China urges US to correct unfair anti-dumping duties on steel products

China urges US to correct unfair anti-dumping duties on steel products

Source:         Citation: Xinhua      Date: February 06, 2017

China urged the United States to correct its unfair decision to impose high anti-dumping and countervailing duties on imports of Chinese stainless steel sheet and strip, according to a statement released Saturday by the Ministry of Commerce (MOC). 

The US Department of Commerce said Thursday that it had determined that imports of Chinese stainless steel sheet and strip should be subject to anti-dumping duties from 63.86 percent to 76.64 percent and anti-subsidy duties from 75.6 percent to 190.71 percent. 

China is disappointed by a series of decisions by the US related to high anti-dumping andanti-subsidy duties on Chinese steel products and questions its unfair investigation methods, said Wang Hejun, head of the MOC trade remedy and investigation bureau. 

The United States has violated World Trade Organization rules by neglecting the abundant proof offered by Chinese companies and has treated them unfairly simply because of their state-owned-enterprise status, Wang said. 

The root cause for current challenges facing the steel sector is the sluggish world economy and shrinking demand, which calls for global cooperation instead of protectionism, according to Wang. 

The US should abide by WTO rules and correct their unfair practices and China will take the necessary steps to protect due rights of Chinese enterprises, Wang added.



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