Resource Security is Still the Guarantee of the World’s Economic Development

Resource Security is Still the Guarantee of the World’s Economic Development

Source:  Citation:  Date: Nov.2, 2013

Enjoying the gentle ocean breezes from Bohai Gulf, we get together here again as scheduled------

Under the approval of the State Council, the four-day CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2013 was held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin as scheduled. We express our warm congratulations on smooth convening of CHINA MINING

The main themes of the congress “Opportunity,Challenge,Development” determined by organizers which has showed the message and mission this time. Except the opening ceremony, CHINA MINING would hold three main forums including theme forum, foreign mining minister forum and Enterprise Development Forum, 34 streams and 10 promotion conferences of national projects. At the same time, there will be the awards party and a series of distinct features of all kinds of exhibitions, etc during the congress. Meanwhile, the relevant sides will focus on boosting Chinese government’s strategic methods including Strengthening exploration and development of domestic mineral resources, promoting the transformation of mining industry development methods, innovating management and services on exploration and exploitation of geology and mineral resources. Some special subjects will be discussed on the situation of the global mineral resources, the international minerals market, mining industry and financial capital market, the sustainable development of mining industry, the geological prospecting and technological innovation, mining resource saving and multiple use, green mine and harmonious mining deposit construction and organize native and external related sides to negotiate and exchanges mining cooperation projects. Threading up the demands of global resources development, CHINA MINING adds the coal, oil, natural gas, shale gas forums and investment special forum of preliminary exploration enterprises. This congress will pursue efforts to absorb new technologies and ways such as new energy development and utilization, deep mineral exploration, high precision detection, and so on and enhance our countries ability in technological innovation.

These have undoubtedly set up an important platform  for strengthening pragmatic cooperation between Chinese and foreign mining fields, providing the solid guarantee for pre-set agendas for complete success of congress and paving the way for seizing the opportunity, facing the challenge and promoting development.

It is understood that this congress has received high attention and positive response from international mining industry, attracting more than 4000 delegate both at home and abroad from more than 40 countries (regions) of the world. Mining minister or deputy minister from Australia, Canada, Peru, Ethiopia, India, Greenland, Sudan, Serbia and other countries and regions are invited to attend the congress, covering important resources courtiers of continents. senior management personnel from the world bank, the world resources institute, the world wide fund for nature, the committee on foreign investment in Chile, Rio Tinto, Eldorado gold corporation, royal bank of Canada, the Canadian metals economics group, standard bank, the bank of Montreal, Toronto stock exchange, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, Pricewaterhouse coopers, the international council on mining and metals, Russia chamber of commerce and so on. More than 80 international organizations, foreign mining companies, financial institutions, consultancy, industry association are invited to attend the congress, too. The representatives from domestic many large enterprises, geological exploration units and financial investment institutions and society are stronger and promised to come. 

At present, the global economy is difficult to recover. Even though current global mining has appeared a certain degree of adjustment and contraction, but positive fundamentals have not changed. The industrialization and urbanization of emerging countries are promoting continuously and will maintain a strong demand for resources for quite a long period of time. From the perspective of China, economic development has entered a new stage, facing many new situations and new problems. But on the whole, China is still at the stage of middle industrialization, which also is the key stage of informatization , urbanization and agricultural modernization. Promoting the industrialization and urbanization needs large-scale infrastructure construction including constructing highway, railway, airport, solving the problem of farmers entering into the city, improving the housing conditions of urban households and also needs to develop real estate. These will drive the steel, cement, building materials, construction machinery and other heavy industry and light industry, such as household appliances, household consumer goods development, which need the support of energy minerals and mineral raw materials to support. At the same time, as a "world factory”, China is expected to needs product a large number of machinery and equipment, household item for all countries in the world, which will also consume large amounts of mineral resources each year.

The latest economic data shows that it is no problem for china to achieve 7.5% growth in China`s economy this year. From a long-term perspective, through the transformation and upgrading of economic structure adjustment , China can fundamentally solve the problem of sustainable development of economy for decades and ensure that the implementation of Chinese dream on schedule. According to the mainstream view, at least the next 20 years, China`s economy has the ability to achieve more than 7% of the average annual growth rate and China will continue to be the most important engine of the world economy, which will drive mineral exploration, geological exploration and great demand of energy resources.

Accordingly,, after analyzing the development trend of the world`s major economies in the next 10 years to 15 years, and the pattern of resource supply and demand, the experts believed that in the next 10 to 15 years, because of being driven by the industrialization of brics countries and the developing countries, global commodity demand focus will shift from developed countries to developing countries and the global mining industry will enter a new boom. But at the same time, the contradiction between supply and demand of global resources will be further highlighted. Experts estimate that, due to the huge demand for domestic and international market, China`s demand for mineral resources will continue until after 2025. In a long time, China`s demand for mineral resources will continue to grow. Therefore, the difficulty of mining is temporary. In the long run, mining prospect remains bright.

It would be specially mentioned that this conference placed science and technology innovation, mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization, green mining, and construction of harmonious mining area in the agenda and organized bespoke conferences, which shows conference organizers have clearly understood the countries are not balanced in the development of the mining technology. Especially there are the realistic problems on high efficient development, low utilization, waste precious of mineral resources in brics countries’ mining development. How the developed countries transfer the mineral development of advanced technology and management experience to developing countries in an effective way and how Developing countries change the pattern of mining development as soon as possible and realize green development and ecological development should become the problems being commonly concerned and strived to solve around the world, which also is the importance of the meeting.

So, under the new situation of international economy and mining, the conference is closely around the theme of "opportunity, challenge and development". it has the unusual significance to strengthen the study and judge on international mining and the economic situation, to strengthen the analysis of important minerals market and price trend, to strive to seize the current mining situation of new opportunities, to enhance the confidence of mining development at home and abroad and to strive to resolve a lot of problems on the use of the mining process of global economic prosperity and civilization. (translated by TLRHVC)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year.  As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2013 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on November 2-5, 2013: