Heilongjiang to speed up the construction of green mines

Clearly to build a departmental synergy, provincial, municipal and county triple the working mechanism; the establishment of provincial green survey and green mine standard system; accelerate the construction of green mines in the relevant policy support process.
First, the basic formation of a new pattern of green mining construction. Complete the construction and management system of green mines in Heilongjiang Province, study the incentive policies for the formation of supporting green mines; complete the demonstration pilot projects of green mines and form a batch of new models, new mechanisms and new systems that can be duplicated and popularized. Extensive pilot experience, the province basically formed a green mine pattern. On the basis of relevant policies and supporting facilities, by 2020, 1 or 2 green mining demonstration zones will be constructed and 100 green mines will be established, and the selection and declaration of green mines nationwide will be completed in a bid to achieve the goal.
The second is to build a new way for the development of mining industry. Adhere to the transfer mode and steady growth, innovation and conservation of resources intensive and recycling of new models of industrial development and mining economic growth, new ways to speed up the upgrading of green technology and equipment upgrades, increase the comprehensive management of the ecological environment of mines, and vigorously promote the mining area Land conservation and intensive use of cultivated land protection, guide the formation of an effective investment in mining, stimulate the vitality of the green development of mining enterprises. By 2020, the proportion of large and medium-sized mines will be raised to 15%, and the "three rates" of the mines in the province will be gradually raised.
Third, establish a green mining development mechanism. Adhere to the green transformation and management reform to promote each other to establish provincial, municipal and county joint creation, entrepreneur building, third-party assessment, social supervision of the construction of green mining system, establish green exploration and green mining construction standard system, improve the matching incentive policies, Build a long-term mechanism.

To local conditions, improve standards. The establishment of a standard system for the construction of green mines in Heilongjiang Province will be based on the classification of energy minerals, metal minerals, non-metallic minerals and water-gas minerals to formulate and promulgate the construction of green mines at provincial, municipal and county levels and to establish a standard system for the construction of green mines in the province . To guide classification, and gradually achieve compliance. Control the construction requirements of green mines and relevant standards, and promote the planning, design, construction and operation management of new mines in accordance with the requirements of green mines; and actively integrate the actual conditions and different situations in the production of mines to promote the upgrading of mines and gradually meet the requirements of green mines . To demonstrate guidance, the overall advance. Select the cities or counties with remarkable achievements in the construction of green mines, promote the construction of green mines globally and promote the construction of a demonstration area for green mines. We will implement the construction of a national green mining demonstration zone and strive to create 1 or 2 green mining demonstration zones. The proportion of large and medium-sized mines in the area increased to over 30%, the "three rates" of mines reached 100% and the treatment rate of abandoned mines reached over 40%. Optimize the pattern of mineral development and protection, adjust the industrial structure of the mining industry, improve the efficiency of resource utilization, do a good job in environmental governance and land reclamation, and explore new ways for the harmonious development of the mines. To ecological priority, green survey. With the national hundred green demonstration project integration, pay close attention to start the green survey demonstration projects, increase the vast number of geological survey practitioners propaganda and education. Technological innovation is the basis of green exploration. It is to reduce and control the impact on the ecological environment during mineral exploration from the source, and gradually reduce the application of engineering methods such as trenching, which have a greater damage to the surface vegetation