Shanxi announced the country's first mining rights survey of anomalies

Shanxi Provincial Department of Land and Resources released the news that the Office through its official website announced the history of the country's first list of the mining rights of the People's Republic of China prospectus anomalies, covering Shanxi Lu'an Huanzhuang Coal Industry Co., Ltd. and other 27 mining enterprises. In China, like the annual inspection of vehicles, mining rights holders also face an annual inspection of mining enterprises. In the past is the annual inspection of land resources department, eventually issued the "annual inspection certificate of mining enterprises." If the annual inspection pass, it means that mining rights can not continue.
As a big resource province in China, mining plays a decisive role in the proportion of GDP across the province. A mining company can continue mining, not only the mine owner's concern, local officials are also very concerned about. In 2015, the Ministry of Land and Resources issued a plan to reform the supervision and regulation of mineral resources exploration and mining, and changed the annual inspection system into a system of information disclosure. From 2017 onwards, it will fully implement the publicity of exploration and mining information of mining rights holders.
Zhou Jianchun, director of the Shanxi Provincial Department of Land and Resources, said that through the reform, the department of land and resources will no longer go through the annual inspection, but the miners will be forced to perform their duties according to the requirements of the mining rights holders themselves and then examine the information themselves. Resources departments in proportion to the public information spot checks.
The Shanxi announced the country's first mining rights survey of anomalies involved in the 27 mining companies are: Yangcheng Yangcheng Yang Yucheng Coal Industry Co., Ltd., Shanxi Zezhou Tiantai Chenzhuang Coal Industry Co., Ltd., Changzhi Xishan Coal Industry Co., Ltd., Shanxi Changzhi Hongshan Coal Industry Co., Ltd., Changzhi Hongxing Coal Industry Co., Ltd., Shanxi Coal Mining Group Sanyuan Grottoes Coal Industry Co., Ltd., Shanxi Lu'an Central to the Zhuang Coal Industry Co., Ltd., Shanxi Energy Industrial Group Luohu Coal Industry Co., Ltd., Datong Coal Mining Group Tonggong Hongguliang Coal Mine Co., Ltd., Shanxi Luan Group Puxian New Liangyou Coal Industry Co., Ltd., Shanxi Anxin Coal Industry Co., Ltd., Shanxi Lingshi Xin Yi Coal Industry Limited Liability Company, Shanxi Coal Bum Shui Gou Coal Industry Co., Ltd., Shanxi Coal Transportation Group Security Coal Industry Co., Ltd., Shanxi Nanquan Yangquan Yuxian Daxian Coal Industry Co., Ltd., Shanxi Tung Fai Group Dengjiazhuang Coal Industry Co., Zhahe Iron Mine, Wuzhai County Jinlida Stone Co., Ltd., on behalf of the County Phoenix Xin Xinsheng Iron Ore Co., Ltd., Luliang New Cement Co., Ltd. Xin Shing Stone Factory, Xing County Stone Source Stone Co., Ltd. Wangjiazhuang quarry, Luliangshan Lixin Building Materials Co., Ltd., Tianzhen Zhang Town, Rong County, brick tile clay mine, Stone Co., Ltd. Pingshun Ruidong, Changzhi Rongxin Building Materials Co., Ltd., Linfen HSBC Stone Co., Ltd., Xiangfen County Shunda Shuida Chang.
Zhou Zhipeng, deputy director of the Shanxi Provincial Department of Land and Resources, said that the mining owners' anomalies were made public through the information disclosure system, mainly to remind them of the fulfillment of relevant obligations and rectification opportunities. After the publicity, the mining rights holders may make corrections in accordance with the provisions. After the correction is put into place, they will submit the "Application for Removing the Anomalies Directory" to the Ministry of Land and Resources. After that, the expert group verifies on-site the situation of removing the anomalies, and the Land Resources Department issues the " List of decisions. "
If the mining right holder has been listed in the anomaly for more than three years and has not been rectified, the land and resources department will include it in the list of serious violations and make public announcements to the public. By then, the Land and Resources Department will be mining and mineral rights exploration and exploitation of mining information disclosure results as an important factor in the examination and approval of special funds for land and resources, land and resources projects bidding, the transfer of state-owned land, the mining rights to apply for approval, awarded the honorary title, Mining rights holders are included in the anomaly list will be restricted according to law, the mining rights were included in the list of serious violations should be banned.
According to the data of Shanxi Provincial Department of Land and Resources, as the major mining province in Shanxi Province, the annual added value of the mining industry in recent 5 years accounts for 66.1% of the added value of the industrial added value, and the department of land and natural resources improves the standardization of mineral resources management and strengthens the meaning of resource protection major. However, there are many mines in Shanxi, covering a wide range of areas and complex compositions. In particular, through several rounds of resource integration, many mines are in a state of stagnation for many years, especially in non-coal mines. These actual conditions will undoubtedly increase the difficulty of mining information mining publicity system.

In a situation more difficult than others, Shanxi Province, a major mining province, has gone public at the forefront of information dissemination and has released the first anonymous survey of the mining rights owners in the country ever since. Zhou Jianchun, director of the Shanxi Provincial Department of Land and Resources, said that every new system will encounter such resistance. As long as dare to play, kindness, we will be able to break a new path.