Create a bright future together --- For the Opening of CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2016


Create a bright future together 
--- For the Opening of CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2016

Source:    Citation:    Date: September 21, 2016

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2016 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on Sept.22nd- 25th , 2016. We wish this annual event a success.

After many years of accumulation and improvement , CHINA MINING Congress & Expo has become a perfect platform. During the conference, government officials, industry leaders and experts from both Chinese and foreign mining industries have in-depth dialogues on questions related with the mining industry. The topics cover keynote session supported by the world`s leading experts, mining ministers forum, geological survey directors forum, mining development summit forum and many breakout sessions including mining policies and financing, geological survey, prospecting & exploration and development, mineral commodities, mining sustainability, etc. and country (region) investment projects shows and more.

We are so excited that this international mining conference has been successfully held the 18th. "18" is a lucky number which is considered a harbinger of "fortune " in many places of China. With such a good luck and good wish, we expect that this meeting will be an unusually exciting show.

Mining has became one of the most globalized industries in recent years. And the global mining is increasingly to form a community of destiny. Looking back over the past year, the global economy is still in the doldrums and mining market has not yet bottomed out. Mining countries all over the world are profoundly understanding the reality of "a prosperity, a loss for both sides". So they also understand the significance of unity and cooperation which have also made an important contribution for the mining economy and the global economic recovery.

At present, the world economy is still in a downturn with the limited amplitude of uneven recovery trend, the continuous declination of investment, and the low level of price. Be affected by the sluggish recovery of economy and weak demand, global mining situation is still in the continuation of the previous downturn in the first half of this year. Compared with previous years, the recent shock rebound of the global commodities market is still in a low level. From the view of domestic mining situation, the contradiction of the lack of demand and the excess capacity, as well as a significant decline in profits, the financial strain of companies and the management difficulties, which make the recovery of mining industries still need time.

While we must acknowledge that the developed countries in Europe, America and Japan have completed the mission of industrialization and industry transformation and upgrading, which results in the basic steady demand of minerals. The new normal of Chinese economy is to resolve the excess capacity of traditional industries and strengthen the supply-side reform, change the resource industry chain structurally and make the bulk commodity consumption such as coal and iron into the peak interval. And with the acceleration of economic development of the "BRIC countries" and ASEAN countries, global demand for bulk commodities will basically stable. Especially with the operation of the new governance mechanism, the rise of a new round of industrial revolution, the industry driven from technology innovation and the effect of the supply-side reform, the world mining, especially the mining of emerging economies, will meet new opportunities.

With the theme of "From Novel Concepts,To Innovation Solutions",this conference conforms to the demands of the mining industry at home and abroad, and manifests the determination that the conference organizers wants to make the international mining industry  reach a consensus and work together to overcome difficulties and boost confidence.

It is impossible to realize industrialization and modernization without reliable mineral resources security for the world`s largest developing country like China and the third world countries. China is the world`s largest minerals producing country, minerals consuming country and minerals trading country. In recent years, China made significant prospecting results, the capacity of resource security grew noticeably through implementing National Exploration & Development Planning (NEDP). But the imbalance of the global distribution of resources determined that there is no other country in the world can depend entirely on their own resources to meet the needs of their development, the international cooperation should be enhanced to learn from each other, as well as exchange of needed goods. In fact, in recent years, on the basis of equality, mutual benefit, cooperation and win-win situation, China carried out the fruitful cooperation with many other countries in the world on mineral resources, China gained a lot of successful experience, meanwhile, many countries benefit from it.

As is known to all, the western developed countries have completed the industrialization into the post-industrial society successively by the mid 1970s. the western developed countries began upgrading their industries by using the technological advantage, and realized the modernization quickly. But in the process of industrialization in the western developed countries, it also happened a series of "environmental hazards incident"which caused the global ecological environment crisis. The painful lessons of the development of the western developed countries made China`s policymakers to recognize that in the process of the globalization, if China set the "done" industrial civilization pattern of developed country as a goal, it will definitely have the contradiction and conflict with the developed countries and even the third world countries on the issue of natural resource. At the same time, China will pay a heavy even irreversible ecological environmental cost, therefore, looking for a new, ecological and civilized development mode is the inevitable choice of China and the third world countries. Certainly, it is also the choice of the developed countries. And it is the original intention of the Chinese government put forward “Innovation, Coordination, Green, Open, Sharing" as the new development concept.

Currently, world economy is at a crossroads, world economy economic pattern is undergoing profound changes. There is a deeper dilemma of economic globalization and a unprecedented urgency for global economic governance transformation. China must adhere to the resources strategy of "both home and overseas resource markets but based on home market". Domestically, as a traditional and pillar industry in China, mining provides a strong material support for our country`s modernization construction. Economic development situation determines mining development situation. In the long-term mining economic downturn, we should further implement the five development concepts, take the initiative to adapt to "new normal", release accurate policy signals to encourage scientific development of mining, reform the outdated mining system and mechanism, adhere to structural reform of the supply front as the main line, promote transformation and upgrading mining industry, and optimize structural adjustment, give full play to the role of innovation-driven in leading and supporting, develop green mining, and resolutely eliminate backward excess mining capacity; drive interaction and amalgamation between mining and finance, technology, information departments, effectively stimulate the market’s vitality, improve market expectation, release the potential of mining economic growth, and advance the sustainable and healthy development development of mining.

"Single person can hardly heave, crowd of walkers make path easier." Internationally, we should participate in the new round of globalization and global mining order management actively, take part in formulate international mining policies, rules, standards, build a just, reasonable and free international mining trade rules; cooperate with other countries and areas in exploration, mining, processing, technology and trade with a more inclusive and open mind, build a mutually beneficial, sharing, open international mining pattern, achieve win-win development; promote the sustainable and booming development of global mining on the basis of complementary advantages, mutual benefit and common development, become the world`s mining economic development "ballast stone". We expect to contribute to global mining economy`s way to get rid of the difficulty ,and work together to create a better future for global mining industry.


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2014 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on October 20th -23rd , 2014. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 16th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us. For more information about CHINA MINING 2014, please visit: