Estimated Exploitable Resources of Shale Gas Reach 31 Trillion Cubic Meters in China

Estimated Exploitable Resources of Shale Gas Reach 31 Trillion Cubic Meters in China
From: Portals of Ministry of Land and Resources   Source: People’s Daily   Time: February 13, 2012

It is learnt from the National Geological Survey Working Conference concluded on February 12 that China will strengthen the survey and assessment of the unconventional energy resources such as shale gas as well as improve technologies to exploit those resources. Especially, China will strengthen the survey and appraisal of the shale gas, aiming to relieve the shortage of oil and gas in our country. In doing so, we will see a formation of the new pattern in the oil and gas prospecting and exploitation, which will help change the construction of our national prospecting and exploitation and even the entire energy resources. Wang Min, General Director of China Geological Survey and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Land and Resources, said that in 2012, China will strengthen the survey and assessment of the unconventional energy resources such as shale gas, coal bed gas, oil shale, tight sandstone gas, oil sand as well as improve technologies to exploit those resources. Besides, China will promote the special declaration in the survey and appraisal of the shale gas and promote its development by setting the shale gas as the independent mineral resource to survey and appraise so as to promote its development. It is introduced that the shale gas is an independent mineral resource newly granted by the State Council. Lying in the shale with organic mud and between the shale layers, it is an unconventional natural gas in an absorptive and floating way, with methane as the major content. It is clear and efficient energy resource and chemical raw material, mainly used as the domestic gas, auto fuels, and also to supply heat for urban area, to generate power as well as for the chemical production. The production of shale gas needs no discharge of water with long production cycle about 30-50 years. The success rate of the prospecting and exploitation is high with higher industrial and economic values. China is rich in shale gas resources. It is estimated that the resources of shale gas in China are about 31 trillion cubic meters, equal to those of conventional natural gas.     The development of shale gas began in America. The American output of shale gas in 2011 had reached 180 billion cubic meters, greatly changing the consuming structure of energy resources in America. According to the appraisal of all the areas except Tibetan region by the oil and gas center of the Ministry of Land and Resources, the resources of shale gas in China are roughly equal to those in America. It is predicted that in 2020, the output will exceed 100 billion cubic meters, catching up with the current output of the conventional natural gas. In 2030, the output will reach that of the conventional natural gas, nearly the same as America. Trying to realize the scale exploitation of shale gas as soon as possible will help relieve the shortage of gas and oil in China, which in turn will change the construction of our national prospecting and exploitation and even the entire energy resources. (Yu Meng)

About CHINA MINING Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

China Mining Congress and Expo 2011 attracted over 5000 delegates, exhibitors and visitors from 55 countries and regions, increasing by over 650 people as compared to the last session. There were 382 domestic and foreign exhibitors, increasing by 38% as compared to the last year. The exhibition area amounted to 25000 square meters, more than doubling that of the previous session, with 1,050 standard booths, increasing by 65% compared to the previous session. There were a total of 23 forums and 7 projects shows held with 425 promotion and negotiation projects introduced by the congress, increasing by 32.8% as compared to last year. At the project signing ceremony, 55 projects were signed, amounting to RMB15.7 billion, increasing by RMB 4 billion and by 34% as compared to the previous year. More than 40 foreign VIPs including 23 mining ministers and vice ministers as well as ambassadors in China from 18 countries and regions such as Australia, Canada, South Africa, Angola, etc. attended this session of the congress. Meanwhile, the congress attracted more than 100 medias and over 200 journalists from home and abroad to cover the congress. In terms of number of delegates and scale of exhibitors and booths, the CM2011 all topped the previous sessions, ranking the world’s premier mining congress and expo..

CHINA MING Congress and Expo 2012 will be held at Tianjin Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center on November 4-6, 2012 (Expo. will be opened on 3rd pm Nov., 2012). We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 14th anniversary of CHINA MING with us. For more information about CHINA MING 2012, please