Shandong Province, the first half of coal enterprises to achieve profits of 8.657 billion yuan

Shandong Province, the first half of coal enterprises to achieve profits of 8.657 billion yuan

From the Shandong Provincial Coal Industry Bureau was informed that the first half of this year, Shandong Province, the cumulative production of 63,179,300 tons of raw coal, down 3.71%, the province`s coal enterprises to achieve full operating income of 259.352 billion yuan, an increase of 125.51%, profits of 8.657 billion yuan, Increased by 8.990 billion yuan, tons of coal prices rose nearly 8 percent.

In the context of the main theme of the market is still the main theme of the market, from January to June this year, Shandong Province, the cumulative production of coal coal 63,179,300 tons, down 3.71%; sales of commercial coal 61.175 million tons, down 4.19%. The situation in June, raw coal production was 10.9049 million tons, down 0.24%, the province`s coal stocks ending 233.38 million tons, the chain decreased by 584,900 tons.

From the operation of coal enterprises, from January to June, the province`s coal enterprises to achieve full operating income of 259.352 billion yuan, up 125.51%; main business income of 228.610 billion yuan, an increase of 160.67%; profits and taxes 24.451 billion yuan, year on year An increase of 195.41%; to achieve profits of 8.657 billion yuan, turn loss increased by 89086.33 million yuan.

From the coal sales price situation, the Shandong Provincial Coal Industry Bureau monitoring data show that the first half of Shandong Province, the average selling price of commercial coal increased year on year, the provincial coal enterprises commercial coal price of 595.16 yuan / ton, an increase of 263.23 yuan / ton, Was 79.3%. From the national situation, June 23, China`s coal price index (the national composite index) was 153.7, up 35.4 points.

Shandong Coal Industry Bureau, said in July, the province`s coal market showed steady upward trend, coal prices have increased coal prices, in the thermal coal, as of 19 days, most of the province`s coal enterprises have completed two rounds of thermal coal price.

In the coking coal, as of 19, the provincial coal enterprises have twice raised the price of coking coal, the cumulative rate of 50 yuan / ton. According to the 17th release of Shandong coal mine coal price index shows that gas coal is 850 yuan / ton, up 278 yuan, 1/3 coke coal 1090 yuan / ton, up 470 yuan, 1/3 coke coal 952 Yuan / ton, up 336 yuan.