China’s first discovery of gold in sulfur-nickel-cobalt ore

China’s first discovery of gold in sulfur-nickel-cobalt ore

Source:  Citation:   Date:Oct.11, 2013

Recently, the Armed Police Gold team discovered a new type of gold bearing mineral, namely, sulfur-nickel-cobalt ore at a copper-gold deposit located in Jinchang, Heilongjiang Province. As the first of its kind in the world, this discovery filled the blank in gold prospecting field.

The useful elements in sulfur-nickel-cobalt ore are cobalt and nickel. The two elements are important raw materials for the production of heat-resistant, hard, anti-corrosion, magnetic alloys, and important strategic materials widely used in aviation, aerospace and machinery manufacturing.

Sulfur-nickel-cobalt ore, as the gold bearing minerals, mainly lies in the deep part of porphyry ore body in which the average purity of natural gold is generally higher than that in other gold bearing minerals. The studies prove that gold can also be mineralized in high temperature and deep-layer environment, bearing a strong theoretical and practical guiding significance in widening the gold prospecting work.

Jinchang mining area, located in the southeastern part of Heilongjiang Province, was a super large gold deposit exploration base and a key scientific research base of the Armed Police force of gold. At the end of the 20th century, the Armed Police Gold team entered the mining area and currently explored 23 ore bodies with industrial value and 4 mineralized bodies and proved more than 80 tons of gold reserves. Research results showed that the deep part of copper-gold deposit still had a fairly bright prospecting future and the scale of the ore deposits can be further expanded. (Zhao Hongliu / Yu Tao) (Translated by TLRHVC)


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