Create a Global Community of Mining Destinies and Contribute to China's Wisdom

We live in a "global village." In the context of globalization, countries with different systems, cultures and regions are interdependent.
China's development can not be separated from the world. The rapid development of our country over the past 30 years has benefited from the reform and opening up thanks to the "going out" and "bringing in" of opening up the country. In the future, we should integrate more fully into the world economic system, make good preparations for both domestic and international resources and markets, and strive to achieve win-win cooperation.
World prosperity and stability can not be separated from China. The huge investment and import consumption demand released by China's urbanization development have provided vast opportunities for development for all countries in the world. Data show that in 2016 China's gross domestic product grew by 6.7%, ranking first in the world and contributing more than 30% to global economic growth. It is foreseeable that with the gradual transformation of China's economic growth mode from extensive mode to technological innovation mode, the pace of global industrial structure optimization and upgrading will also accelerate.
Creating a community of human destiny reflects the self-positioning of an enterprising China that links its destiny and future with the destiny and future of the world.
The history of large-scale "going global" mining in China is only about 10 years old. It is a latecomer to the international investment in mining and is still in its infancy. In the last round of mining boom, China paid a heavy price for high-priced iron ore and other minerals. The "going global" of China's mining industry is largely due to its guarantee of resource security. Its significance lies in making China in the global exploration, mining and other Stage of activities in a safe and reasonable investment share, low-cost resources to enjoy the benefits of low-cost development, resource-intensive mining enterprises benefit. In the next mining cycle, China may also face other challenges. The diversification of "going global" and ensuring "going out" is an inevitable choice.
First of all, it is necessary to strengthen the top-level design, formulate overall strategies and plans for cooperation in overseas mining capacity, coordinate the exploration and development of overseas resources and establish a joint overseas investigation, risk exploration, investment and merger and mine development joint fleet to enhance China's international discourse in mineral resources Second, we must support offshore mineral exploration, increase financial support, improve corporate financing support policies to encourage enterprises, enterprises and geological exploration units collaborative operations; Third, we must enhance the accuracy of overseas geological survey to serve the production capacity Cooperation to promote the global resource survey and evaluation of resources and environment comprehensive evaluation, find out the potential distribution of mineral resources overseas and the potential for cooperation and development, strengthen the docking with the "going out" enterprises, do a good job in precision services; Finally, to establish cooperation and exchange of overseas mining capacity Sharing mechanism, improve "go global" cooperation in the production of mining capacity information service system, the development of overseas mineral exploration and development of information sharing measures to strengthen the overseas mining investment experience summary exchange.
Now that China is closer to the center of the world stage than at any time in history, it is closer to achieving the goal of national rejuvenation than at any time in history. In order to realize the goal of "two hundred and one hundred years" and the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, China's mining industry must continue to adhere to the strategy of "going global", provide China with a plan to build a global community of mining destinies, contribute to the Chinese forces and build a community of human destiny Practitioners and contributors.