More than 1,000 coal mines scheduled to close in 2016

More than 1,000 coal mines scheduled to close in 2016

Source:         Citation: Reuters        Date: February 23, 2016

China aims to close more than 1,000 coal mines with a total production capacity of 60 million tons this year, as part of its plans to tackle a price-sapping supply glut in the sector, the country`s energy regulator said.

The nation is the world`s top coal consumer but demand has been on the wane as economic growth slows and the country shifts away from fossil fuels in order to curb pollution.

In a notice posted on its website on Monday, the National Energy Administration (NEA) said the closures would form part of the plan released earlier this month to shut as much as 500 million tons of surplus production capacity within the next three to five years.

China has 10,760 coal mines, and 5,600 of them will eventually be required to close under a policy banning those with an annual output capacity of less than 90,000 tons, the China National Coal Association has estimated.

The government has promised to stop approving all new coal mine projects for three years in a bid to control capacity. The country produced 5.7 billion tons of coal last year and has an estimated capacity surplus of 1.7 billion tons, according to domestic news portal

Last year, the supply overhang dragged down domestic coal prices by one-third, but there has been some recovery this year with thermal coal at the port of Qinhuangdao up 2.7 percent at 380 yuan ($58.29) per ton.

Apart from coal, China will also aim to tackle overcapacity in the thermal power sector this year by controlling new projects and cancelling projects in regions with the biggest capacity surpluses.

Utilization rates in the power sector last year fell to their lowest since 1978, with demand failing to keep up with the rapid expansion in capacity.

China will further promote a program that allows suppliers to enter into direct power sales agreements with consumers, and it will also work to reduce power prices this year, according to the NEA.


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