Chinese scientists made an important breakthrough in rare earth steel research

Rare earth called "industrial vitamins", can significantly improve the toughness of steel and wear, heat, corrosion resistance. But its use in steel is also an open topic in the steel industry. 80s of last century, China has set off the R & D and application of rare earth steel climax, but after the addition of rare earth steel, steel performance becomes good and bad time, in the mass production process is also very easy to plug the gate, although after years Research has yet to break through the technical bottlenecks. At present, except for a small amount of steel, the iron and steel enterprises almost abandoned the application of rare earth in actual production.
Metallurgical Institute of Chinese Academy of materials processing simulation research team under the guidance of the academician Li Yiyi, Li Dianzhong, through the physical analysis and calculation of a single hundred-ton ingot, found that impurities are the main cause of uneven composition, accordingly proposed New steel defects in the formation mechanism, which caused great repercussions in the industry and rapid access to applications. Since then, the research team conducted in-depth inspections of steel enterprises and further discovered the key role of "dual purification" of rare earth alloys and molten steel through extensive laboratory research and engineering tests. The research and development of "pure preparation technology of rare earth steel" Rare earth after adding steel in the process and the performance of stable.
"Just drop a drop of ink into a pot of water, just add about 200 grams of rare earth per ton of steel, refine metamorphic inclusions can be played, deep purification of molten steel and strong micro-alloying, significantly enhance the toughness of the steel and Fatigue life, the steel is more tough, heat-resistant, wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant, and lanthanum, cerium and other light rare earth prices lower than nickel, molybdenum, niobium and other precious metals in the production process will not increase the basic steel cost. Dianzhong introduction, the rare earth to join the bearing steel, affect the fatigue life of the large-size inclusions reduced by 50%; after adding die steel, the service life of more than doubled; joined the heavy rail steel, the fatigue life increased by 30%.
At present, Baotou Iron and Steel Group to use this pure preparation technology, has created thousands of tons of rare earth steel even record, the process smooth, which is rare earth steel in China's large-scale industrial applications landmark. In addition, Ansai Iron and Steel Group, Benxi Iron and Steel Group, Xining Special Steel, Xiwang Special Steel, Hubei Metallurgical and other more than 10 large steel companies have been using the technology in more than 30 varieties of steel in more than 70,000 tons of mass production test.
According to reports, the research team will further cooperate with key enterprises in the field of bearing steel, die steel, gear steel and other fields to build our unique rare earth steel brand, boosting the transformation and upgrading of the steel industry.