Reduce expenditure to promote eco-civilization

Reduce expenditure to promote eco-civilization

Source:  Citation:  Date: Nov.7, 2013

Recently, with mineral resources saving and sustainable development of comprehensive utilization, the related forum was one of the most popular forum in China Mining naturally. Last year mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization forum which was held for the first time in China Mining would be still the key forum in this session.

“The success of mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization is closely linked with advanced and applied technology. Recently, the country devotes major efforts to encourage and support mining enterprises to innovate and adopt advanced techniques, especially for many scientific research institutions and mining enterprises to develop a great quantity of advanced and applied technology under the guide of mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization. We can exchange advanced techniques and popularize related experience in forum, which is significant for promoting the course of mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization.” said the chair Yao Huajun, rector, Chinese Academy of Land & Resource Economics.

Resources Saving Enforced

“China attaches great importance to mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization, not only for taking up the challenge that special resource in national conditions and special developing period raises, but also in view of comprehensive consideration of environment protection and economy promotion.” said Xu Dachun, Vice Director, Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves.

Mineral resources were the important material base to support national economy. The exploitation of China’s mineral resources supplied the important material base for economic and social rapid development since the implementation of openness and reform policy over the past 30 years. China has built an affluent society in a critical stage. New-type of industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization pushed on synchronously and quickly. And the resources demanded centralized release, therefore supply failed to meet the demand. Especially per capita consumption of resources and high quality resources were short, and proved reserves of mineral resources merely accounted for 58% of average consumption level in the world. In addition, there is a great quantity lean, associated mineral, refractory resource. Based on current national conditions, it went a step further to sharpen contradiction between Resource Demand and Supply.

In terms of iron store, China is the world’s fourth largest iron store resources country, but the low level of the exploitation was difficult to meet the needs of national economy developing quickly. The exploitation of iron store resource was extremely difficult, which was the main problem. The proved reserves of iron store resources which are congenitally deficient are up to 74.4 billion tons. Lean iron ore nearly accounted for 97% and average grade merely accounted for 33%; mining crystal granularity was in small particles and complicated to pick out; a great quantity associated minerals made comprehensive utilization hard; mini-medium deposits were rich and dispersed, which regulated the exploitation scale.

“Lean iron ores constitutes the overwhelming majority in China, and the exploitation techniques and management modes of them are short of systematic study and blazing new trails. And the problem of industry utilization on a large scale is not solved effectively, which is the basic reason of problem. China is the world’s fastest-growing major economy, and contradiction is still more outstanding. Therefore, advancing iron store resources highly effective exploitation and achieving sustainable development are a significant and urgent strategic mission.” said Shao Anlin, Vice-Chairman, Anshan Iron & Steel Corporation.

“The reality that basic national condition is not changed, the stage of development is not exceeded and eco-civilization must be pushed on, make us not follow the beaten track over consumable resources, and hold high the saving and intensive banner and follow a saving and intensive utilization new way.” said Xu Dachun.

However, Facing with increasing resource constraints, severe environmental pollution and a deteriorating ecosystem, the government of China looked far ahead from a high plane and put forward a new setup, namely, "Five in One" in time. We should make great efforts to promote ecological progress and resource conservation which is an important way to protect the ecological environment. So to speak, economic transition promoting and solving overcapacity, in this macro background, mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization met unprecedented development opportunity undoubtedly.

Resources’ saving was an important way to protect the ecological environment and also an urgent demand to promoting and developing circulation economy. Xu Dachun thought that the key to make great efforts to achieve the development goals in 2020 was to promote economic transition, stack up the bonus of reformation, the potential of domestic demand, the innovation vigor to form motive force, and make the quality and efficiency, employment and income, environmental protection and resource saving promote, further to build an updated version of China`s economy.

According to the circular economic development strategy and the objective requirement of the recent action plan, the output of China`s energy will be 14,700 RMB per ton of standard coal by 2015 and 18.5% higher than that of 2010; the total recovery rate of mineral resources will be 40% and 5% higher than that of 2010; the rate of associated mineral ore comprehensive utilization rate will be 45% and 5% higher than that of 2010; a large amount of industrial solid waste comprehensive utilization rate will amount to 3.126 billion tons and 93.2% higher than that of 2010; the rate of industrial solid waste comprehensive utilization rate will be 72% and 3% higher than that of 2010. All of these put forward the new higher request to mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization.

At the same time, resources saving was also an urgent demand to solve overcapacity contradiction. Recently, notice of the State Council on issuing “the directing advice of solving overcapacity contradiction”, had pointed out explicitly solving overcapacity contradiction that was focal point of the work of promoting industrial structure adjustment in the current and future. We should give full scope to enterprise market and strengthen enterprise responsibility consciousness; strengthen market supplying and demanding trends and information guide; comprehensively utilize the integrated legal, economic and the necessary means of macroeconomic regulation and control; strengthen policy coordination and formation of resolving contradictions; form resultant force of solving overcapacity contradiction and guide the healthy development of industry.

"Iron and steel, cement, electrolytic aluminum are the key, which are closely related to the development and utilization of resources. Therefore, we should strengthen saving and comprehensive utilization of development link and eliminate backward capacity." Xu Dachun said.

Incentive and constraint mechanism increasingly sound

According to the special resource conditions and the special stage of development, Chinese government regarded saving and intensive utilization of mineral resources as the major strategy of deployment. Recently, Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves as the competent department of mineral resources, in accordance with the overall train of thought that is the public service innovation, strengthening supervision and management, with the investigating situation, building standards, promoting technology and grasping the implementation as the main line, stimulating the creativity of market main body and strengthening endogenous power of saving and comprehensive utilization of endogenous power, developed work creatively with the support from the financial sector, trades union and mining enterprises; applied comprehensively the economic policy, technology policy and necessary administrative measures; constantly perfected incentive and constraint mechanism of mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization; created a new situation.

We should fully give play to the role of policy guidance, arouse and enhance the creativity of mining enterprise, which is the key of our country recently. In 2010, Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves organized and implemented the special mineral resources of saving and comprehensive utilization, started and constructed the first set of 40 demonstration base of comprehensive utilization. It awarded 1045 mining enterprises who had made outstanding achievements of "three rates" higher levels and mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization, and supported 408 key projects of the comprehensive utilization. The central government has allocated 9.522 billion Yuan for special funds in the past three years. At the same time, Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves specified the compensation levy; strictly determined the coefficient of mining recovery rate; specified the charge of the minerals sales income; strengthened the link-up between mineral resources compensation levy and mining recovery rate coefficient; gave full play to the guidance and adjustment of the mining recovery rate coefficient.

"This is an important attempt to economic incentives in the field of mining resources, giving full play to the leverage effect of fiscal funds and greatly promoting the enthusiasm of the mining enterprises to carry out the saving and comprehensive utilization." Xu Dachun said. In order to strengthen the supervision and administration of the special item of mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization and improve the availability factor of public funds, Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves and Ministry of Finance carried out the evaluation object that gave special award for outstanding work about saving and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources, and making target, standard and procedure of evaluation clearly.

The special item of mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization played the positive effects. The 704 mining enterprises which got great special awards had improved the level of the "three rates" through positive improving techniques and process, which had increased sales income nearly 200 billion Yuan recently. The 408 demonstration projects drove enterprise to invest nearly 50 billion Yuan, which produced a huge demonstration effect, improved the level of the mineral resources comprehensive utilization, and revitalized a batch of reserves.

The technical policy was also increasing constantly. Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves issued "the notice of extending the use of advanced technology to improve the level of saving and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources”. We intensified the efforts on project funding support. Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves would award the honorary and the prior arrangement of protection project compensation of mineral resource and related special item in applying advanced technology in the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities for the mine that obtained the remarkable achievements in applying advanced technology popularization. At the same time, Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves also reduced mineral resources compensation for saving and comprehensive utilization of mining resources in accordance with the law; strengthened related policy support; applied advanced technology popularization and the result was regarded as model county (city) assessment criteria of saving and intensive of land and resources.

Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves also issued 99 directories in the promotion of advanced suitable technology in two times, introducing the key areas, scope of application, basic principle, technical index, typical cases of the advanced technology popularization and providing reference for the mining enterprise; promulgated the important target demand of mineral "three rates", making the way of rational development and apply mineral resources clear, the "three rates” index as a basis for forming mining design and development plan and important standards of approval and yearly check of the mining right.

"We set the ‘three rates’ index that is very scientific and reasonable. About 70% ~ 80% enterprises can achieve, 10% ~20% of them achieving through the efforts, and about 10% ~ 15% of them achieving through technological transformation. The enterprises whose rectify and reform can’t reach the standard will be sifted out.” Xu Dachun said, "in 2013, we carried out the research of nine types of minerals "three rates” including the oil and gas, iron, copper, lead, zinc, fluorite, rare earth and potassium. At present, we are asking for criticisms and have planned to release by the end of this year. We strive for establishing standard system of the important mineral resources reasonable development and utilization in 2 to 3 years."

The development and apply of advanced suitable technology promoted the improvement of the level of mineral "three rates". Anshan type containing carbonate ore efficient flotation technology research of Anshan mining company was listed as demonstration project of national mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization by flotation process step by step, solving difficult problem to sort containing carbonate hematite, and providing the technical support for the retrieve use of domestic large containing carbonate iron ore. At present, the carbonate iron ore were selected 2 million tons per year and earned 234 million Yuan in Anshan mining company.

"The quantity of low grade ore and extremely lean ore resources in our country is extremely large. We abandoned them as rock in the past. Recently, we have developed the primary technology and dry separation technology. The retrieve use of low grade ore and extremely lean ore each year have reached more than 12 million tons per year, being equivalent to the output of a large iron mines." Shao Anlin said.

Hubei Sanxin Gold and Copper Co., Ltd. carried out supervision and management on geology, mining, mineral processing, and the whole sales process. It relied on scientific and technological progress and innovation, constantly perfecting the acquisition technology and process, improving the technical and economic indicators and the level of "three rates", and promoting the saving and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources. Liu Chengping who was the company deputy general manager said that the company had formed the advanced and mature selected technology and management experience; "three rates" index was substantially higher than the initial design indicators; recovery rate increased by 6%; dilution rate reduced by 6%; ore dressing recovery rate of gold and copper increased by 5% and 2% respectively; was in a lead condition in the similar mines of the whole country; had achieved fruitful results in terms of resource saving and comprehensive utilization; had created the remarkable economic and social benefit through the development in recent years.

Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves also created constantly management measures and established mining right checking yearly and mineral supervision was reported to the online system. In order to strengthen the base of mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization, Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves also had carried out the “three rates" research of oil, coal, iron, copper, lead and zinc, gold, potash 22 important mineral resources. It had mastered comprehensively the basic situation of enterprises, mine reserves, mining technical condition, mining, beneficiation, tailings and waste utilization, and the new technology, and having established recovery rate in mining, ore dressing recovery rate and selecting comprehensive recovery three single index, and associated mineral resources comprehensive utilization and mineral resources comprehensive utilization of two comprehensive index as the core of saving and comprehensive utilization of evaluation index system, which further perfect the unified evaluation index and standards, providing the bases for establishing target system, evaluation method and rewards and punishment mechanism to meet the requirement of ecological civilization.

Up to July 31, the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities have completed the outwork research, examining and approving data, and on-the-spot investigation of the national 22 kinds of important mineral resources of the "three rates" field survey. Now we were collecting and analyzing the data. The provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) had submitted the data bank to Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves for antecedent trail. According to statistics, about 14000 mining enterprises were investigated, including about 8200 coal mines, and nearly 5700 metal and nonmetal mines.

"This is the first time since the founding of new China to carry out comprehensive utilization present situation investigation. Through the investigation, we can find out the present situation of development and utilization of important mineral resources in our country basically, evaluate scientifically rational development and utilization level, strengthen work base of the management, protection and rational development and utilization supervision of mineral resources, and provide the basis for perfecting the policy of saving and intensive utilization of mineral resources.”Xu Dachun said.

On August 2, Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves issued “compiling the important mineral resources ‘three rates’ survey and appraisal report and official letter of results of acceptance work”. At present, Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves was organizing the compiling the important mineral resources "three rates" survey and appraisal report and official letter of results of acceptance work in the provinces.

In order to further promote saving and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources, Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves strengthened the service function. We can set up advanced technology information sharing platform, organizing experience exchange conference and on-site meeting, hold academician forum, and set up column of comprehensive utilization of advanced technology popularization through the web site. We can propagate advanced techniques popularizing policy, standard, work progress and advanced model, introduce the basic situation of the applicable scope of popularizing advanced technology and technical parameters, and serve the production, study, research and use positively. The enterprise can find suitable technology, let advanced technology ,find suitable enterprises, improve the rate of transform and popularize advanced suitable technology.

To build a long-term mechanism is imminent

In recent years, our country`s mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization had made significant achievements, but progress is uneven. There was still a big gap compared with advanced countries.  How to build a long-term mechanism to ensure the work to advance this task in healthy and last way was no doubt becoming the urgent matter.

Firstly, we should build incentive and constraint system with an emphasis on economic policy, and synthesizing economic, administrative, technical and legal. According to the "investigating situation, building standards, promoting technology and grasping the implementation" train of thought, we should do a good job in "three rates" survey and evaluation, standard system perfect, advanced technology popularization, etc; explore and establish the system that the level of development and utilization linked up with the mining land examination and approval, and strengthen the policy implementing; establish actively assessment method, rewards and punishment mechanism of the protection and rational utilization of mineral resources to reflect the requirement of ecological civilization.

At the same time, we should carry out the main responsibility of the enterprise saving and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources. Protection and rational development and utilization of mineral resources was a legal obligation that mining enterprise should perform. Mining enterprises need increase investment and talent training, and apply advanced technology new equipment to continuously improve the level of development and utilization of mineral resources. And the local governments and Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves should support and encourage the exchanges and cooperation of the backbone mining enterprises with scientific research institutes, establishing workstation for academician experts, forming advanced suitable technology innovation platform of a batch of mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization, and speeding up the common key technology research and promotion.

And every department of land and resources should make innovation in administrative way, strengthening the supervision and management, improving service levels, and promoting the construction of important mineral "three rates" index in-depth; start using mining right checking yearly online system and improve efficiency and quality; establish mineral  supervision online system and perfect mineral supervisor reporting institution, and establishing the regulatory system of "responsibility to people and tasks to mining, regular supervision"  in large and medium-sized mines.

"Saving and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources is an important content of construction of ecological civilization, one of the important gripper to drive mineral resource utilization way to transform, and the requirement to realize the sustainable and healthy development of economy and society." Xu Dachun said, "at present, China is still in the very important period of strategic opportunities, mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization exist broad space for development. We must grab from basic and start from the standard. Starting with technology, we constantly establish and perfect the incentive constraints mechanism, fully arouse the enthusiasm of mining enterprises, and conscientiously promote the sustainable and healthy development of mining industry. Promoting the construction of ecological civilization and building the beautiful China, we realize the great Chinese dream." (Wang Qiongjie) (Translated by TLRHVC)


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