Forging ahead together with countries along the Belt and Road

Forging ahead together with countries along the Belt and Road

Mr. Jiang Daming, Minister of Land and Resources, PRC, addressed at CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2015, said that “China has proactively advocated the construction of Silk Road economic belt and 21st century Marine Silk Road, established the Silk Road Fund and cooperatively built up the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank to carry out investment and trade cooperation and Connectivity construction together with countries and regions along the Belt and the Road.”

Currently, at a matter of fact, China has already conducted collaborative geological research and investigation with the countries and regions along the Belt and the Road, compiling and publishing the Mapping of Groundwater Resources and Environmental Geology in Asia to serve the Connectivity construction of local infrastructure and the construction of economic corridor.

On the CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2015, a special theme symposium on geological cooperation of countries along the Belt and the Road was hosted by China Geological Survey. The heads of national geological survey and departments related to mineral resources from 11 countries attended the symposium and introduced opportunities for mining investment and geological cooperation. These 11 countries included Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Inner Mongolia, and Vietnam.

At the same time, experts and heads from Technology and Foreign Affairs Department of China Geological Survey, Chengdu Geological Survey Center and Xi’an Geological Survey Center have described the current situation of Belt and Road Initiative and the prospect of the future.

Mr. Yan Guangsheng, director of Development and Research Center of China Geological Survey, presided the forum and said that, “the construction of Belt and Road Initiative shows the grand economic wish of opening up and cooperation among the related countries, which requires that all jointly forge ahead toward the goal of mutual benefit and common safety, reaching the connectivity of the region.”

Receiving support from UNESCO

Mr. Wu Zhenhan, director of Dept of Sci-Tech and Foreign Affairs in China Geological Survey, indicated that China Geological Survey has established bilateral relationships with more than 50 countries and signed cooperation agreements with 16 countries along the Belt and Road region with the cooperation fields covering geological mapping, evaluation of mineral resources, hydrogeology, global climate change, geology at South Pole and the moon prospecting.”

It was said that, to facilitate international cooperation and with the support of UNESCO, China Geological Survey established the International karst Research Center at Guilin, Guangxi Province, crowned by UNESCO and relying the Karst Research Institute. Currently, an Global Geochemistry Research Center is underway relying on the Institute of Geophysics and Geochemistry in Langfang, Hebei province, which will be the second Class Research Center of UNESCO for China Geological Survey.

Except for these two research centers, depended on Geological Institute of Chinese Academy of Geological Science, Beijing SHRIMP Center, as the first batch of National Science & Technology Infrastructure, has become the international U-Pb research center.

The State Key Laboratory of Continental Tectonics and Dynamics, supported by Geological Institute of Chinese Academy of Geological Science, welcomes geologists from different countries and regions to China to conduct geological research and cooperation, evolving into an international research center of continental tectonics and dynamics.

Through international cooperation to enhance Earth science development

China Geological Survey has also broadened the regional geological survey, geophysical prospecting and chemistry mapping; through bilateral and multi-lateral cooperation, China Geological Survey conducted cooperative research on orogeny, deep geological process, mineralization, global geological changes, underground water cycle, geological disasters and carbon-recycle in Karst areas; China Geological Survey has also organized the construction of geological information system, the comprehensive utilization of mineral resources, geo-park designing management and academic symposiums.

China Geological Survey has taken part in the International Deep Prospecting Plan, financed the prospecting project for China Continental Science and supplied the prospecting samples freely to global geologists.

China together with America, Germany and Canada carried out the deep geophysics prospecting throughout the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Himalaya, which become the prominent INDEPTH Plan in international Earth science circle.

What’s more, China Geological Survey has cooperated with Zimbabwe Geological Survey to proceed geochemistry mapping, discovering an valuable golden deposit.   

The introduction of Nine Programs of China Geological Survey brings opportunities for international cooperation

It was said by Mr. Wu Zhenhan that China Geological Survey would introduce Nine Programs from 2016 to 2020, which would bring important opportunities for international geological cooperation, especially for countries along the Belt and Road.

It was said that three projects would be implemented along the Belt and Road, covering the Comparison Research Project of Mineralization Belt of Adjacent Countries, the Project of Global Geochemistry and Remote Sensor Investigation and Information Integration and Services Project o Geological Mineral Resources.

In order to push forward the international cooperation within countries and regions along the Belt and Road, China Geological Survey will exert more efforts in constructing and running the international and regional geological survey centers, enlarging scholars and post doctoral personnel communications depending on international organizations (such as Shanghai Cooperation Organization, research centers of UNESCO, IUGS and CCOP) and important conferences(such as CHINA-ASEAN Exposition and CHINA MINING Congress and Expo).

Mr. Wu Zhenhan also signified that “ we will continue to increase the training of professions, management personnel and technicians along the Belt and Road areas. Currently, we are proactively exploring the building of Collaborative Laboratories with counties along the Belt and Road areas to collectively cultivate graduates.”

To Constantly enhance regional cooperation and communication in geological field.

Southeast Asia serves as an important part of the 21st century Marine Silk Road.  On the forum, Doctor Lin Fangcheng from Chengdu Geological Survey of China Geological Center gave a report on cooperation status quo and outlook on China-Southeast countries’ geological cooperation.

It was introduced that China has made profound cooperation in various fields with ASEAN countries, mining field being one of the important fields. Currently, Ministry of Land and Resources has signed and Cooperation MOU with the Ministry of Industry and Energy Resources of Cambodia, and China Geological Survey has also signed cooperation agreements and MOU with its counterparts in Laos, Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia.

Mr. Lin Fangcheng expressed that the signing of these agreements provided an important guarantee to carry out cooperation.  In accordance with these cooperation agreements, China Geological Survey has carried the geochemistry mapping in the north Laos with Laos, made a survey in Sumatra with Indonesia and conducted Karst geological research and mapping cooperation with Thailand.

It was said that China Geological Survey advocated the construction of China-ASEAN Geological Cooperation Research Center in the 2015 China-ASEAN Mining Industry Cooperation Forum, which aimed to build three cooperative platforms, namely Geological Information Collection and Sharing Platform, Geological Research and Geological Cooperative Investigation Platform and the Academic Exchange and Talents Training Platform.

Mr. Li Wenyuan from Xi’an Geological Survey center introduced the geological cooperation and outlook with members of Shanghai Cooperation Organization. It was said that China has established China Shanghai Cooperation Organization Geological Research Center of Ministry of Land and Resources depending on Xi’an Geological Survey of China Geological Survey.

He thought that, known as the global strategic energies and resources base of 21st century, Silk Road Economic Belt boasted vast territorial areas and abundant mineral resources and energy resources. Cooperation between relative countries were of great importance and the building of Silk Road Economic Belt would inject impetus into Shanghai Cooperation Organization. China Geological Survey treasured the Earth science cooperation with members of Shanghai Cooperation Organization with frequent communication and high-level and scientific personnel exchanges.

Mr. Yao Huazhou, director of Wuhan Geological Survey Center of China Geological Survey has also given a report on geological cooperation and current condition of Marine Silk Road. He reported that” since 2005 till now, China has conducted 26 projects, some of which are assisting projects from Ministry of Commerce and international cooperation projects from Ministry of Science and Technology, covering the evaluation of mineral resources, geological research and the evaluation of mining prospecting. (Zhang Li)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2015 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on October 20th-23rd, 2015. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 17th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us.  For more information about CHINA MINING 2015, please visit: