and encouraged competent Chinese enterprises to invest overseas. We will work with countries and regions along “One Belt One Road” to make geological research and geology survey, draw up and issue the cooperative research results, such as Asian Groundwater Sequence Diagram, and provide services for the line-side areas in infrastructure interconnectivity and economic corridor construction.

We actively develop bilateral and multilateral cooperation. Ministry of Land and Resources has established friendly and cooperative relations with more than 100 countries and regions from five continents in the world, carried out pragmatic cooperation with multilateral institutions, such as APEC, World Bank and International Union of Geological Sciences, and strived to play a positive role in promoting the development of the international mining industry.

Ladies, gentlemen and dear friends,

With today’s development of the economic globalization, world multi-polarization and social informatization, it is our common desire and responsibility to create a moderate sustainable, open and inclusive, and for the future global mining industry. To this end, I wish to make four initiative:

Firstly, we should adhere to innovative development. Innovation is the basic power for the sustainable development of mining industry and is the only path to mining recovery growth. The more difficulties, the more we should rely on innovation and give full play to the guidance and supportive effect of innovation driven. We should vigorously promote institutional innovation, make the market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources, better give play to the role of government, improve system standards in dialogue mechanism of mineral resources, transfer management, mining right transfer, economical utilization and mine environment management, and improve the level of supervision and services.

We should vigorously promote operation and management innovation, encourage mining enterprises to follow the rules of market economy and mining development, innovate management mode, improve the operation benefit, and constantly enhance their strength and market competitiveness. We should vigorously promote science and technology innovation, strive to strengthen key areas and crucial links of mining technology research, promote the development, promotion and application of new theories, new technologies, new methods, new techniques, new equipment, and promote sustainable development of mining industry.

Secondly, we should insist on green development. Green development is the trend of the world and it is the common responsibility of the world’s mining construction. We should focus on building the ecological civilization, readjusting the concept of respecting nature, complying with the nature and protecting nature, adhering to the development in the protection and protection in the development, and unifying the resources development and environmental protection. We should reduce the influence mineral development on ecological environment as much as possible, promote green, low carbon and circular development of mining industry. We should stick to save priority, apply the resource conservation and efficient use to the whole process of mining development, comprehensively use measures of economy, legal, science and technology, and vigorously improve the level of saving and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources. We should improve the system and mechanism of green mining development, make the communication of green mining policy management standards in order to open the way for mining sustainable development.

Thirdly, we should adhere to the inclusive development. Realizing inclusive and shared development is the social responsibility of developing mining industry, and also the important guarantee to the healthy development of the society. We should adhere to the concept of people-oriented and inclusive development, actively build the mechanism of equal dialogue, development compensation and benefit sharing, and realize the reasonable allocation of mining development benefits among each related interest subjects. In the pursuit of economic benefits, mining companies should pay more attention to and support issues, such as local environmental protection, employment, infrastructure improvement, development of social public welfare undertakings, strive to balance the comprehensive benefit of economy, society and ecology.

Fourthly, we should adhere to the cooperative development. With countries’ mining industry depend on each other, cooperative development is the core solution to  overcome difficulties and create a new future. We will comply with the open world trend of cooperation, build new relationship with win-win cooperation as the core, and build a global mining community of fate. We should actively carry out policies and measures to promote facilitation and liberalization of mining industry trade and investment, and create a good mining investment and business environment. We will speed up creating  important mineral docking and coordinating mechanism, deepening the cooperation in the fields of mineral exploration, development, processing, trade, investment and price, driving the extension of the global mining industry chain. We should actively carry out international capacity cooperation, strengthen national docking in the aspects of capital, technology and equipment and coordination on market regulations and standards, promote infrastructure interconnectivity and achieve mutual benefit of development and win-win cooperation.

Ladies and gentlemen, and dear friends,

With 17 years’ development, CHINA MINING has become an important platform for international mining industry’s dialogue, exchanges and practical cooperation. let us make this Conference and Expo as the new starting point, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, overcome difficulties, jointly create a better tomorrow of global mining industry.

Finally I wish a full success for CHINA MINING 2015!

Wish every guest here good health!


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2015 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on October 20th-23rd, 2015. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 17th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us.  For more information about CHINA MINING 2015, please visit: