CNNC released "Yanlong" pool-type low-temperature heating reactor

With the success of "Yanlong" model release and demonstration of 49-2 heaters, CNNC will further accelerate the implementation of demonstration projects.
Nuclear Group will be swimming pool-type low-temperature heating reactor model, code identified as "Yanlong" and "DHR-400". The pile of research and development in the land of Yanzhao, applied to the land of Yanzhao (extending to the northern city), and belongs to "Dragon" series reactor independently researched and developed by CNNC, so named as "Yanlong". "DHR-400" (District Heating Reactor) means district heating reactor, "400" means reactor thermal power 400MW.
"Yanlong" is a safe, economical and environment-friendly heap product developed by CNNC on the basis of more than 50 years' safe and stable operation of the swimming pool type research reactor in response to the demand of heating in northern cities. The principle is to place the reactor core in the depth of an atmospheric pool and use the hydrostatic pressure of the water layer to raise the water temperature of the core outlet to meet the heating requirements. The heat is transferred to the heating circuit through two levels of exchange, and the heat is then delivered to millions of households through the heat network.
As a mature and safe reactor, Yanlong has the remarkable features of "zero" reactor melting, "zero" emission, easy to be decommissioned and less investment. Based on the multi-channel safety barrier of the reactor, pressure is added Higher isolation circuit to ensure radioactive isolation from hot network. Pool-type low-temperature heating reactor site selection can be flexible, inland coast can be very suitable for the interior of the North. Swimming pool low temperature heating reactor life of 60 years. In terms of economy, the heat price is far superior to that of gas and is economically comparable to coal-fired and cogeneration. Reactor decommissioning thoroughly, the site can be achieved green reuse.