Wangmin Met with Chief Executive Officer of British Petroleum Company

Wangmin Met with Chief Executive Officer of British Petroleum Company

 Source:  Citation:  Date: April 22, 2013

On April 18th, Wang Min, Vice Minister of Land and Resources, met with BP’s CEO Deli Dai in Beijing. The two sides talked about the development and cooperation of unconventional energy sources, such as shale gas, tight oil exploration.

Wang Min pointed out that shale gas, as a new energy, had great impact on the global energy consumption structure. China encourages the exploration and exploitation of dense oil, coal-bed methane, shale gas and other unconventional, low grade oil and gas resources, hoping to make full use of the emerging clean energy as soon as possible in China to strengthen energy resource’s supporting capability for economic and social development.

Wang Min said China would continue to adhere to the Reform and Opening Up and strengthen international cooperation. China would adhere to the "opening market, encouraging competition”, which would be the important policies and measures to accelerate China`s shale gas development. Besides, China would encourage foreign enterprises to participate in the development of unconventional energy, encourage the cooperation of foreign firms and Chinese companies, including technical services, environmental protection, water resources utilization, safety production, etc, within the scope of laws and regulations and policies.

Deli Dai said, as one of the world`s largest oil and gas companies, BP group believed in China`s potential in this area. Based on the prospect of China`s shale gas exploration and development, BP group would continue to be committed to the cooperation with relevant enterprises in China in this field.

Head of the ministry of relevant departments and directly affiliated institutions attended the meeting. (Zhou Huailong) (translated by TLRHVC).

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