Hunan Province`delegation on CM2013:Starting with hope, loaded harvest home

Starting with hope, loaded harvest home
A small note on Hunan Province’ delegation on CHINA MINING 2013

Sources:    Citation:   Date: Nov.7th.2013

As the saying goes, Flowers may look as the same as the time goes by, but people are not of the same with each passing year. In the latest years of
CHINA MINING, Hunan provincial department of land resources has always been the biggest fan..They come to Tianjin with hundreds of team members every year

In CHINA MINING 2013, Hunan Province continue to follow the "highest level of leadership led" Participation tradition. Wang Shanking, the head of Hunan delegation, one of the Party members and the deputy director of Hunan Provincial Department said to journalists: ‘Nearly a hundred participants from Hunan attended this conference, which has a total of 46 domestic and 8 overseas cooperating projects.

Huge lineup and bright booth 

The annual CHINA MINING was not only a platform for the exchanges and cooperation among the parties, but also provides a big stage for different participants and especially the exhibitors to show themselves. Known as the “Non-ferrous Metal tow" , Hunan delegation has more than 90 participants, formed by some subordinate units, branches in several city’s land resources bureau, as well as four state-owned mining enterprises and the related geological exploration. Among all the delegations come to CHINA MINING,  the number of participants ranked the first.

“Meanwhile, Hunan province’s booth is very unique, besides remaining a giant portrait of the great man “Mao Zedong”. the participants of the Provincial Geological Prospecting Bureau, Bureau of Coal Geology, Mineral Exploration Bureau, Nuclear Industry Geological Bureau have also flaunted their cards and strength. Lots of great mining exploration results, lots of brilliant achievements, showcased by detailed illustration, which attracts many representatives. After Sun Chunlan, the CPC Central Committee, Party Secretary of Tianjin and Jiang Daming, the minister and party secretary Ministry of Land and  visited the booth of Hunan Province happily , they held Wang Shamming’s hands and said affectionately : “Hunan booth did well, and it is very unique!”

“Our province has always put great importance on CHINA MINING and , organize all units and participants every time.” Chen Junjie, director of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Technology of Hunan Provincial department said:” Fang Xianzhi, the director in general personally instructed the organization of the delegation to CHINA MINING and Wang Shanming, the deputy director personally organizes and leads the team. We developed an unified plan, which includes allocating specialized funds for the arrangements and deployment, organizing people from the four state-owned mining ionizations and the relative geological exploration enterprises.

More preparationmore gain

“Joining CHINA MINING each year, our idea was not only lies on the display of Hunan’s new image, but also on the real harvest.” Obviously, Hunan provincial department of land resources prepared more for this meeting. They brought the 46 projects inland and 8 projects overseas to search for cooperation and development.

‘Hunan Province is rich in natural resources itself, especially in the field of nonferrous metals, it ranked in the nation, Meanwhile, Hunan is also a province which has the problems of extremely unreasonable distribution of resources, especially in short of coal and iron ore and depends on foreign resources greatly. One the one hand, we have to enhance the effort in mineral finding by expanding the searching area within and outside the province and actively `going out` to explore mines overseas, on the other hand do a good job of deep processing and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources, establish the green mining and circular development of economy in order to fully increase the efficiency of utilizing resources. “ Wang Shanming said,  who was in charge in a mining city, familiar with Mining Industry.” This deputy director of Hunan department of Land Resources also said:”Minister Jiang Daming proposed an idea of accelerating the upgrading of the mining industry, this is a new request about Mining Industry for both Hunan and China. In fact, Hunan has made some great process in the field of building Eco-friendly mines and comprehensive utilizing the mineral resources; Waste resources such as coal gangue and gas from coal mine, steel scraps have been fully utilized in iron and steel Industry.”

In order to enhance and upgrade the abilities of mining development, we have to base on the innovation and enhancement of management. Especially in the domestic mining, by relying on scientific innovation and creativity in the management, increase the efficiency of resource recovery and utilization, so that we can minimize the wasting of resources. Wang Shanming indicates, “Mining Industry should be more reasonable in structure, to combine the mineral resources and the economic development, we couldn’t have the ‘broken legs’. Through CHINA MINING, we should be able to capture more opportunities in cooperation, so that we can make up for our deficiencies, and achieve the adjustment and upgrading of mining economic structure.’

For Yang Zhengcun, Secretary of the Department of Land Resources of Xiang Xi, attending such an international mining industry conference, he got a lot of information, policies and opportunities about mining industry, which has vast importance to a poor and remote area like Xiang Xi to actualize a coordinated development of mining economy and ecological environment.

“Xiangxi is rich in mineral resource and one of the first 47 exploration areas, known as a ‘manganese city’ and a ’vanadium sea’, it has a lot of resources like lead-zinc ore and shale gas. Especially the lead-zinc ore has the amount of 14.07 million tons existing resources with its future storage exceeding 20 million. Large amount of lead-zinc ore found caused great repercussions around the nation, which made Xiangxi a second place in the result of finding mine in five major geological areas within China in 2011, and the first place in the results of top 10 finding mines within the China Geological Survey Bureau.   It has four areas in shale gas, accounting for 1/6 of the country.” Yang Zhengcun suddenly changed the subjects and said again: “As for Xiang Xi, mines give us the hope and the danger at the same time. Over the years, the  mining industry accounts 1/3 in local industry economic output, and 1/2 in total fiscal revenue, if the mining industry are not totally utilized, it will cause a huge resource wasting and environmental damage. It will be a huge loss for Xiangxi, which has always a good ecological resource. We should take advantage of this opportunity of attending CHINA MINING, so that we get a better understanding about the trend of mining economy, and related policies and laws, better use and exploit the mining resources, reaching a scientific and sustainable economic development.

‘Xiangxi region is formed by 14 congregated poverty areas of the nation, strengthening the geological mining finding and development, protecting mining resources can take the advantage of resources, and turn it into the advantage of economy, which is lively practice of poverty alleviation in the mining industry area.’ Yang Zhengcun said. 

Finding opportunities by capturing information

For most of geological exploration organizations who attended the conference, the more direct purpose of the participation is to seek more cooperation in the development and opportunities.

The four main state-owned organizations of mine, nonferrous metals, coal and nuclear industry are the main force in geological mining finding, and also considered as a huge mainstay in the process of “going out” overseas. Many of its subordinate geological teams came to the conference, also have left their brochures and name cards, so that more domestic and international counterparts can get to know and understand them.

Great priority has been given by the Bureau of Coal Geology from Hunan province, Lin Zhongxiang, the director in general of the Bureau escorted the counterparts and other related organizations visiting around. He told the journalist it was a great pleasure to take part in such a global conference, it hasd the significance to raise the horizon, graspe the situation of international mining, especially, the new trends in the field of geological exploration.

Bureau of Coal Geology of Hunan is the main organization of studying the shale gas explorationn and also the vanguard for "gasification in Hunan". Lin Zhongxiang said that in the international community, especially in the United States, shale gas was a very hot project under a quick development. But in China, especially in Hunan, with its complex geological conditions, we must strengthen the theoretical study and the basic investigation to master in a reliable and first-hand information. Currently, the main existing problems to develop shale gas are about, 1. Machinery and equipment and core tech are not stable, resulting in high costs, which is not conductive to the industrial development; 2. Incomplete basic geological information was not grasped, many works need to be done in the geographical exploration; 3. There is no effective coordination between national and local place, we need to build a combination between the central and local departments, government and enterprises, including the construction of networks, we must take advantages of the funds of central enterprises, technology from other countries, theories come from researching organizations, power of human resources from geological explorations, it is not wise to blindly import equipment and technology.

"To participate in such a meeting to listen to the shale gas forum, it is significantly to us, especially in grasping the development of current trend, acquaintance the latest technology, better utilization of the shale gas, etc. it also provides us better information for future development.

In fact, like Lin Zhongxiang, many of the geological prospecting organizations were holding the same idea. Chen Junjie said, “CHINA MINING provides us a good wide platform for the state-owned geological organizations to “go out” and look for partners and realize a win-win development. In the last CHINA MINING, geological exploration organization reached 21 intents and agreements; this year’s achievements may be more than the last year’s." (Wang Qiongjie.) (Translated by TLRHVC)


As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2014 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on October 20-23, 2014. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 16th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us. For more information about CHINA MINING 2014, please visit: