Remarkable achievements in old mine prospecting with a promising future

Remarkable achievements in old mine prospecting with a promising future: discovery of mines in 54 out of 68 exploration projects established in 2012

Source:   Citation:   Date: Dec.16, 2013

The old mine prospecting had obtained remarkable achievements with a promising future. Recently, the Ministry of Land and Resources held an on-site communication seminar on Qixia Mountain lead-zinc mine prospecting achievements in Nanjing. The reporter learned from the seminar that 54 out of 68 exploration projects established in 2012 were confirmed to have discovered mines, among which the newly increased resources had amounted to large scales in 9 projects. 

The old mine prospecting formed an essential part of the strategic action in prospecting breakthrough and a continuation of replacement resources prospecting in the national crisis mines as well. Since its launch in 2012, the Ministry of Land and Resources had vigorously promoted it. It is reported that 126 old mine prospecting projects had been implemented nationwide, putting into 6.42 million RMB of the central fiscal capital and pulling 670 million RMB from the local finance and business matching funds. 54 projects were verified to have discovered mines among 68 exploration projects set up in 2012 and a major breakthrough had been made in a batch of deep and periphery prospecting in mines. The new resources in 9 projects had reached to a large scale, such as Zaozigou gold mine in Gansu province, Baiyun gold mine in Liaoning province and Laowan gold mine in Henan province and the newly increased resources in another 9 projects had amounted to medium size, for example, Luobusha chromite mine in Tibet, Pingshui copper mine in Zhejiang province and Jinchangyu gold mine in Hebei province. (Wang Shaoyong) (Translated by TLRHVC)


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