The Hon. Wang Dongfeng, mayor of Tianjin, addressed the opening ceremony of CHINA MINING 2017

 en 092310 

On the morning of September 23, 2017, the opening ceremony of CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2017 was held at Tianjin Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center. Under the theme of “Promoting Mining Prosperity under the Silk Road Spirit”, the event discussed the global mining situation and policies, mining investment and finance, exploration and development, and the green development of the mining industry. The photo shows that the Hon. Wang Dongfeng, Mayor of Tianjin and Predident of Organizing Committee of CHINA MINING 2017 was delivering a speech at the opening ceremony. (Photo: Yu Hongqi; Editor: Xu Xiaojing)


Your Excellency. Jiang Daming, Minister of Land and Resources

Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning!

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2017 has grandly opened today. I’d like to extend, on behalf of the municipal CPC committee and the municipal People's government, and also on behalf of Li Hongzhong, secretary-general of the CPC municipal committee and the Tianjin people, the sincere welcome to all of you and the warm congratulations on the grand opening of the Congress!

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has been successfully held for 18 sessions, and it saw the ninth year to be held in Tianjin. Going through 18 years of hard work, CHINA MINING has been forging ahead with a good reputation. Nowadays, it has grown into an important platform for the international mining industry to grasp the market dynamics, promote exchanges and cooperation within the field, and it has become an important window through which Tianjin has been more open to the outside world and Tianjin's economic and social development has been facilitated. The 19th CHINA MINING Congress and Expo, jointly hosted by Ministry of Land and Resources, Tianjin Municipal People’s Government and China Mining Association, features summit forums, international expos and a host of thematic activities under the theme of “Promoting Mining Prosperity under the Silk Road Spirit”. That will play an important role in promoting the innovative and prosperous development of the mining industry worldwide.

Serve the overall situation and define a new direction of collaboration. There were a camel-ride or a boat trip away from two countries in ancient times, and today we have trains linking China and Europe. “The Belt and Road “construction is rooted in the historic soil of the ancient Silk Road, bringing thousands of years of practice and wisdom together. It responds to the trend of the times, conforms to the law of development, and meets the people's interests. It surely has broad prospects. At the opening ceremony of the “Belt and Road” Forum held in May this year, Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech titled Work Together to Build the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. He put stress on building the Belt and Road into a road for peace, a road of prosperity, a road of opening up and a road of innovation by adhering to the spirit of peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit embodied by the ancient silk routes, which shows the way for “The Belt and Road” construction. Countries along the Belt and Road are extremely rich in mineral resources, which has made them the main supply base of mineral raw materials in the world, providing complementary advantages for China. We have reason to believe that the "Belt and Road" surely will bring new opportunities for the development of international mining industry by further expanding the cooperation in mineral resources as its construction has being carried out deeply. In this sense, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo under the theme of “the ancient Silk Road spirit” will be led by “The Belt and Road” and connected with the Silk Road Mining Collaboration Belt to promote the adherence to the ancient Silk Road spirit in the fields of mining industry and mineral resources; to develop in-depth international strategic cooperation; to build a community of shared interests, a community of common destiny and a community of responsibility; and to offer “China’s solutions” for global collaboration in the mining industry.

Grasp the trends and explore new space for mining development. Mining industry is an important basic industry of China’s national economy and also provides an important guarantee for the national strategic security. At present, the global economic recovery is weaker than expected; the demand for mineral resources is sluggish; the investment continues to decline and the price hovers around a low level; and the downward pressure remains high. We must serve the overall situation of development based on the mining industry, break down industry barriers and get involved in the “Belt and Road” construction. We also must establish a new mechanism for "Mining +" development to expand the exploration of, the development of and the cooperation in conventional energy resources such as coal, oil and gas, and metal minerals, to actively promote the collaboration in hydropower, nuclear power, solar energy and other clean and renewable energy, to facilitate the cooperation in energy resources processing and transforming nearby or on the spot and to form an integration of industrial chain in terms of energy resources cooperation. Furthermore, we must adhere to advancing the transformation and upgrading through scientific and technological innovation and to improving ecological development through efficient utilization. That means we must seize new opportunities for mining development in the industrial revolution and technological innovation, foster new driving forces for mining development in structural reforms and expand mining development in improving global economic governance.

Boldly seize opportunities and foster new driving forces for economic development. Located in the "Belt and Road” intersection, Tianjin is the starting point of the eastern part of the China-Mongolia-Russia economic corridor and node of the new Eurasian Continental Bridge economic corridor. The geographical advantages of Tianjin port is obvious. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Mr. Xi Jinping at its core, the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal People's Government have been leading the Tianjin people to implement the new concept of development, working hard and keeping blazing new trails in a pioneering spirit. Through our efforts, we have seen sustained and sound social and economic development, significantly-enhanced comprehensive strength, a rapidly-changing city, continued-growing residents’ income and all-round developing social undertakings. In 2016, the city’s GDP grew by 9%, the financial revenue increased by 10%, the fixed investments grew by 12% and the quality and efficiency of development have been further improved. At present, Tianjin is in an important historic window period. Through studying and implementing the series of important speeches by General Secretary Xi Jinping, especially the requirements of the “three focuses” put forward for the work, Tianjin has been stimulating the potential of innovation and entrepreneurship to create new traveling ways such as the online car-hailing service, bike sharing and new energy powered vehicles; Tianjin has been deeply promoting Industrial transformation and improve the quality and efficiency of service industry so as to accelerate the construction of a "cashless city"; Tianjin has been adhering to the principle of opening up and facilitating the establishment of a new open economy system, and five projects for Tianjin port have been serving the " Belt and Road, One base and Three Districts”; Tianjin also has been adhering to the green ecological development, and it has achieved notable progress in the control of atmospheric pollution, getting involved in the sponge city project. As the “international business card” of Tianjin and the window for Tianjin’s exchange with the outside world, CHINA MINING not only helps enhance Tianjin’s social and economic development, but also provide the valuable opportunities and broad space for the development of mining enterprises, organizations and institutions worldwide. We are looking forward to the deep cooperation and communication with all of you to share the new opportunities for the development of Tianjin and open a new chapter of the mutually beneficial development.

Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

As Autumn is approaching, let’s joint hands to create win-win outcomes. As one of the top events in the global mining industry, CHINA MINING is a meeting that will lay solid foundation and build pillars within the field; a gathering of forces to boost confidence; and a great aspiration to seek common development. We must take advantage of the trend and the situation to seize the historic opportunity of the structural adjustment of the world economy and to jointly establish a broad partnership for economic development. And we also shall work together to blaze a fair, open, comprehensive and innovative trail of mining development and to promote the stable and sustained development of the "Belt and Road" mining construction, making greater contributions to the development of international mining industry. Tianjin, as the organizer and host of the congress, will do its best to provide services and put more efforts to make this congress a high-level international event.

In conclusion, I wish the event a full success! May all of you have a pleasant trip in Tianjin!

Thank you!

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Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2017 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin in September 23-25, 2017. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 19th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us. For more information about CHINA MINING 2017, please visit: