Duolong in Tibet is expected to be a world-class copper-gold base

Duolong in Tibet is expected to be a world-class copper-gold base

Source: www.mlr.gov.cn  Citation: www.chinamining.com.cn   Date: Dec.31, 2013

“A prototype of the world-class copper gold base has already shown here.” This is one consensus from many experts and representatives who attended the results exchange conference on Tibetan Duolong integrated exploration area and expert seminar held in Beijing on December 29th.

It’s said, the geotectonic position of the Tibetan Duolong integrated exploration area was located in the west segment of the Pannujiang ore belt in the Tethyan ore domain. The Duolong integrated ore area was an important work area in the field. At present, five large to super large porphyry copper ore, that is, Duobuzaxi, Bolong, Tiegelongnan, Naruo and etc. , and many copper deposits had been discovered. In addition, a plurality of copper gold polymetallic ore was also found in other work areas, such as Qingcaoshan, Lemachaha and etc. 

“Among them, the Naruo copper deposit was calculated with 332+333 with 2,368,300 tons of copper, 85.18 tons of gold and 797.67 tons of silver. This ore deposit occupied three boundaries of the ore body, i.e. south, north and east, and was confirmed as a large-scale copper gold mine belonging to porphyry type and cryptoexplosion breccia type. The Tiegelongnan gold copper ore was calculated with 332+333, possessing 4,799,000 tons of copper, 65.96 tons of gold and 988.42 tons of silver. And lots of drilling holes terminated in the ore body. It was preliminarily thought as a super large copper gold deposit with more than 5,000,000 tons of copper belonging to epithermal porphyry type and cryptoexplosive breccia type.” These were introduced by the man responsible for the 5th geological team, Tibet Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources which undertook the project.

He also introduced, at present, the Duobuza copper deposit was calculated with 332+333+334 having 2,735,700 tons of copper, 85.1 tons of gold. And the Bolong copper gold ore was calculated with 333+334 possessing 3,697,900 tons of copper, 85.1 tons of gold.

It was known to the reporter that in August, 2012, the Ministry of Land and Resources, the Tibet Autonomous Region People’s Government, Aluminum Corp. of China and Sichuan HTC Group Co. Ltd. signed a cooperation framework agreement in Lhasa City, Tibet. And after signing the agreement, the Ministry of Land and Resources provided the policy support in time for the project. The Ministry of Land and Resources Exploration Division, China Geological Survey, Technical Guidance Center actively provided technical support and information service. These all promoted the seamless docking between the public geological work and the commercial geological work. People’s Government in Tibet Autonomous Region, the Office of Land and Resources, the Ali Prefectural Party Committee and Administrative took the initiative to coordinate the relationship among the parties, creating a favorable environment for the project implementation. As the main business investment, Aluminum Corp. of China and Sichuan HTC Group Co. Ltd. continued to increase the intensity of investment, accelerating exploration on the Tibetan Duolong ore integrated area.

Through more than a year of work, a new understanding and discovery had been made in this region. For example, it was confirmed that the Tiegelongnan deposit was Tibet’s first super large copper(gold) deposit with low temperature. Considering the characteristics of ore deposit and the scale of ore body, the Tiegelongnan ore deposit bore a high comparability with Zijinshan copper gold deposit in Fujian, and the Tiegelongnan ore deposit was the “second” super large scale high sulfur epithermal deposit in our country. In addition, there was a great potential in looking for this kind of deposit in peripheral area, the Gaerqin and Dibaonamugang would be the key areas of prospecting breakthrough in the next step. There existed ore combination of “three-in-one” in the whole Duolong ore integrated area, that is, the porphyry type, breccia type and hypabyssal epithermal type.

Zhong Ziran, chief engineer of Ministry of Land and Resources, attended the meeting. At the meeting, Chen Yuchuan, an academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Duo Ji and other experts praised the prospecting result of Duolong integrated exploration area as “exceeding the expectation” and “feel excited”, and they thought that there was still a great ore prospecting potential in this area. Some experts even suggested that the 10 years’ prospecting was expected to reach 30,000,000 tons of copper and 1,000 tons of associated gold in this area.

To make the copper and gold base become a “world class”, it’s necessary for geological workers to put into more hardship and effort. To this, the experts proposed that the next step should continue to do a good job in organizing the work implementation, concentrate personnel strength, and increase the equipment support; further carry out geophysical exploration work, intensify the comprehensive research and deepen the research on strategic selection to systematically know and comb the whole Nujiang metallogenic belt and continuously optimize the important prospect area and prospecting target area; make deployment planning, strengthen the anomalies verification and carry out the necessary drilling verification to realize the combination of industry-learning-research with production and promote the greater breakthrough in prospecting.

“And also embark on the related matters of the development of mineral resources, perform the unified deployment and strive to serve the local economic development.” many experts recommended at the meeting. (Wang Min) (Translated by TLRHVC)


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