Thinking on the Clean and Efficient Development of Coal and Electricity Industry

Thinking on the Clean and Efficient Development of Coal and Electricity Industry

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Energy Board issued the "energy production and consumption of the revolutionary strategy (2016 ~ 2030)", from the centralized use of coal to promote the clean use of coal to promote green production in three areas of the clean and efficient production and utilization of coal industry The For the coal industry, to promote the use of coal clean and become the current and future period of the most important objectives and tasks. Coal and electricity industry to promote the use of coal clean is mainly reflected in the continuous improvement of coal efficiency, reduce coal consumption, and comprehensively promote world-class level of energy efficiency standards; to speed up the existing coal-fired unit upgrade, Technology, the construction of efficient, ultra-low emission coal power units to promote the realization of coal-fired power plant emissions of major pollutants to achieve the level of gas power plant emissions, the establishment of the world`s cleanest coal and electricity system. As we all know, coal is a high-carbon energy, but also China`s basic and pillar of energy, is still occupied more than 60% of China`s energy, coal-based energy structure in the longer period is difficult to change. According to statistics, coal-fired power plant coal consumption accounts for about half of the total coal consumption, the future will be higher. China`s CO2, SO2, NOx and soot emissions rank first in the world, with 50%, 38%, 43% and 17% of the total emissions from coal-fired power plants. Therefore, if the coal combustion process is not efficient purification of dust, will inevitably lead to air pollution. For coal-fired power plants, the author believes that to improve the boiler and power plant power generation efficiency is necessary to reduce the power plant power consumption. The main measures and technical path in this regard are as follows.

(1) the use of supercritical and ultra-supercritical coal-fired units. General coal-fired power generation efficiency of about 40%, 42% of supercritical units, ultra-supercritical units up to 45% to 50%, the global supercritical and above the unit has more than 600 Taiwan, China has more than 150 Taiwan. For example, Huaneng Group in Jiangxi completed and put into operation China`s first ultra-supercritical secondary reheat power plant; Huadian Group has the world`s first million-kilowatt ultra-supercritical air-cooled unit Ningxia Lingwu Power Generation Co., Ltd., Huadian Jurong power plant built 2 × 100 million kilowatts ultra-supercritical coal-fired units, is the highest level of domestic single-class, the best efficiency of the generating units; Datang Group`s Tuoketuo power plant five projects 2 domestic 660,000 kilowatts ultra-supercritical units all put into operation , Became the world`s largest thermal power plant in power; Guodian Beilun power plant three expansion project second million kilowatts ultra-supercritical units have been officially put into commercial operation.

(2) The combined cycle power plant (CCPP), which is an integrated gasification gas turbine, can achieve 58% to 60% power generation efficiency and even more than 60% of some large units. Because the gas turbine for the continuous work of rotation, you can use the relatively low calorific value of fuel gas, at the same time, also has open, fast shutdown, running load adjustment range, speed and other characteristics, improve power generation efficiency, but also well meet the gas dynamic Balance the need to reduce the dispersion. In the case of a combined cycle power plant with two gas turbines installed, assuming an annual operating time of 4000 hours, the annual generating capacity of the M701F5 unit will increase by 360 million degrees compared to the M701F4 unit. The unit heat loss is reduced by about 180 kJ / kWh The emission of nitrogen oxides is reduced by about 3%, the annual generating capacity of the M701J unit will increase by 1.36 billion degrees, the unit heat consumption will be reduced by about 240 kJ / kWh, and the nitrogen oxides per kilowatt will be reduced by about 4% Which will bring the user a very substantial economic benefits. Düsseldorf, Germany Lausward combined heat and power plant, selected Siemens SGT5-8000H heavy engine as the "engine", its up to 61.5% of the net power generation efficiency, 603.8 MW of power installed capacity and 300 MW of heating Are the world`s most power plants at the same level.

(3) vigorously develop coal co-generation technology. Coal in the gasification and purification can be used to produce electricity, oil, ammonia and other chemical products, can increase 10% to 20% of coal utilization. Recently, after 20 years of scientific and technological research, Xi`an Jiaotong University, National Key Laboratory of multiphase power engineering "coal supercritical water gasification hydrogen power generation polygeneration technology" to 150 million yuan to complete the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, formally towards industrialization The Compared with the traditional coal-fired power generation and coal gasification hydrogen production technology, the new technology of power generation and hydrogen production efficiency has improved significantly, after a large increase in investment and operating costs are significantly reduced, innovative technology to lead the industry to change, The fire burning coal "era.

(4) to promote the implementation and application of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology. CCS refers to a large power plant, steel plants, chemical plants and other emissions of CO or CO2 capture and separation, with various methods sealed in the depths of the ground to avoid its emissions into the atmosphere of a technology. It is understood that China has carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology as a cutting-edge technology included in the national long-term scientific and technological development plan. At present, part of the demonstration project of carbon dioxide capture, use and storage capacity has reached the scale of millions of tons. Specific to the coal industry, coal-fired power plant emissions of flue gas contains a lot of greenhouse gas CO2, each burning with 1 kg of coal will discharge 2.66 kg CO2. At present, China`s CCS capture and utilization technology has been in the coal-fired power plant boiler trial, made a lot of achievements and progress. For example, a variety of physical absorption and chemical absorption methods have been developed in CO2 capture technology. In addition, it has also developed a membrane separation method and an oxygen-enriched combustion method which facilitates the separation of CO2 from flue gas, but there is still a need to increase the capture rate. In March this year, China`s extension of the oil field carbon capture and storage integration project has started construction, which is Asia`s first commercial carbon capture and storage projects. The project will begin operation in 2018, each year from the National Coal Center in Shaanxi Province, a coal gas plant to capture 410,000 tons of carbon.

(5) to strengthen the coal front-end management. In contrast to the back-end treatment of coal, the washing at the forefront of the coal can initially solve the problem of fuel cleaning, and the low cost of front-end treatment can significantly reduce the load of back-end pollutant emissions, such as a significant reduction in sulfur Points, ash. The cost of coal preparation desulfurization is 8 to 10 times lower than that of the back-end flue gas desulfurization. It is an important role in the energy saving and emission reduction of coal-fired power plant boilers through coal cleaning and cleaning. According to statistics, each washed 100 million tons of coal can be 13 million tons of ash, sulfur 35 million tons, reducing CO2 emissions of 490,000 tons, excluding coal gangue more than 1800 million tons, can improve the boiler coal efficiency of 10% to 15%.

(6) efforts to prevent the collapse of coal and electricity overcapacity risk. By the implementation of the "small mark on the small" mandatory exit mechanism, China since the implementation of shutting down 100,000 kW inefficient small and medium-sized units, the development of supercritical pressure efficient large units, the national average coal consumption from 2005 370 g (/ KW · h) to 310 g (/ kW · h) in 2017, lower than the current international advanced coal consumption. Recently, the National Energy Board issued the "2020 coal mine planning and construction of early warning notice" that the national 32 provincial power grid area (including Mengdong, Mengxi), there are 25 regional warning status for the most serious warning Red, the risk of early warning results for the red and orange provinces, to suspend approval, to suspend the new construction of self-use coal projects, and under the guidance of the state, a reasonable arrangement in the construction of coal projects put into production timing. In view of the problem of overcapacity, the coal control project group of North China Electric Power University has carried on the research for many years. May 18, 2017, the research group released the latest research report "" thirteen "power industry coal control policy research" that the coal industry 2016-2030 development space peak is about 860 million to 960 million kilowatts. Specifically, the low-speed development scenarios, China`s coal development space is expected to peak in 2016, the peak is about 860 million kilowatts, to maintain 4 to 5 years after the gradual decline in the platform period. High-speed development scenarios, China`s coal development space is expected to peak in 2020, the peak is about 960 million kilowatts, followed by 10 years into the platform period.

In summary, the author believes that the country will clean and efficient coal development and utilization as a foothold and the primary task of energy transformation for China`s coal-fired power plant to change the mode of development, to achieve clean and efficient development provides a rare opportunity, but also the trend, to. At present, the coal industry to promote clean and efficient development of the technical path and approach measures have become more mature, can not seize the opportunity, homeopathy and difficulties, the test of business leaders wisdom and courage. I believe the coal industry will be able to firmly grasp and make good use of this strategic opportunity period, according to local conditions to choose a reliable path and approach to achieve the coal industry green science, clean and efficient development.


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