Listen to the Footsteps of China’s Mining Industry A Review on the Previous CHINA MINING

Listen to the Footsteps of China’s Mining Industry A Review on the Previous CHINA MINING

Source:  Citation:  Date: Nov.2, 2013


Mining is one of the most sensitive industries affected by economic changes. It has become an indispensable force in the global economy and received more attention from the various countries` governments.

In order to publicize and introduce Chinese government’s work in improving the mining investment environment and promoting foreign cooperation of mining enterprises, from 1999, the Ministry of Land and Resources held consecutive international seminars on China`s mining industry, which was renamed as CHINA MINING from 2005. So far, the event has been held successfully for 14 years.

As the brand of China mining co-operation with foreign countries, Asia’s largest mining event and one of the world`s four top mining events, CHINA MINING has become an important platform for mining companies at home and abroad and related institutions to seek line information and cooperation opportunities. It has been highly valued by the international mining industry.

In 2008, the global financial tsunami caused a hit to the global economy and the global mining experienced ups and downs. Through CHINA MINING, we have seen that China`s mining industry has been facing the world with a mature component.

The 1st

Theme: Promote the further Opening of Mining Industry to the Outside World

Time: October 26, 1999

Place: Dalian, Liaoning

Focus: China’ s Mining Industry Sought New Breakthrough

This event was called "International Seminar on Chinese Mining Regulations", which opened a new chapter in China`s mining industry to the world. More than 170 delegates from 10 countries and regions such as Canada, Australia attended the conference. During the event, the delegates discussed such problems as how to perfect China`s mining laws and regulations so as to improve China`s mining investment environment, how foreign companies can succeed in Chinese market. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Land and Resources released the first 19 mines available to foreign development. The Chinese government released the news that overseas capital investment on China`s mining industry could be realized.

The 2nd

Theme: Improve the level of Mineral Exploration Development of the Western Part of China and the Opening to the Outside World

Time:  October 13, 2000

Place: Urumqi, Xinjiang

Focus: Western Part of China, New Emphasis on China’s Mining Industry

This event was called "International Seminar on Western Development and China’s Mining Industry", which was the first mining conference after the western development kicked off. The decision was made to improve the western mineral exploration development and opening level to the outside world, strengthen mineral exploration in the western region, and realize China’s mining focus westward gradually. More than 120 Chinese and foreign representatives attended the event. For the first time, the World Bank Group became its co-organizer.

The 3rd

Theme: Enhance Understanding and cooperation, Promote Common Development of Mining Industry

Time: September 20, 2001

Place: Xi’an, Shanxi

Focus: Reform and Outlook of Mining in the New Century

This event was called “2001 International Seminar on China’s Mining Industry ". It showed the great changes of geological exploration system and mining system in our country in the new century. Vice premier Wen Jiabao met with some delegates presented. Zou Jiahua, vice chairman of the standing committee of the National People`s Congress, sent a congratulatory letter to the conference. About 200 representatives from 11 countries and regions attended the conference. Canada and Australia embassy in China became the co-organizer for the first time.

The 4th

Theme: Fulfill Commitments and Adapt to Rules Actively

Time: October 22, 2002

Place: Chongqing

Focus: China’s Accession to WTO, Opportunity and Challenge for China’s Mining Industry

This event was called “2002 International Seminar on China’s Mining Industry ". It made clear that Chinese government would fulfill the commitment of abiding by the WTO rules after joining WTO, purify the mining development environment. More than 200 delegates from 16 countries and regions attended the conference, including 109 foreign representatives. The representatives from the World Bank Group and the APEC, together with the representatives from mining industry at home and abroad had a further discussion on the development trend of global and regional mining, mining development after China`s entry into the world trade organization, mining financing and development, and mining policies of foreign investment in China.

The 5th

Theme: Enhance Exchange and Cooperation, Promote Reform and Development

Time: October 27, 2003

Place: Kunming, Yunnan

Focus: Carry out “Bring In and Go Out” Resource Strategy gradually

This event was called “2003 International Seminar on China’s Mining Industry ", which was held after APEC economic leaders` meeting, the ASEAN business and investment summit. The Conference centered on the problems such as policy evolution of China`s mining industry, and regional mining cooperation. More than 300 representatives from 14 countries and regions attended the conference, including 140 foreign representatives. Vice premier Zeng Peiyan made important instructions for the conference: "I hope you continue to deepen reform, strengthen international exchanges and cooperation, take solid steps, work together to promote the prosperity and development of the mining.”

The 6th

Theme: Strengthen International Exchange and Cooperation, Promote Mining Boom and Development

Place: Beijing

Focus: Ming Recovery

This event was called “2004 International Seminar on China’s Mining Industry”. With many years’ downturn, China`s mining began to recover with the global mining industry. To strengthen cooperation and exchange became the priority of China`s mining development. New measures were suggested such as the encouragement of healthy development of mining industry, and promoting the mineral exploration development in harmony with the environment protection. For the first time, the domestic and foreign exhibitors participated in the exhibition at the same time. The exhibition covered the whole industrial chain from resources project, mining technology and equipment, financing services to other related services. Over 1000 representatives at home and abroad attended the conference, including 500 foreign representatives from nearly 30 countries and regions. Vice Premier Zeng Peiyan attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. He elaborated our policies to realize the sustainable development of mining industry, and proposed the suggestion of promoting the prosperity of global mining and economy through strengthening cooperation.

The 7th

Theme: Strengthen Mining Cooperation, Realize Mutual Benefits

Time: 15 to 17, November, 2005

Place: Beijing

Focus: CHINA MINING Became one of the Four Top Mining Conferences

This event was named "CHINA MINING" for the first time. From this conference, CHINA MINING became one of the four top mining events. Vice premier Zeng Peiyan sent a congratulatory letter for the conference.

The event involved 14 themed sessions such as China`s mining industry policy, global mining review and outlook, minerals market, new theory and technology, mining financing, mining investment opportunities in China and neighboring countries, mine safety and environment, etc. The forum by executives from important mining companies both at home and abroad was especially striking. Mining rights trading was also held by departments from geological exploration industry which showed that China`s mining right market was actively open to the world. Almost 2000 representatives from more than 20 countries and regions attended the conference. Among them, two-thirds of the representatives were foreigners

The 8th

Theme: Promote Prosperous Mining and the Harmonious Development

Time: 14 to 16, October, 2006

Place: Beijing

Focus: Promote the Health Development of Global Mining and China’s Mining

The event had 8 themed sessions. They were: the present situation and outlook of China`s mining policy, global investment trends and minerals market outlook, mineral risk management, investment opportunities and company show, sustainable development and environment, China’s mining environment, the exploration trend, mining technology, and ore processing.  At the same time, mining ministers forum, global CEO forum, and forums on countries and regions, overseas investment, mining equipment were held. Meanwhile, there were such exhibitions as trade exhibition, national pavilion, government and equipment exhibition. The government exhibitions represented by the Ministry of Land and Resources appeared in the event for the first time.

Vice Premier Zeng Peiyan attended the conference and delivered an important speech. From this conference, the award for international cooperation of China’s mining industry was established in order to summarize the successful experience of Sino-foreign cooperations in the field of mineral exploration and development, which showed the new image of China`s mining industry opening to the outside.  

The 9th

Theme: Carry Out “Scientific Development” View, Promote Green Mining

Time: 13to 15, November, 2007


FocusGreen Mining Enjoyed Popular Support

During the event, the topics on green mining policies, efficient utilization of resources, mine environment, mining safety, and international minerals markets were discussed. In order to promote mining saving, cleaning, safety and sustainable development, together with the contribution to the world’s mining, vice Premier Zeng Peiyan sent a congratulatory letter to the conference.

The conference covered keynote sessions and breakout sessions. Keynote sessions involved mining ministers forum, forum on development trend of domestic and foreign mining, market outlook of global minerals. Among the 18 topics during the breakout sessions, 4 themed meetings organized by the Ministry of Land and Resources” such as “roundtable discussions on China’s mining policies”, “the development and utilization of coal in China”, "mining right evaluation and internationalization", " the new results release on the basic geological survey and prospecting” were held. More than 3000 representatives from over 30 countries and regions attended the conference. More than 240 domestic and foreign enterprises attended the various exhibitions.

The 10th

Theme: Meet New Challenges, Promote Continuous Prosperity of Mining

Time:  11 to 13, November, 2008

Place:  Beijing

Focus: Develop with Global Mining in Face of Financial Crisis

Under the background of international financial crisis, this event was attached great importance by global mining industry, governments of various countries, and the financial circles. Such topics as mining development trend and plans of investment policies, new theory, new technology and mining responsibilities were discussed during the event. Over 3200 government delegates, experts, and representatives from enterprises and financial circles from more than 40 countries and regions attended the event. Vice premier Li Keqiang sent a congratulatory letter to the conference.

There were many themed sessions on minerals during the event. Hot minerals were analyzed and discussed. During the forum on “geological survey and prospecting new achievements”, geological map (1:50000) and aeromagnetic map series were first released with 3000 kinds of new geological data to provide online services.

The 11th

Theme: Seize opportunities, Promote Common Development

Time: 20 to 22 October, 2009

Place: Tianjin

Focus: Strengthen Geological Prospecting, Bring Fresh Energy to the Recovery of Global Mining Industry

The event centered on the situation and development of global mineral exploration, regional mining development, international mining cooperation under the background of international financial crisis. Vice premier Li Keqiang pointed out in his congratulatory letter to CHINA MINING that based on domestic efforts, China should strengthen geological prospecting, adhere to the opening, expand international mining cooperation. Mining industry from all countries should grasp the opportunity; promote the stability and prosperity of international mining industry, the development and recovery of world economy.

It consisted of 3 parts-peak forums, exhibitions, and coherent featured events, including 17 themes, 23 streams, 420 booths. 3500 delegates from more than 50 countries and regions attended. During the conference, the mining leaders from 12 countries such as Canada and Australia, ambassadors in China from 10 countries such as South Africa and Mongolia, senior management from over 80 top mining companies both at home and abroad, the world bank, JPMorgan Chase and other famous financial institutions, discussed the development trend of global mining, and the challenges and opportunities.

The 12th

Theme: Cooperation, Responsibility, Development

Time: 11 to 16 November, 2010

Place: Tianjin

Focus: Combine Domestic Efforts and International Cooperation

The conference conducted extensive exchanges and discussions on the sustainable development of global mining, the situation and development of mineral resources exploration, mining and capital market, mine geological environment and green mining. At the same time, meetings on domestic and foreign mining cooperation projects promotion and large mining exhibition activities were also held.

Vice Premier Li Keqiang attended the event and delivered an important speech. He pointed out that China should, in accordance with the “Scientific Development View”, accelerate transformation of economic development, combine domestic development and international cooperation, make full use of “two markets", "two resources", strengthen resources guarantee abilities of economic and social development

Government officials from more than 50 countries and regions, experts, and representatives from mining industry, financial institutions, attended the conference, totaling over 4000 people. During the ceremony of projects matchmaking, 62 projects were signed, reaching to RMB11.7 billion. The projects were mainly located in China, Australia, Mongolia, Nigeria, Zambia and other countries, involving the main minerals such as copper, iron, gold, lead and zinc, etc.

The conferences presented awards to the enterprises for international cooperation of China’s mining industry.

During CHINA MINING 2010, Tianjin Mining Right Exchange was unveiled.

The 13th:

Theme: Accelerate International Cooperation and Prospecting Breakthrough

Time: 6 to 8, November, 2011

Place: Tianjin

Focus: Improve the Guarantee Abilities and Efficiencies of Minerals

During CHINA MINING 2011, there were keynote sessions, Mining Ministers Forum, the Mining Development Forum, 21 seminars, 23 breakout sessions, and 7 cooperation project promotions. Over 4800 delegates from more than 50 countries and regions attended the conferences. The conferences centered on such topics as mining sustainable development, the situation and progress of global mineral prospecting, mining and capital market, mine environment and green mine, mineral resources comprehensive utilization. Vice premier Li Keqiang sent a congratulatory letter to the conference.

Xu Shaoshi, the minister of land and resources mentioned that since world population had surpassed 7 billion, in order to make the limited mineral resources support and guarantee the sustainable development of human society to satisfy the need of modern people and leave space for offspring survival and development, “HE (meaning harmony in Chinese) leads to symbiosis “should be the concept of global mining industry.

The agreements signed reached 485, including 55 projects matching during the signing ceremony, totaling to RMB 15.7 billion.  

The 14th

Theme: Joint Hands to Promote Development

Time: 4 to 6, November, 2012

Place: Tianjin

Focus: Joint Hands to Face Difficulties and Challenges, Promote the Sustainable Development of Global Mining Together

This event highlighted real projects cooperation and the combination of mining and finance, focused on the concern and participation from young people.  More than 6000 delegates such as government officials, experts, from 55 countries and regions joined CHINA MINING 2012 conference, exhibition, and coherent events. Vice Primer Li Keqiang sent a congratulatory letter. He expressed that Chinese government should strive to promote the cooperation and development of mining cooperation.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2013 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on November 2-5, 2013. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 15th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us. For more information about CHINA MINING 2013, please visit: