ASEAN---An Important Overseas Investment Destination

ASEAN---An Important Overseas Investment Destination

Source: Citation: Date: May 12, 2013


Themed by "strengthen the technical cooperation, promote the mining scientific development", the 2013 China- ASEAN Mining Cooperation Forum and Exhibition was held on May 10th in Guangxi nanning.

Chenwu, the president of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region addressed in the opening ceremony. Wang Min ,the Vice Minister of Ministry of land and resources, Yu Ping, vice chairman of CCPIT, song Ben pull Abies holophylla, Vice Minister of Ministry of energy and mines of Laos, gave speeches; Lin Nianxiu, vice President of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region attended. The opening ceremony was hosted by Jiang Jianjun, the director of science and technology and international cooperation department of Chinese Ministry of land and resources.

At the meeting, Wang Min said , as the development of the economic globalization, and regional integration, the development of mining industry of China and ASEAN countries are hither to closely together. Deepening the cooperation in mining is the tendency and also the requirement under the situation. China and ASEAN have strong complementarities in resources, and the China - ASEAN Free Trade Area offers good opportunity for bilateral cooperation in mining. Mining industry is an important pillar industry of China and ASEAN countries, and is also an important field of traditional investment between China and ASEAN.

Wang Min said, Chinese mineral enterprises have invested 76 cooperation projects in ASEAN counties since January to April mainly in Burma, Philippines, Kampuchea, Malaysia, Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand and other countries. ASEAN has become an important destination for overseas investment of Chinese mining enterprises. Mineral products trade occupies an important 10%~15% in the trade between China and ASEAN. Mineral products are the main advantages of ASEAN exports. Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Burma, Laos and other countries export refined oil, coal, tin, nickel, bauxite and other mineral products to China. China mainly exports oil, phosphorus, fluorite mineral products to Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia and other countries. The mineral trades enjoy low tariffs or zero tariff between China and ASEAN countries. Wang Min said the Ministry of land and resources of China and ASEAN countries mining departments have established a long-term friendship of cooperation in the field of mining technical exchanges, personnel exchanges and training cooperation through a series of bilateral cooperation and multilateral cooperation platform, and achieved fruitful results.

The China- ASEAN Mining Cooperation Forum and Exhibition is specially becomes the model of the bilateral exchanges and cooperation. This forum themed by "strengthen the technical cooperation, promote the mining scientific development"  is in order to exert the advantages of cooperation between China and ASEAN in the mining technology, to improve the ability of sustainable development of mining industry in China and ASEAN, and promote sustained economic recovery growth. China and ASEAN mining cooperation, not only promotes the economic development of their respective countries, but also makes important contributions to the sustained and stable economic development throughout the Asian region.

Wang Min pointed out that, in 2012, China Geological and mineral exploration investment was RMB 125.924 billion, the mining industry solid assets were RMB 1.31 trillion. Among them, the oil and gas mineral exploration investment was RMB 74.910 billion, the non oil and gas mineral exploration investment was RMB 51.014 billion. Last year China geological mineral exploration investment had the following characteristics:

Firstly, the geological prospecting made an important breakthrough. The new discoveries of solid mineral deposits in medium and large scale are 227. Among them, the large mineral deposits are 109. A number of hundred million tons of large oil and gas fields of ultra billion cubic meters had been found in Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Qinghai, Jiangxi, Sichuan and Guizhou, which have form the base of coal, uranium, copper, nickel, tungsten, molybdenum, iron, bauxite and other important resources. Important mineral resources reserves continue to grow.

Secondly, the mineral products maintain stable growth. The output of crude oil is 2.07 trillion tons increasing 2.3% year-on-year. The output of raw coal is 36.5 tons growing 3.8% compared to the same period. Iron ore output is 13.1 tons, basically the same as the previous year. Ten kinds of nonferrous metal crop are 36722000 tons growing 6.9% compared to the same period. Most of the minerals consumption continues to grow.

Thirdly, the imports and exports of mineral products are active. The total import and export value is $991.9 billion growing 3.4% year-on-year. The import grows 1.4%, and export grows 7.6%. The imports of Crude oil, coal, iron ore, copper ore, nickel ore are larger. The import of crude oil is 271 million tons, growing 12.1%year-on-year. The import of coal is 289 million tons increasing 29.8%. The import of iron ore is 740 million tons growing 8.4% compared to the same period.

Lastly, the mineral exploration and development technology progress and make remarkable achievements. Frontiers of shale gas exploration, deep water oil and gas exploration made significant technological breakthrough. The field of deep ore prospecting, the comprehensive utilization of mineral resources have acquired a number of important technological achievements.

Wang Min stressed that China is synchronous advancing industrialization, normalization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, and striving to realize the overall goal of building a moderately prosperous society in 2020. In this process, the energy resources will continue to play an important role in supporting. We must do the following four aspects: one is to put the ecological civilization construction in a prominent strategic position. Adhere to the basic policy for domestic, and international, mutually beneficial cooperation. Promote the transformation and upgrading of industry to develop green mining. Build harmonious mining area, strengthen the mine geological environment governance, restoration and protection, and guarantee the supply of energy resources required for domestic economy the development. Two is to strengthen the exploration and exploitation of mineral resources, promote the integrated exploration, strengthen deep ore prospecting and the old mine prospecting, and construct demonstration bases of the comprehensive utilization of mineral resources. Three is to advance the mining technological innovation, encourage and support the mining areas of scientific and technological innovation, and vigorously promote the exploration and exploitation of mineral resources, comprehensive utilization of resources, geological disaster prevention, and promotion and application technology R & D. Four is committed to opening-up and cooperation with ASEAN countries by encouraging and supporting the domestic enterprise to expand mining investment, ant to conduce the mining projects which can develop the local economy, and improve the people`s livelihood. At the same time, as in the past we also welcome ASEAN enterprises to invest in China mining.

Wang Min also put forward three suggestions: one, the theme of the forum to further promote two-way investment in mining. China and ASEAN countries can make full use of the forum and other important platform to increase the FTA rules and various preferential policies propaganda. The better mining information exchange, the project negotiations and cooperation matchmaking can promote the enterprises to carry out substantial cooperation projects, actively explore and promote the mining investment facilitation policy measures, make full use of the mining department cooperation agreement on investment cooperation mechanism, strengthen and guide services, and  promote the expansion of two-way investment in mining industry. Two is to further promote the mining technology exchange. China and ASEAN countries have a solid foundation for cooperation in the field of mining technology, especially in the geological mapping, geophysical and geochemical exploration, mineral resources assessment and other fields, and have made a number of important results. The next step they will focus on green mining technology exchanges and cooperation by discussing strengthening deep ore prospecting, safe and efficient exploitation, comprehensive utilization of resources, clean energy development, mine environmental recovery governance and so on , and to explore the establishment of technology transfer and promote a new mechanism. Three is to further strengthen cooperation in mining personnel. The establishment of the China ASEAN cooperation in mining personnel exchange and training center is an important measure for China and ASEAN to strengthen cooperation in mining personnel.After the opening ceremony, Wang Min and Chen Wu, Lin Nianxiu, song of the salad Matsumoto together unveiled the nameplate for China-ASEAN mining personnel exchange and training center. Wang Min and Lin Nianxiu jointly signed the strategic cooperation agreement between China Geological Survey Bureau and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region government. Then, they attended the strategic cooperation agreement signing ceremony between the government of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and the China Metallurgical Geology Bureau, and met the mineral officials participated the forum from Laos.

The China-ASEAN Mining Cooperation Forum and promote exhibition is sponsored by the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region people`s government, the Ministry of Land and Resources of China, the Ministry of Commerce of China, and the China Council for the promotion of international trade. The mining officials from the Ministry of land and resources of China, CCPIT, Laos, Malaysia, Burma, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam attended the forum as well as the mining industry associations and enterprises from more than 20 ASEAN countries, the relevant leaders from China Metallurgical Geology Bureau, China Aluminum international mining, China Gold Group Co, Poly Mining Group, China Minmetals Group, and also the trade representatives of mining, machinery, and the media reporters nearly 1000 people Kan Jianzhong (translated by TLRHVC).

Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year.  As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2013 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on November 2-5, 2013. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 15th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us.  For more information about CHINA MINING 2013, please visit: