Peruvian ambassador addressed at the opening ceremony of CHINA MINING 2015

Peruvian ambassador addressed at the opening ceremony of CHINA MINING 2015

Source:  Citation:  Date: October 21, 2015

(Photo:Zhao Xinhao, Edit: Xu Xiaojing)
On October 21, 2015, the opening ceremony of CHINA MINING 2015 was held at Meijiang Exhibition Center of Tianjin, with the theme “New Normal, New Opportunities, New Development”. This is a scene that H.E. Mr. Juan Carlos Capunay, Ambassador of Peru to China, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of CHINA MINING 2015.

Respected Guests,

Good morning!

I’m very honored to attend CHINA MINING 2015.

I would like to express my gratitude to the Ministry of Land and Resources for inviting Peru to CHINA MINING 2015 and to Tianjin Municipal Government. It reflects good partnership in mining between China and Peru. Based on the globalization of economy and trade, world economic development not only provide opportunities to countries and regions, but also promote social integration and development through increasing employment and payment. Peru has close partnership with China for a long time. Against the backdrop of global economic development, countries and regions are provided with chances of favorable development and cooperation. It is very helpful to countries and society. Especially for countries in Latin America, new mining technologies are brought.

Through high-tech work, every country has increased income and efficiency as well as our living standard. CHINA MINING 2015 made great contributions to the rapid development of mining economy and was beneficial for countries to participate in the process of globalization so as to obtain the win-win goal. Meanwhile, new mining technology also improved the society and people’s wellbeing.

Nowadays, with changes of world economy, we hope to see a rapid recovery of mining economy and we look forward to having more cooperative opportunities. China’s position is becoming increasingly important, especially in economy and trade, and it is playing a vital role in Asia and in the global community. It was proposed by President Mr. Xi Jinping in the New Year Speech that seeking mutual development through the Internet was a basic element of economic recovery in Asian-Pacific region. And he proposed the Belt and Road Initiative.

CHINA MINING 2015 brought great investment and cooperative chances in three respects for Latin America, including Peru.

Firstly, it provided new technology. CHINA MINING brought more investors and capital. Participating in this congress and expo, we gained good learning opportunity as well as a favorable platform for better understanding and integration. From the perspective of market, the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by President Mr. Xi Jinping triggered the transference of mining market to the Asian-Pacific region. This fundamental element of economic recovery would make great contribution to the world, improve maximal integration and development, promote global trade and mutual benefit. It would not only be a choice but also a chance, not only a political initiative but also a win-win project.

We have good partnership with China and bilateral free trade cooperation. We totally support the Belt and Road Initiative.

Please allow me to express my point of view. By building the twin Ocean Railroad Connection Project, the 21 Century Maritime Silk Road shortened the distance between Tianjin or Shanghai and Latin America, including Peru. It strengthened the relationship between Latin America and China. For economies of Latin America, China is an important partner as well as an investor. Investment from China brought huge wellbeing and more jobs to Latin American people no matter in mining, finance, or ocean shipping. I hope that the Maritime Silk Road which extends from the coastal areas of China to South America would enhance mutual economic and cultural development.

Mining development is very important for Peru. Peru and China has had longstanding partnership and friendship, and China is the largest trade partner for Peru in South America. The Belt and Road Initiative proposed by President Mr. Xi Jinping would help Chinese companies integrate to Latin America and build Pan Pacific Union. No matter in China or in Peru, the economy was dynamic and had evident increase. China and Peru witnessed growing trade communications.

As a major mining country, Peru relied heavily on mining except for fishery. Being the largest gold producer, the second largest copper producer, and the largest silver producer in Latin America, Peru was also the largest zinc and molybdenum producer worldwide. At the same time, we had rich natural gas and oil reserve and high-quality agricultural products. We were exporting our products to China and other countries in the Asian-Pacific region. Participating in CHINA MINING 2015, we would promote Peru’s mining industry, meanwhile, on behalf of the people of Peru, we would shoulder the responsibility to show Peru’s other advantages to Chinese people.

We hoped that China and Peru would deepen this kind of lasting partnership. Through long-term cooperation, we have built strong trust and had cooperation in infrastructure construction. We hoped that more Chinese entrepreneurs would invest in our agriculture and new energy industry. For both China and the international community, Peru represented new investment chances. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to invite friends from the world to Peru for more investment chances, where you would receive warm welcome from the people of Peru and build deeper friendship.

Thank you!


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2015 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on October 20th-23rd, 2015. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 17th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us.  For more information about CHINA MINING 2015, please visit: