Listen to the Sound of Forward Steps of China`s Mining Industry--- A Historical Review of CHINA MINING

Listen to the Sound of Forward Steps of China`s Mining Industry
--- A Historical Review of CHINA MINING
Source:  Citation:  Date: Nov.7,2012

- stage for Chinese enterprises and international business cooperation
- bridge between mining elite and financial experts communication
- platform of dialogue between high level businessmen and government officials In order to give wide publicity to the international mining industry, introduce our government’s work in improving the investment environment in the mining industry, and promote mining enterprises cooperation, the Ministry of Land and Resources in 1999 began to continuously hold CHINA MINING international seminar, from 2005 called "CHINA MINING", and so far, the congress has been held successfully for the 13 years. As China`s mining foreign cooperation brand, Asia`s largest mining event and global one of four big mining conference, CHINA MINING has become an important platform for Chinese and foreign mining companies and related agencies to obtain industry information, and look for the opportunities for cooperation, and it has been highly valued. Over the past 13 years, covered the whole mining industry chain’s each link, this event is on larger and larger scale, with higher level and richer content. Moreover it has continuously innovated form, increasingly perfect function, and gradually improving internationalization. With the aid of this platform, China`s mining industry and international mining have a good communication and fusion in the dialogue. And this platform, in 13 years also witnessed the development of the mining industry: In the turn of the century, it witnessed China`s mining industry gradually increased discourse power in the international mining industry; In 2005, 2006 and 2007, it witnessed the prosperity of the global economy in mining and mining market enthusiastic; In 2008, it witnessed the whole mining’s rational thinking in front of the global financial crisis; In 2009, it witnessed the mining development momentum is going well, In 2010, 2011, it witnessed the people’s efforts in the mining of recovery. During this process, China`s mining industry is becoming mature as well as China`s foreign exchange consciousness and method. In China, as more and more important mining investor, investment country of destination, resource consumer and producer of resources, China`s mining industry is not only one of the most important foundation in the economic development of China but also has become an important part of the world`s resources consumption and demand. Through the window of CHINA MINING, we have already seen China`s mining industry development and prosperity in the near future. The 1st Session
Theme: promote the further opening to the mining industry
Time: October 26, 1999
Place: Dalian, Liao Ning province
Focus: China`s mining industry to seek new breakthroughs This conference, which is called "International Seminar on CHINA MINING Regulations", has opened a new chapter of China`s mining industry to the world. From Canada, Australia, and other 10 countries and regions more than 170 delegates attended the meeting. On the meeting, the delegates fully discussed the problems on how to perfect China`s mining laws and regulations, improve the mining investment environment, and how the foreign capitals in the Chinese market succeed, and etc. During the meeting, the Ministry of Land and Resources issued 19 ore fields for the first time as the choices for foreign investment and development. In this conference, the Chinese government released a wind vane to global mining: Overseas capital investment in the development of China`s mining industry can be realized. The 2nd Session
Theme: Improve the Western mineral exploration and development opening up
Time: October 13, 2000
Place: Urumuqi City, Xinjiang
Focus: The west, CHINA MINING new starting point This conference, which is called "International Seminar on Western Development and CHINA MINING Investment”, is the first mining area meeting after the Western Development. The meeting proposed that the mineral exploration and development should be improved, the level of opening up in the western region of mineral exploration efforts should be enhanced, and China`s mining industry gravity center should be moved to west step by step. More than 120 Chinese and foreign delegates attended the seminar. World Bank Group became a co-organizer of the event for the first time. The 3rd Session
Theme: Enhance mutual understanding, strengthen cooperation  promote common development of mining industry
Time: September 20, 2001
Place: Xi’an, Shanxi Province
Focus: new century mining change and prospect This conference is called “International Seminar on CHINA MINING 2001”. It showed China’s major change in the geological exploration system and mining system in the new period. The Vice Premier Wen Jiabao met with part of the delegates attending the meeting, and Zou Jiahua, then Vice Chairman of the NPC standing committee sent to the congress a congratulation letter. Nearly 200 representatives from 11 countries and regions took part in the meeting. Canada and Australia embassies in China become the co-organizer for the first time. The 4th Session
Theme: Positively fulfill commitments Actively adapt to the rules
Time: October 22, 2002
Place: Chongqing
Focus: Entry into the WTO, opportunities and challenges for CHINA MINING This conference is called “International Seminar on CHINA MINING 2002”. The meeting demonstrated clearly that our government would positively fulfill the commitment of joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) rules, adapt to the requirements of the WTO rules, and purify mining development environment. From 16 countries and regions more than 200 delegates attended the meeting, including foreign representative 109 people. Representatives from the World Bank Group and APEC member economies and people from domestic mining industry together had a deep discussion on a series of strategic issues including global and local mining development trend, the development of China’s mining industry, mining financing and mine development after China`s accession to the WTO, as well as policies for foreign investments in CHINA MINING. The 5th Session
Theme: Enhance communication and cooperation, promote reform and development
Time: October 27, 2003
Place: Kunming, Yun Nan province
Focus: gradually implement "bringing in" and "going out" strategy of resources Named "International Seminar on CHINA MINING 2003", this conference was held under the background of the successfully held APEC leaders` informal meeting and the ASEAN business and investment summit. In the seminar issues around the Chinese mining policy evolution and regional mining cooperation were discussed. More than 300 delegates from 14 countries and regions attended the meeting, including 140foreign representatives. Zeng Peiyan, then Vice Premier made important instructions for the seminar: "I hope you continue to deepen reform, strengthen international communication and cooperation, and strive to solid work, and jointly promote the prosperity and development of the mining industry. The 6th Session
Theme: strengthen international communication and cooperation, promote mining prosperity and development
Time: November 16-18, 2004
Place: Beijing
Focus: Mining Go to Recovery This conference is called “International Seminar on CHINA MINING 2004”. After long years of slump, Both CHINA MINING and global mining began to recovery. To strengthen cooperation and communication became the priority of China`s mining development. The congress proposed new measures to guide the healthy development of the mining and promote coordination between mining exploration and development and environmental protection. The conference got the support of China National Development and Reform Commission, China Ministry of finance, the Ministry of Commerce, China, World Bank Group, Canadian Embassy and Australian Embassy. The main conference topics covered mining financing, the main mining countries’ mining overview, CHINA MINING policies and laws and regulations, the discovery of China`s mineral resources and business opportunity discussion, enterprises case study and analysis, minerals market outlook, etc. For the first time this conference organized an important exhibition in which both domestic and foreign exhibitors participated at the same time. Exhibition content involves all around resources projects, mining technology and equipment, financial services, and other related services to the mining enterprise forming a complete industrial chain. A total of more than 1000 representatives from home and abroad attended the meeting including over 500 foreign delegates from nearly 30 countries and regions. The Vice Premier Zeng Peiyan attended the opening ceremony and made an important speech in which he comprehensively elaborated the policies for China`s realization of the sustainable development of mining and called for through strengthening cooperation to promote global mining and economic prosperity. His speech drew wide concern in the international mining and had a good response. The 7th Session
Theme: strengthen mining cooperation, achieve mutual benefit and win-win results
Time: November 15-17, 2005
Place: Beijing
Focus: CHINA MINING has become one of the world’s TOP 4 mining events. "CHINA MINING" as the name of this conference appeared for the first time. From the beginning of this conference, CHINA MINING has become one of the world’s TOP 4 mining events Zeng Peiyan, then Vice Premier, sent a congratulatory letter to the congress. The congress organized 14 seminars around the topics including China`s mining policy, global mining review and outlook, minerals mining market, new theory and new technology, mining financing, China and neighboring countries mining investment opportunity, mine safety and environment. CEO Forum is especially attractive. During the conference the provinces and the geological exploration departments’ mineral right information seminars were also held, showing that China`s mining right market is more actively open to the world. Nearly 2000 representatives from more than twenty countries and regions participated in the congress, two-thirds of which were foreign delegates. CHINA MINING 2005 featured 150 exhibitors from over 15 countries.
The 8th Session
Theme: Promote the harmonious development of mining economy prosperity
Time: November 14-16, 2006
Place: Beijing
Focus: To promote the healthy development of China and the global mining industry The congress set up eight different parts including: China`s Mining Policy: Announcement and Outlook; Global Investment Trends and Commodities Outlook; Risk Management; Opportunities and Company Presentations; Sustainability and the Environment; China`s Mining Environment; Trends in Ore Processing, Metallurgy and Transportation; Trends in Exploration and Mining Technology. At the same time, the congress also held Ministers` Forum, CEO Forum, Countries and Regions Forum, Outbound Investment Forum, and Mining Suppliers Forum. During the conference, it also held exhibition activities in Trade Show Area, Countries Area, Chinese Government Area and Mining Equipment Area. Trade Show Area attracted a lot of foreign and domestic companies, including mining and exploration companies, mining technique and equipment suppliers, geologists as well as banks and legal consulting firms. Ministry of Land and Resources as a representative, the government area appeared for the first time. Zeng Peiyan, then Vice Premier, attended the congress and delivered an important speech. Speech made it clear that China will unswervingly pursue the opening-up policy, implement mutually beneficial and win-win mining opening strategy. From this session, the congress set up Annual Outstanding Achievement Awards of CHINA MINING aimed at summing up successful experience of Sino-foreign joint venture and cooperation in mineral exploration and development fields, set up good examples of foreign cooperation, and show the opening-up new image of Chinese mining industry to the international mining industry. Three projects shared this year`s Best International Cooperation Exploration Award, the Best International Cooperation Development Award, and the Best International Cooperation Environmental Protection Award. There is one organization which won the Best International Cooperation Service Award, while this year`s Best International Cooperation Technology Innovation Award was in vacancy. More than 2000 delegates from over twenty countries and regions attended the meeting, and more than 160 exhibitors at home and abroad were attracted to exhibition. Overseas representatives amounted to more than half of the total, of which mining ministers of Canada and other four countries delivered a speech on Foreign Mining Ministerial Forum. In the newly set up Countries Area, Canada, Australia, Chile and other countries organized national pavilion, and Canada`s booth was in a total of more than forty, Australia`s booth also more than twenty. The 9th Session
Theme: Implement scientific outlook on development, Promote Green Mining
Time: November 13-15, 2007
Place: Beijing
Focus: Green mining ideas enjoy popular support. In this congress such issues as green mining policy, resource efficient utilization, mining environment and mining safety and international minerals market were discussed, and thus contribution was made on promoting mining’s economy, cleaning, security and sustainable development, and the world mining boom. Zeng Peiyan, then Vice Premier, sent a congratulation letter to the congress. He pointed out that the Chinese government will implement the scientific outlook on development, vigorously develop the green mining, further deepening mining international cooperation, and make new contribution on promoting the sustainable development of mining. The congress set the main sessions and parallel sessions, among which the main sessions set Ministers` Forum, Chinese and International Mining Industry Trends Forum, CEO Forum, Global Commodities Trends Forum. In the parallel sessions of eighteen issues, the Ministry of Land and Resources organized four sessions: “Roundtable Discussion: The Practice of China`s Mining Policy ”, "The Development and Use of Coalbed Methane in China ", " The Valuation of Mining Projects and Internationalization ", "Basic Geological Survey and the Achievement of Ore Prospecting ". The congress held the exhibition at the same time. Exhibitors from mining companies, investment and financing organizations, evaluation consultation companies, technology services companies, equipment companies from all over the world through the personalized demonstration promoted the cooperation in the fields of exploration and development, investment, and equipment technology. More than 3000 delegates from over 30 countries and regions attended the congress and more than 240 domestic and foreign enterprises participated in various forms of display. In Awards Ceremony of Annual Outstanding Achievement Awards of CHINA MINING 2007, four projects were respectively awarded the Best International Cooperative Exploration Award, the Best International Cooperation Development Award, the Best International Cooperation Environmental Protection Award, and the Best International Cooperation Technology Innovation Award. The Best International Cooperation Service Award was in vacancy. The 10th Session
Theme: Receiving new challenges and promoting continuous mining development
Time: November 11-13, 2008
Place: Beijing
Focus: develop with global mining hand in hand, face financial crisis together Under the background of the international financial crisis this congress was highly regarded by the global mining industry and was drawn much attention by the governments and financial circles. In this congress many issues were deeply discussed including the development trend of mining industry and investment policy plan, as well as new theories and technologies on mining development, and mine responsibility, etc. More than 3200 government officials, experts and scholars, and representatives of business and financial circles from more than forty countries and regions participated in it. Vice premier Li Keqiang sent congratulatory letter to this congress. He stressed that China, as an important mineral resources producer and consumer, will continue to promote technological innovation, optimize resource development, and improve efficiency of resource utilization; continue to expand the mining areas of opening to the outside world, actively create favorable conditions, promote the establishment of dialogue and consultation mechanism between the world mineral producers and consumers, and make due contributions for the global mining continued prosperity and sustainable economic and social development. Besides the congress also specially set up many minerals subjects for deeply analyzing and discussing related popular minerals, such as gold and iron ore forums. In the forum renowned enterprise leaders, experts and scholars carried out profound discussion in industry status, product development and market supply and demand trends and delivered wonderful speech. In the "Geological Survey and the Achievement of Ore Prospecting” session, 1:50000 geological map and aeromagnetic series map were first issued, and increased 3000 kind of geological data to provide online services. Annual Outstanding Achievement Awards of CHINA MINING 2008 issued four awards: the Best International Cooperation Exploration Award, the Best International Cooperation Development Award, Best International Cooperation Environmental Protection Award, and Best International Cooperation Service Award. The Best Technology Innovation Award was in vacancy. The 11th Session
Theme: Take the Opportunity for Mutual Development
Time: October 20-22, 2009
Place: Tianjin
Focus: Increase geological prospecting efforts, inject new vitality for global mining recovery In the congress many issues such as the global mineral exploration and development situation and progress under the influence of the international financial crisis, regional mining development, and international mining cooperation were deeply discussed. In the congratulations letter, Vice Premier Li Keqiang pointed out that China will base on domestic market, increase the geological prospecting efforts, and adhere to the opening-up, and expand the international cooperation. The mining industry countries should seize the opportunity, and promote the international mining stability and prosperity of the world economic recovery and development. The congress consisted of Summit Forum, Exhibitions and Featured Events, and introduced 17 topics, 23 sessions, 420 booths. 3500 delegates from more than fifty countries and regions attended the conference. During the meeting, mining leaders from 12 countries including Canada, Australia and ambassador of ten countries such as South Africa, Mongolia and senior management at home and abroad from more than 80 important mining companies and well-known financial institutions like World Bank Group, JP Morgan, etc. discussed the global mining development trend and challenges and opportunities of mining development. The congress presented respectively five awards of Annual Outstanding Achievement Awards of CHINA MINING 2009. The congress was hosted by the Ministry of Land and Resources jointly with Tianjin Municipal Government. It was supported by the World Bank Group, Australian Embassy, Canadian Embassy in China, South Africa Embassy in China, China Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry of Commerce, The State Development Bank of China, The Export-Import Bank of China, Bank of China, and CHINA MINING Association. The 12th Session
Theme: Cooperation, Responsibility, Development
Time: November 16-18, 2010
Place: Tianjin
Focus: Base on the domestic development and strengthen international cooperation The topics of the conference covered the global mining industry sustainable development, mineral resources exploration situation and progress, mining industry and capital market, the mine geological environment and green mining, etc. During the congress, many mining cooperation project promotion and negotiation activities and large mining exhibition activities were also held. Vice Premier Li Keqiang attended the congress and delivered an important speech. He pointed out that China would adhere to the scientific development, accelerate the transformation of the mode of economic development requirements, combine the domestic development and international cooperation, make full use of the "two markets", "two resources", and enhance the economic and social development of the energy resources support capacity. A total of more than 4000 people including the government officials, experts and scholars and representatives of mining enterprises, financial institutions from more than fifty countries and regions attended the meeting. On the project investment signing ceremony, a total of 62 projects were signed amounting to RMB 11.7 billion. The signed projects mainly distributed in China, Australia, Nigeria, Zambia, Mongolia and other countries, involving in the minerals of copper, iron, gold, lead, zinc, etc. The congress awarded respectively organizations and enterprises that won Annual Outstanding Achievement Awards of CHINA MINING of this year. During the conference, Tianjin Mining Right Exchange was formally established. The congress was supported by the World Bank, the Australian embassy, the Canadian embassy in China, Republic of South Africa embassy in China and the National Development and Reform Commission, China, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry of Commerce, the State Development Bank of China, the Export-Import Bank of China, Bank of China, and other units. The 13th Session
Theme: Strengthen International Cooperation, Accelerate Geological Exploration & Mining Development
Time: November 6-8, 2011
Place: Tianjin
Focus: Improve the minerals security ability and utilization efficiency The conference had theme forums, mining development high-level forums as well as 21 special topic forums, 23 Breakout Sessions and 7 project promotion conferences. A total of over 4800 people from more than 50 countries and regions attended the conference. The conference had in-depth mining discussions on topics covered Sustainable Mining, The global mineral exploration situation and progress, The mining industry and capital market, mining environment and green mining, mineral resources comprehensive utilization. Obert Mpofu, Minister of Mines and Mineral Development, The Republic of Zimbabwe; Akhom Tounalom, Vice Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, The Lao People`s Democratic Republic; Oyun Erdenbulgan, Deputy Minister of Miners, Mongolia,; Voe Karl Berthelsen Minister ,Bureau of Minerals and Petroleum,Greenland and other foreign guests attended the meeting. Vice premier Li Keqiang sent the congratulation letter. He stressed that China would adhere to the domestic, rely on technological progress and system and mechanism innovation, increase the geological prospecting and comprehensive utilization of resources, improve minerals security ability and utilization efficiency and promote economic long-term stable and rapid development. On the conference, Xu Shaoshi, Minister of Ministry of Land and Resources, said that the world`s population has hit 7 billion. In order to support and guarantee the sustainable development of the human society with the limited mineral resources, meet the needs of contemporary people, and also leave the survival and development space for future generations, "symbiosis" should become a value concept of global mining. CHINA MINING 2011 issue a total of five Annual Outstanding Achievement Awards of CHINA MINING, including Prospection and Exploration Outstanding Achievements Award, Mine Development Outstanding Achievements Award, Mining Environmental Protection Outstanding Achievements Award, Technological Innovation Outstanding Achievements Award, Governmental Support Outstanding Achievements Award. The negotiations and the signed agreement project amounted to 485 items, among which 55 projects carry out essential matching at the signing ceremony, with contract amount of RMB 15.7 billion. And compared to project matching achievement of CHINA MINING 2010, the on-site project signing amount was 4 billion Yuan more than it in last year, though 7 projects fewer, which reflected the trend of the scale development in international mining cooperation. (Shen Wenjing) (translated by TLRHVC) About CHINA MINING
Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year.  As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises. CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2013 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on November 2-5, 2013. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 15th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us.  For more information about CHINA MINING 2013, please visit: