To embrace the “New Spring” of global mining ---Sidelights on CHINA MINING 2015

To embrace the “New Spring” of global mining
---Sidelights on CHINA MINING 2015

Source:   Citation:  Date: October 23, 2015

 (Photo: Li Zhentao)
This was the opening ceremony of the CHINA MINING 2015.

We got together in the “cold winter” of mining industry, not huddling with each other for warmth but for ushering in “new spring” hand in hand.

CHINAMINING excited the international mining sector at this very moment.Though the industry was in an overall downturn, still more than 8900 participants, over 600 companies and institutions attended. With a common belief,we would embrace the recovery and prosperity of the industry through sincere cooperation, seizing opportunities as well as sustainable innovation. Since winter comes, can spring be far behind?

Reinforcing Confidence, seizing opportunities in challenges

The forum was particularly popular in this yea. It displayed to full-houses either the main forum or sub-forum. Especially for Mining Development High-level Forum., Earth Science Cooperation Forum of Countries Along “One Belt And One Road”, and Mining Investment and Finance Forum etc., even the passage were fully packed with audience standing in the aisle or the doorway. Everyone was were anxious to listen to experts’ judgment on the present situation as well as recommendations, yearning for great opportunity among all these challenges.

Prices of major metal was continuously going down, meanwhile mining investment was dropping year by year which resulted in lacking confidence in the market. The industry was in a “cold winter”, which had reached a consensus by all from their own experiences. Since it was not the first time for the mining industry, almost every speaker harbored a common belief: we need not lose confidence while “the spring” would not be so far. As Mr. Wang Jiahua, the Executive Vice Chairman of China Mining Association pointed out that the market was, at present, in a poor state, but we should be aware of the promising prospects in a long run. Mineral resources demands would remain high in domestic market, other emerging economies could pick up the baton.

It is said that challenges and opportunities coexist. But what opportunities should mining enterprises seize? Mr. Wang Dongsheng, the general manager of the Chinalco Resources Corporation stated it was the best time to invest on preponderant mineral resources with low cost at home or abroad.

Asset value of almost all mining enterprise shrunk, state with dominant mineral resources would tend to give policy support to the industry. While related companies should voluntarily respect the laws of market as well as geology, and control the risk so as to determine the development strategies for the future. Mr. Yan Weidong, a researcher of Information Center under Ministry of land and Resources, said that along with the development of some emerging industries, such as new energy automobile and 3D printing, demand for new material like lithium, rare earth, alum and graphite would undoubtedly increase enormously while the development of non-traditional energy would lift the demand for mineral resources.

What opportunities could the strategy “One Belt And One Road” create for the development of Chinese mining industry concerned everyone most. Mr. Song Xin,  general manager of China National Gold Group Corporation, pointed out that the strategy would bring about new historical opportunities for the gold industry in China. He said that most countries along “One Belt And One Road” were emerging economies and developing countries featuring in rich gold resources accounting for 41.5% of the total reserves, robust consumer demand, and active investment. Mr. Chen Jinghe, Chairman of Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd, presented that Chinese mining enterprises would be further involved in the global market with the support of the Strategy which would be a most vital force in an new era of the mining market.

Driven by innovation, to inject vitality into the mining recovery

A huge UAV parked out of the Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center, which attracted the eyes of all participants. This independently developed UAV in China embodied the world`s first airborne-geophysical integrated measurement system aiming at medium-sized UAV in researching on geological survey and mineral exploration. In the exhibition hall of China Geological Survey exhibited China`s first self-made 4500 meters Remotely Operated Vehicle in Deep Sea -"Hippocampus", the model of China`s first Comprehensive Geological Survey Ship -- "Ocean Six", the Strap down Airborne Gravimeter, HSM Micro Imaging Spectrometer, as well as High Power and Multi-function Electromagnetic System etc..

As Mr. Jiang Daming, Minister of Land and Resources, said that innovation was not only the fundamental driving force for sustainable development, but the road leading to mining recovery. Plenty of innovation products were presented which inspired everyone.

As Mr. Zhai Gangyi, Deputy Director of Oil and Gas Survey CGS introduced that the shale gas exploration technology in China had reached the world advanced level in dessert identification, drilling, fracturing etc.. The exploration as well as utilization of this clean energy was accelerated correspondingly in China demonstrating the broad prospects for development. Mr. Zhou Shangguo, Head of Geological Exploration Dept, China Metallurgical Geology Bureau, said, through creating investigation mechanism as well as implementing package exploration theory in recent years, we made significant progress in marine sedimentary and manganese ore deposit exploration resulting in a significant increase in quantity of manganese ore resources. Mr. He Bingqing, Vice President of Chinese Academy of Land and Resources Economics, noted that the Ministry of Land and Resources carried out consistently selecting and popularization advanced technology in comprehensive utilization of mineral resources in recent years. A total of 210 advanced technology was been spread which significantly improved the comprehensive utilization of mineral resources in China.

“Internet + mining” stood out to be the highlight in the Congress this year. Mr. Jiang Jianjun, Director-General of Department of International Cooperation & Science and Technology under Ministry of Land and Resources, noted that the "Internet + mining" concept was a response to the national innovation strategy, which could contribute to thinking outside the box, promoting international exchanges and cooperation, as well as boosting the efficiency of the industry by technology. Mr. Zhang Miao, Chairman of the Qing Lan Financial Group, pointed out through the “Internet+” strategic alliance of the mining industry, it enabled us to break the barriers of the traditional structure of the industry and establish organic links among industries so as to build a sound ecological system of Chinese resources.

Cooperation of Mutual-benefit to Create the World`s Mining Community

Jiang Daming proposed in the opening ceremony of CHINA MINIG that we should comply with the world trend of open and cooperation to create a new partnership focusing on Cooperation of Mutual-benefit and the World`s Mining Community which  was unanimously endorsed. The Hon. Mr. Nii Osah Mills, Minister of Land and Natural Resources of Ghana, expressed a strong desire to strengthen cooperation with other countries in the mining ministers forum of CHINA MINING. He said "closer cooperation is the best approach for the development of the global mining and creating more opportunities to complement each other with advantages and realize mutual benefit and win-win." The Hon. Mr. Slawomir Brodziński, Ministry of Environment of Poland expressed his wishes to strengthen communication and exchanges and further cooperation between two sides in enterprise, investigations and researches.

In fact, cooperation between China and other mining partners in many countries were gradually entering blissful circumstances with increasingly more old friends. Two old friends portrait was standing at the gate of Mining in Argentina- National Investment Forum. They are Mr. Wang Min, Vice Minister of Land and Resources of China and the Hon. Mr. Jorge Omar Mayoral, Secretary of Argentina Mining under Federal Ministry of Public Investment Planning and Services of Argentina, hands holding together tightly with cordial smile. It was the 6 consecutive years for Argentina to attend CHINA MINING in Tianjin. Over the past few years, the country had made phenomenal growth in mineral production and investment, meanwhile, Canada, Australia and other major mining countries were also a frequent visitor. As H.E. Mr. Juan Carlos Capuñay, the Ambassador of Peru to China stated China is playing a leading role in the economic development of Asia and even the whole world with more opportunities.

The first session of the Geological Survey Directors Forum was successfully held. Directors from different countries shared their achievements and experience in mineral exploration and resource survey, explored methods for further cooperation in the new normal. Mr. Wang Yan, Deputy Director-General of China Geological Survey, pointed out the strengthening of cooperation in programs and personnel exchanges could effectively improve the level of geological survey to lay a solid foundation for the recovery of mining.

Sincerely cooperation and mutual tolerance was especially critical with increasing companies realizing this. Mr. Sun Lihui, Director of Liaison Department, China Chamber of Commerce of Metals Minerals & Chemicals Importers & Exporters(CCCMC), said enterprises should not only "go out", but also "integrate in" the target country. Attention should be paid to local environmental protection and social demands in an effort to establish benefit sharing mechanisms. Mr. Zhang Baozhong, the Vice General Manager of China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Overseas Business Division, said that the development of enterprises should be integrated with the local economic and social development, adhering to the principles of integration, participating and sharing, so that the community could get access to benefit from mining development. (Zhang Yan, Wang Shaoyong)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2015 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on October 20th-23rd, 2015. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 17th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us.  For more information about CHINA MINING 2015, please visit: