“See you next year”------A speech collection of CHINA MINING 2012

"See you next year"------A speech collection of CHINA MINING 2012
 Source: www.mlr.gov.cn  Citation: www.mlr.gov.cn   Date: November 7, 2012

Sunny it is, CHINA MINING 2012 has been coming to an end at Mei Jiang Convention & Exhibition Center in Tianjin,. Ending, just like the beginning, is full of silent friendship: Communication and meeting are going on in the hall at different places in different ways; Sub-forums and promotion conferences are still ardently going; On the booth, geological materials and project introduction are still colorful as if they are meeting the last colleagues and guests interested in cooperation. The only difference is that in the hall hundreds of middle school and college students came to the visit and listen to the lecture. This is the Opening Day of China Mining 2012. With the ending of CHINA MINING 2012 in such a way, how is the conference in the heart of thousands of participants? In addition to the signing of the cooperation projects, and achieving the cooperative aims, what else has every participant gained? And what are their suggestions for such platform construction of international mining? With these questions, our reporter interviewed several participants in the last half a day, The following is an interview record highlights. Nion Kelaimengsen, Vice President of Greenland Royal Arctic Route Executive: The rapid development of China left a deep impression on me. This is my second time to come to China to participate in China Mining. China`s economic development speed left a deep impression on me. In this process, a lot of opportunities appeared. In fact, we come to China, because we have project cooperation in Greenland with a company from Shandong. China now has a lot of outbound investment enterprises. As a company specializing in shipping and airfreight for mining companies, we come here to look for more business opportunities. Jason Gordon, Director of Canada Metal Economic Group Metal Research Department: The congress and exhibition have reached the level of first-class international mining conference. This is my first time to attend CHINA MINING. And comparing to other international mining conference I had participated in, China Mining in Tianjin has reached the first-class level, and provide a high qualified services. The key is that we can meet a lot of cooperation partners here, and get a lot of valuable information. As a 30 years international mining information service and analysis company, we found a lot of opportunities in China, and some very promising cooperation intention is in negotiation. Andy Barnicoat, Chief, Minerals and Natural Hazards Division, Geoscience Australia: We come here to help enterprises to increase mutual understanding between the two countries. In the contact with Chinese enterprises, I heard some companies said in Australia the threshold of the investment is higher, so some can not adapt. In fact, we come here every year, in order to give more useful information to the investors of China and all over the world so as to enhance their understanding to Australia policy, aboriginal, taxation, environmental aspects. Setting up clear objectives so that we can recommend suitable investment project to them. At the same time, I hope China enterprises before investment are sure to make detailed investigation to the projects through professional company, and then improve the success rate of project. Carl Ruby, General Manager of Maxim Chemical (Shandong) co. LTD: We hope to see more Chinese counterparts here. This congress and exhibition gave us and other various types of mining company good communication opportunity, and also let more companies know us. In the communication with Chinese enterprises, I found a phenomenon that Chinese mining companies often have their own mine blasting team, while American and European enterprises generally tend to employ professional blasting company like us, because their service are more professional, and more cost-effective. It is said that there are more than 160 civil blasting companies in China, but I just saw six here. We hope to see more counterparts here. It can not only attract more customers, but also strengthen the competition. Ben Woost, Manager of Australia Snowden Company Business Development Department: Chinese mining enterprises are more and more mature in foreign investment cooperation. This is the fourth time I come to CHINA MINING. Compared with before, the Chinese enterprises are more and more mature in foreign investment and communication cooperation. Now many Chinese companies when doing foreign investment project can learn very detailed project information, make further investigation to the local policy, culture and environmental requirements, and are becoming more and more international in operation way. We, as a professional geological exploration and mining consulting services company, hope to joint with Chinese companies the power-and-power union, and carry on the project cooperation. There are so many opportunities, Next year I will come again! Huang Keng, Business Development Manager of Swiss Panalpina International Transportation Agency China Area Project Department: Under the background of the mining industry downturn, China business is not influenced much. Nearly a year, the world economic downturn had a big to influence mining, which can also be seen from logistics clearly. But in general speaking, the situation in China is good. We still have a lot of overseas investment, and maintain a relatively stable volume. As one of the world`s largest freight and logistics companies, we can provide mining enterprises from very remote mining area out of the minerals optimization, and the lowest cost of logistics plan. We hope to meet more Chinese customers through this platform. Lumaroad Masu Maniman, Chairman of Peru Mining Construction Bureau Foreign Affairs Department: hope and China`s mining industry cooperation can more walk more far This is my first time to attend CHINA MINING and it is also the first time to China. I’m very happy to participate in this great conference. A lot of people communicated in this hall and talked about the possibility of all kinds of cooperation, I think it is very successful. Peru mineral exploration and development degree is very low. I especially welcome to push our mining development. China and Peru`s mining have very good cooperation relations. From the amount of investment, China`s investment in Peru is very high in the whole Latin America. I hope our cooperation can walk further. I am eager to learn Chinese for better communication with Chinese colleagues, and even want to know more about Chinese culture and Chinese philosophy. Attending this congress, I not only won the exchanging and learning opportunities in mineral field, but also have the communication opportunity with different nations and cultures. I like it very much, Next year I must come here again! Dong Shuwen, Vice dean of Chinese academy of geological: regression resources, focus on China This session of CHINA MINING, from a side, confirm the new trend of the global geological science development which was reflected on the 34th International Geological Congress. The global geological science is turning its theme from serving the society with the environmental protection to the new theme of same weight of supporting economic resources guarantee and servicing the society with environmental protection. The 34th International Geological Congress change the theme of 31st , 32nd , 33rd International Geological Congress “environmental protection, sustainable development”, to the theme "for tomorrow provide resources", And the next international geological congress host is South Africa another mining country. This shows that resources theme will continue. Why there is such a trend? I think, because the global is going into a new round of industrialization development period. After rapid development of the emerging economies such as China, Southeast Asia, Middle East, North Africa and South America and other countries group are going into the rapid development stage of industrialization. The global resources demand will face greater challenges. At the same time, along with the advancement of regional industrialization, China has become the first big center of global resource demand. Therefore, CHINA MINING this platform will attract the eye of the world afterward. Hu Jianming, Beijing 3DMing Software Technology co., Ltd.: consolidate old clients and make new friends Through the annual CHINA MINING, we can consolidate old customers and at the same time meet a lot of new users. Almost in the end, there are still some people finding booth to material, consulting relevant software functions, applications, etc. I hope this meeting would be more effective and give some suggestions: one is that the arrangement of the exhibition area would give as much as possible consideration for the convenience of exhibitors and visitors. To be specific, the division of the area should have further subdivision according to the categories. Such as: the government area, image display, product demonstration, investment financial district, mining service area, etc, so that the same exhibitors can have more time for the similar business discussion and communication, and visitors entering the exhibition area can find what they want to visit the exhibitors. And in the same area the deep comparison can be made within the related products or content to strengthen the effect of the exhibition. The second is that tickets trial ticket system can be used, i.e. the tickets can be sold to r mining related units who can enter the exhibition area learning about the relevant information of the industry, equipment development, the development of science and technology, but can not participate in forum. Tickets system for the exhibition can bring more popularity to attract more exhibitors, and make mining exhibition bigger. Zheng Qinghui, technical personnel, China Geological Survey Bureau Exploration Technology Research Institute: The market taste should be stronger. The people attending the conference are increasing. This is a good thing, but the exhibitors generally feel the number of people attending the exhibition reduced. Lack of popularity, it is likely to have much more government exhibitors. Government officials and senior leaders come too much but the specific work personnel who truly want to learn technology and information have been less. This situation should be considered. Let the conference has more market flavor. Fewer officials. Give specific work personnel much more opportunities. It can not only increase the appeal of the conference, but also can increase the appeal of the exhibition for the exhibitors. Lu Guo, General Manager, Beijing Sunshine Creative Translation of language translation Co., Ltd: The concerning point of China`s mining industry foreign cooperation is changing. As a professional mining translation company, our mining translation service work reflects the new changes of mining investment. From our years of translation work experience, English is the biggest language translation, accounting for 80% ~ 85% of the business. Spanish, French, and Portuguese have become the majority language in the minority language of mining translation field. Russian translation is also in great demand, and in recent years the needs to Mongolian translation also began to increase. I think it reflects the new trend of international cooperation in China`s mining industry---from putting more attention to Africa, to Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia. More and more Chinese companies begin to pay close attention to the Southeast Asian market, such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Burma. These countries relatively have stable political situation, and metallogenic conditions are relatively good. I see in Laos, the 70% of the mining companies are Chinese companies. For us, CHINA MINING is a good business platform, full of business opportunities. In the conference, there are many companies employ us to do temporary translation, and we also established a few new customers. Wang Jian, Science Technology and Foreign Affair Department Manager of Yu Qiang Geological Resources Exploration and Development Co., Ltd. Tai An city: Mining companies are most eager to obtain valuable information. Last year when we got the news of CHINA MINING, we have already been late for registration. After the visit, we think this is a very good platform, so very early in this year we signed up and during these days feel really good. As a newly established geological exploration company, we hope in the mining conference to know the relevant countries` mining policy, domestic mineral development and relevant policies, such as the preferential policy of "going abroad" for private company and other company`s successful practice and experience, demonstrate the company`s image, and obtain the opportunity of mining right cooperation exploration or project matching. Learning a lot of valuable information this time we had a big harvest. It will do much favor for our company’s strategy in the future. For instance, we`ve always been thinking to do mining investment in Africa, feeling that the local economy is backward and the entry threshold is low. But through the communication, we think going to developed countries may be better. The developed countries have improved infrastructure, and complete laws and regulations policies, which can guarantee the safety and mining income of investors. (Zhao Fan, Yu Xingdi, Yu Defu, liu Wei) (translated by TLRHVC) About CHINA MINING
Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year.  As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises. CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2013 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on November 2-5, 2013. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 15th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us.  For more information about CHINA MINING 2013, please visit: www.chinaminingtj.org.