Enthusiasm remained in “Mining Winter”

Enthusiasm remained in “Mining Winter”
--- Showing in mining development summit forum of CHINA MINING 2015

Source: www.gtzyb.com   Citation: www.gtzyb.com   Date: October 23, 2015

Photo: Qiao Siwei
Foreign participants on the Mining Development Summit Forum held on the morning of October 22nd.

On the morning of October 22nd, Mr. Peng Qiming, the Chief Engineer of Land and Resources, hosted the Mining Development Summit Forum of the CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2015. This Forum was focused on discussing both domestic and international development and countermeasures of mining industry with many senior leaders of mining enterprises attended.

The overall picture: demands for improving and restructuring continues unabated

Like being struck by frosty air, markets downturn caused the prices of plenty energy and metal products dropping to a new low since the financial crisis seven years ago. Global mining were suffered from tremendous downward pressure. How should we regard it? How should we response to it ?

"To analyze the mining market based on the concept of bottom line thinking which lies in the demand of market." Mr. Ge Honglin, Chairman, Aluminum Corporation of China rejected view of the coming of" Lehman moment " and he believed the global development of mining industry remains promising owing to the continuous demands.

China would certainly remain great in demands for mineral products. The steel production was 745 million tons with an increase of 1.47% in the past eight months. The positive growth during downturn in steel prices indicated the consistent rigid demand in the product. "Low steel prices reduces the cost of related industry in the other hand, which will in turn promote the growth in market demand ," Ge Honglin pointed out. In respect of non-ferrous metals, take aluminum for example, was 13 percent up in consumption for the first three quarters with an increase of 1.85 times compared with GDP growth rate of the corresponding period. So the market still kept relatively vigorous demand.

"As far as the next spring, the key depends on the development and transformation of emerging economies dominated by China." Mr. Wang jionghui, the General Manager of Mineral Resources Department of China Minmetals Corporation pointed out that China was under going an unprecedented urbanization process with the largest scale in human history . During the implementing strategies like "One Road One Belt", the collaborative development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the Yangtze River Economic Zone, concepts like the "Internet +" , as well as the development of strategic emerging industries injected vitality to the mining industry.

For example: In recent years, the growth rate of aeronautics and astronautics equipment, as well as robots industry etc. were, on average, more than 20%. Sales of new energy vehicle grew by a hefty 200% continuously. Demands for new materials like advanced metal, permanent magnet, lithium batteries and others enlarged unceasingly."Internet +" and intelligent manufacturing created spaces for the breakthrough of traditional technology in gold industry, innovating market model and transforming and upgrading the industry." Mr. Song Xin, General Manager and Secretary-General of the CP Committee, China National Gold Group Corporation said.

Self-strengthening: striding forward the lead end of industry chain and the top of value chain

Deepening the industry chain development of mining and enhancing the additional  value of technological economy turned out to be the best approaches for mineral corporations to triumph over the challenges of the industry.

Confronting with the severe state , Aluminum Corporation of China had adjust strategy by optimizing aluminum, strengthening copper, refining rare earth, enlarging diversified services in terms of engineering technology, mineral resources, and industrial finance, which would accelerate the upgrading towards leading edge of industry chain and the top of value chain. According to Ge Honglin, the Corporation had applied distinguished policies to branches complied with national strategy in copying with the overcapacity with great determination. Through reforming and reorganizing , the company did a "subtraction" to lighten its load and stay vitality.

"We get to understand the difference between mining companies and mining industry corporations." said Mr. Weng Zhanbin, Chairman of Shandong Zhaojin Group Co., Ltd.  "Mining industry corporations should focus on no more than mining, but taking a integrated path of standardization, mechanization, automation and informatization’, accelerating overseas acquisition properly, combining industry, capital and investment together, sharping core competition, and making innovation as the driving bonus at their low ebb."

Of all the bulk of resources, the coal industry suffered the most. But "the Coal Boss" extended its business to electric power, coal chemical industry, finance and logistics, getting through the industry chain wholly with recovery ability soaring significant. As Mr. Zhang Youxi, chairman of Datong Coal Industry Corp .introduced, the Group was in the constructing of 11 efficient ten-million-ton mine with 1 thousand people each which would make a billion yuan in profit with strong competitiveness. Even in the downturn year of 2014, two ten-million-ton mine, Tashan and Tongxin had retained a total profit of 3 billion yuan. At present, the installed capacity of Datong Coal Industry was 14.01 million kilowatts which were design to make profit of 0.9 billion yuan in conversion of 17 million tons of coal. But if transported outside, it would cost billions of yuan annually for transportation expenses alone. "Experiences and achievements were made out of difficulties and pressures. Thanks to the downturn forced on market in the past rounds, we were following a road of sustainable development to adjust the structure and enhance competitiveness." Zhang Youxi added.

Mr. Peng Qiming, Chief Engineer of the Ministry of Land and Resources, concluded that some senior manager of enterprises made in-depth analysis based on long-term situation which enabled the personnel related to gain a fully understanding of the potential in domestic and international market. Fighter in the tide should be firmly convinced of the continuous healthy development of the mining industry and keen to capture the major opportunities through sober judgment. (Qiao Siwei)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2015 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on October 20th-23rd, 2015. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 17th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us. For more information about CHINA MINING 2015, please visit: www.chinaminingtj.org.