Yunnan saddle iron ore mine "multi-purpose"

Significant achievements were made in the exploration of the saddle-hosted iron ore in Jinping County, Yunnan Province. 69,990,000 tons of medium-sized iron ore were identified and associated scandium and titanium resources with comprehensive utilization values ​​were found. Among them, scandium reached an extremely large scale and titanium reached a medium scale.
The saddle iron mine is Kunming Mid-source Mining Company exploration area, prospecting scope of 3.81 square kilometers. In 2013, the company from Central Ground Source conducted geological survey, detailed investigation and exploration, and conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the beneficial components such as scandium and titanium. The exploration found that the four ore bodies of the saddle-hosted iron ore are iron-titanium-scandium ore formed by the late magmatic differentiation, the titanium is ilmenite and the scandium is present in hornblende by the isomorphism. In the zone, iron ore output of 69.39 million tons of iron ore (331 + 332 + 333 types) and an average grade of 20.84% ​​of iron ore are iron ore of low grade or iron ore of low grade, which is an available ore to be beneficiated. The amount of associated titanium oxide is 45.2 million Ton, the average grade of 6.49%, reaching the medium-sized scale; associated with the amount of scandium oxide 4023 tons, the average grade of 57.72 grams / ton, for the large-scale.
Scandium, titanium is the military, aerospace, national economic development indispensable material. In order to comprehensively utilize the mineral resources, the company commissioned the Institute of Mineral Resources Comprehensive Utilization in Chengdu to carry out a comprehensive experimental study of iron ores to determine that the iron, titanium and scandium metals in the ores can be effectively enriched to obtain iron concentrates, titanium concentrates, scandium Concentrate 3 main products.
The saddle iron ore has the advantage of "one ore multi-purpose", especially the scandium resources are large-scale and can scale-scale development of iron-poor ore and scandium resources. Comprehensive exploitation and utilization of mines have good economic, environmental and social benefits. It is of practical and long-term significance for a large number of poor iron mines in Jinping County and the comprehensive exploration and utilization of abundant titanium, scandium and other resources in Jinping County.