In the first 10 months of this year, the profit of the industrial enterprises increased by 23.3% over the same period of the previous year and the contribution rate of the steel and other four industries was over half

According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on 27 November, from January to October 2017, profits of industrial enterprises above designated size in the country increased by 23.3% over the same period of last year, accelerating 0.5 percentage points from January to September and up 24.4% from January to April. High point again after the year. In addition, profit in October increased by 25.1% over the same period of last year. Although the growth rate slowed by 2.6% over September, it is still a relatively high monthly growth rate this year.

From the industry point of view, coal, steel, chemicals, petroleum and other industries more than profits, the profit growth of all industrial enterprises above Designated Size contributed 51.2%. In response, Jiang Feitao, an associate researcher at the Institute of Industrial Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the reporter of the Daily Economic News that there has been a decrease in supply and a slight recovery in demand in the above four major industries. As the price of industrial products rebounds, profits appear Larger increase.