Jiang Jianjun :The Leading Role of Science and Technology in Prospecting

Jiang Jianjun :The Leading Role of Science and Technology in Prospecting

Source: www.mlr.gov.cn Citation: www.chinamining.com.cn Date: May 28, 2013


The Implementation of the strategy of prospecting breakthrough urgently needs the strong support of science and technology, a full range of continuous innovation and breakthrough in geological prospecting theory, method, technology and equipment.

On May 25, at the national conference on prospecting (the 7th leaders’ geological symposium), Jiang Jianjun, director general, Department of Science and Technology & International Cooperation, Ministry of Land and Resources P.R.C, mentioned at the forum on " new theory, new technology, new equipment" that they must adjust and optimize the ideas, methods, technology and means for mineral exploration, combine the theory and method of shallow-deep prospecting and intensive prospecting.

According to his introduction, in recent years, China`s geological prospecting has achieved remarkable achievements in the scientific and technological innovation, and realized independent innovation and development in major geological science theory and method of geological prospecting technology, such as the Innovation of China`s regional metallogenic theory, the deepening understanding of geological tectonic system in China, the establishment of a number of important mineralization belt prospecting model; successful development of China`s first set of the aeromagnetic gradient survey system, the development of aviation gravity, magnetic and electric exploration system and time domain aeroelectromagnetic and gamma spectrometry survey system, localization within 2000 meters full hydraulic core drilling equipment, X-ray fluorescence logging tool, large depth of multifunctional electrical method and portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, etc.
He introduced the focus of the recent work on science and technology to the participants: One is to strengthen scientific and technological innovation, accelerate the transformation of scientific research achievements. In view of the geological prospecting important theory problems, we should organize joint scientific research to play an important guidance role for geological prospecting work deployment in metallogenic theory and prospecting model, organize exploration technology introduction, research and development and application to improve overall technical level of mineral exploration, strengthen the comprehensive integrated major achievements to build geological prospecting technology innovation support platform through the implementation of national governments, departments and large survey key research projects

Second, it is to implement scientific and technology support plan of prospecting breakthrough strategy. Actively promote the agreement with scientific and technology department to strengthen geological prospecting technology research strategy and strategic agreement on the geological study of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau with the natural science foundation committee.
Third, the ministry of land and resources should issue as soon as possible " on further strengthening the innovation of science and technology " to drive the development of geological prospecting with science and technology innovation, explore the construction of geological prospecting technology innovation system, promote the cooperative innovation, vigorously support the enterprises or social power which have advantages in prospecting exploration, new energy exploration, equipment research and development  into the prospecting main force.

He stressed that we should make full use of scientific and technological achievements of geological prospecting, strengthen the popularization in practice, and pay more attention to the solution to scientific and technological problems in restricting the prospecting breakthrough.
He said for the technological problems, efforts to develop science and technology research would be intensified. One is to make geological prospecting technology research project proposals, to apply for the national "973" plan, "863" plan, support plan, science and technology plan of special scientific instruments and equipment development, etc. Currently there are 16 geological prospecting technology research projects led by the ministry of land and resources with total funds 800 million yuan. The second is to deploy and carry out them in the scientific research projects of land and resources in line of public welfare industry. At present, there are 122 projects in the basic geology, ore exploration, the comprehensive utilization of science and technology research, etc with1.3 billion yuan. The third is to make some arrangements in geological survey projects and research funding of provincial departments of land &resources.

In addition, he also introduced the demonstrative project on science and technology of monolithic exploration zone promoted by the technology and international cooperation department of the ministry of land and resources, which will deploy the overall national science and technology plan projects, land and resources public welfare industry scientific research projects, geology and mineral resources survey and evaluation projects to  develop joint scientific research, strengthen the transformation of scientific and technological achievements to promote the application, carry out full exploration area for practical supporting technology research and demonstration application. Recently, they have deployed demonstrative projects in Qinghai province Qi diffuse exploration area, Carla exploration area, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze river, Jiangxi Jiuling  area, Xiangshan uranium area, the southeastern Yangtze massif marginal exploration area, Qinghai Kunduz uplift belt and Jiangxi Zhuxi Tong Wukuang ore belt.

He also mentioned that the ministry of land and resources would promote the key laboratory into the main force, strengthen the talent cultivation, and reward outstanding contribution to ore-prospecting achievements on science and technology.

He finally said that geological exploration units were the main forces and hoped that all units and geological teams should give full play to the technological advantages in digital geological mapping, the geochemical mapping, and aerospace remote sensing, and orderly promote the application of geological research and resource evaluation technology in our country."  (Zhang Li) (translated by TLRHVC)

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