Speed ​​up the clean and efficient development and utilization of fossil fuels such as coal

By 2020, China's clean coal-fired 700 degrees Celsius ultra-supercritical power generation technology will have large-scale promotion and application of conditions, when China will also build more than a few IGCC and IGFC coal gasification power station with a total generating capacity of 1,200 to 1,500 megawatts.
This is the information released by the academician Peng Suping of the Chinese Academy of Engineering at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Energy, Resources and Environment Committee of the National "Thousand-Year Plan" Experts Association held in Ningde, Fujian. She said that China is working hard to build a clean and efficient coal conversion and utilization system and strive to achieve green low-carbon coal-based energy and efficient intensive development.
On January 5 this year, the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration released the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for Energy Development", proposing that the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption should be raised to over 15% during the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" and the proportion of natural gas consumption should be strived to reach 10 %, The proportion of coal consumption dropped below 58%.
In fact, China's photovoltaic power generation and other new energy is developing rapidly. In September 2016, the power supply company in Xinluo District, Longyan City, Fujian Province, helped build a photovoltaic power generation project at Daiwa Village in the area. At present, the total capacity reaches 110 kilowatts. With the help of the power supply company in Hua'an County, Shajian Town of this county has built a distributed photovoltaic power generation project with a installed capacity of 30 kilowatts and a service life of more than 25 years for photovoltaic modules.
Experts said that the energy emerging industries to be developed in our country include not only these traditional "new energy sources" but also areas such as clean coal, unconventional oil and gas, smart grid and so on, so as to fully construct a low-carbon, clean, efficient and intelligent modern Integrated energy system.
China's energy clean alternative task is still very arduous. According to reports, China's coal accounted for the proportion of terminal energy consumption up to 20% or more. Experts said that to promote clean and efficient development and utilization of fossil fuels such as coal as an important task in energy transformation, China is planning to fully implement ultra-low emission and energy-saving retrofits of coal-fired units, promote the application of clean and efficient coal-electricity technologies, and strictly enforce energy efficiency and environmental protection standards .
In the longer term, coal-based fossil fuels will still be the mainstay of China's energy. "Only by improving the utilization efficiency of fossil fuels through technological innovation can we accelerate the reduction of fossil fuels and increase the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption," Peng said.